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V..r FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7":;- SALE PRice R~ ;.:::~ L~~ "i2 W. C. Mad1ng 10/ IRk,,( 1 ~".1l. . I) 0, (J~. J! If:-- I~.. )d<...LJD s' E! .../"....~ - - - - 7S- .15 ~ . FOREST (/ -.k, , . _.BOW 1f.33 .~chvu - I-- - - - %9 14S'ltj() eJdvV J h; ~ 1s:.,1 ~ , l.' - ~ .5_"<lt!1~/ 44th I-- I-- , ~'9';:<$(~' =" 1%5 4<(519'1 m~p(~r!&~(h - - - - Wi? - , - - - - - - - - - - " I-- - - - - - - ---- : -,- -----------------------------------------------------------------------~~----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .:;; 1",2 Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 6~} / !/,r?'2 I.~~ . Y'O 3d <oj /dO / .;? c7 f.15 /1.17 111/1 5'0 50 !"t.. ;2,<: '7,j be 60 '-1 311S" , :j;~.c;- 69' 1.:<5 .3f$ . uho 17tJ .t;. ~ ,;:(50 G!lo 97""' I '711- jo 2.".s- '100 ~~ 11''1 /,25 /;//s / J9 ,/0 11 /p1 % l3~3& ~-?0:o 1'l.5 ",.;" 1'~~..._ IJ,i 4'7 //, 41 q#5 ~ k/-:- - 1{" - ,oj '7:: '/ tJ:J 77 ..5 '7, .; -9 - .:;, -':' 1/ //."-" I.:;} () / -/ (,'.' t 11 5!,5' .'7~' LOT BLK. " ~,".~l ~ . l:if ~ Ila!:ll;.f~J - - SEC. TWN. RGE. -". ~....\ . CLASS. FOREST . .. ..2~"<C''''''' - ;',1"-:1:; - '> - < -.,-,-.---..-' .' ., -"-'" ~,.".,. -~~..,.. -- * Ex. Pt. Platted I I I I I I I I I . . ~ ~".. NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS .. ;-;0 Tlmb.r I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved ImprQud Impro".m.,," II. of E. (8uildil'lQIl VALUE .iQ ."""" F.:?~ESl /1 L./7 t. .3 CJ -, ",,; II '/7 ?3u ~ 'I / / 4. '/ II .tI 7 .- ,~b 5- - fL 1;"(1 / ,;) iL',;.-"" () .R'3 c.SS 65S ill II, t/ 1 /1. <1-, tfl("'~ G~ 6 S" .. ~ --- --,-- "-) .{ LPbS ,- ..-- ---.- - I - --- ----- ---- ---- -- - -, - I, '- --_. ---, .. - -- ---- 1----- ---. - --- . --- I ------ I