HomeMy WebLinkAbout220301400010 Y." FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ho5 SALE PRICE! Rd, .... ",,' puo 'PO 1-. '- - C;~ ,~Stl:.~a4U.J;:~ ~ ~ ! ~O' s --3- -1J, ..lL ~,;L I10M?/ SF ""77'(,,73 ., //VE/ 1'\ '7~) - - e--- Iff'/) X>5 1..r~ 7'~ ~n.E // _ u xl I I:<n 'J 5 I :? 4- L if. ,!,;t'~ , I- - - I- - I- - - - - - - - - I- - I- - - - - - - - ~ ' . , -.. ----- - ----------------------------------~~~----~-~-------- -------------~. --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS (, ,,fO Year OJIt.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlnlll) VALUE Is) / /6tJ /.~O ..2-<J ';:<'d .s-3 I, S- d /- J;' CJ ~d 20 1,1)7 /,S6 j...j(J 5h Si"J ~h ~ 60 i.o 1t:fJ 60 I/b9'lJ ~'l5"l I~IJ /-:?'o ,.;;0;(:; c.'t --t!1- //,11) 9'$j?tJ .,- 117" . /~ b% 1i:JiOt:b 197?O iJoYIlt> 7/'" Oi 7,(.' ;;<57jJ ,;;,? ~/?:; k~ / ~/, 16C) /~S~O C'I'Itk Ie '1900 1';;._/ 1HZ. ~~cY::~L? ! :tAlL-:.s---rflt 2~21 '1. /"-J II.';:; ,3/1Z/0 $';(/00 ,&v" ;n 1.- -;,-.'<_ 8l .:5~/.., 2,/() ;::;, ?'n 5.70 /7t!:?o l5-1/40"- 714!f?o M ; 'lbo" 5"'I'It!() 6"i",~o k.< - 4'l[ .,' 2/0 ;;l &0 , , Cir;lOO ----Gr <j d'>-<<) r - Qt( IL(XL , a~(j .I~ bll/..t, ''I'') ( I '<:.u , LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. ~~~,I3JIDl~' , - - 0 . - ,~:... .. . .. - _.~:. _-"'5' .. . ;:~. \ ~ ... 1-. rme'r>ly known '.'s Tr. 7 of SE~ NE commencing at an iron pipe set on sec. line between Secs 29 & 30 ,said twp and r~nge at Nlp corner of said SEi- of/' NE~; / IThn Wa diet of 507 ft. to IF of/tract hereby described; . , Thn due S 540ft j " , Thn due W 129 ft; /' . . I Thn due N 508 ft,'more or less to Sly R/W'line of Shelton-:-.Arcadia County Road;.' . .~. _ Thn If' 63 deg. .E 67:Z f1;; y /., , T~/due E 6~.~ ft, more or les~ to pt of egn.and I.P. The E: 1/2, as measu red a I g the N line thereof, of thet fa I low i ng descr i bed tract: --'-;.~._-,~ ~:~~ ......._-~ / The E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 30-20-2W.W.M., lying Sly of the Co, Rd, EXCEPTING therefrom: Beginning at the NW corner of SE NE 30-20-2W,W.M.; th 5, alg the W I ine of sd SE NE 5.10 ch +- to the cneter of the Shelton-Arcadia Co. Rd; th N 630 30' E alg c/l of sd co. rd 6.78 ch; th 5 17.96 ch to the 5 I ine of sd SE NE; th W, alg sd 5 line 6,07 ch +- to the SW corner of sd SE NE; th N alg the W I ine of sd SE NE 14.90 ch +- to PaB; EXCEPTING therefrom also: Beginning at the SE corner of the last described tr of land; th N 3 ch; th E to the Lake; th fol lowing sd lake in a SWly direction to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom also the E 500' thereof. --. ~-- ~ - -..- ~__ ~ __'.__~_,_ - - ~-~-__-__-~._ -.-----=0....-=-.--,_-__ _~."~~______ __ _ ~~