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y.., FIJ. No. NAME of OWNER S2 Roy Castle et ux ;:r/I/7.~, !5' #...1frL10 (!rJAM I J() l11'r&'f!/ fr~jB- './ Err: ~ CONTRACT TO (JC)() DIS~RICTS /30 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD ..l3Q9~l.!L L 51 P FI ..Ll3 0 '1 . s ..2.!:L..b. JL --1-- --1-- , , 1--- ----~_:_----------------------------:-~------------------- Year Oyst.r 6J 5:;' 15"'< 3l 5f1 b~ bc' l'7tl 1/'..2 I~ 1-1.1/ I)~ 19 SEe". Rel .' fJ LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. NUMBER OF ACRES Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved L/d //" ~ :fi;J. If /) 5',1, !J() 1'000 ib,,~ () . 1ko.v' . r ::;1) ./) n ?--~O.OC-/ ~ RGE. 71 ..-'- .~-~, TOTAL J..!..d L/ /L tJ 1'/J.. otJ 1;), tJo ,roo 0 0 Oyster -- lIS 7b fo .. t1 iJ 1.;;;17n 4C;r ,Y' ~I (i' , -/).:2,/,\) , 16>~ % t- . ~-_. .. 1"-: '" VALUATIONS Tlmb.r Impro'laments (Buildings) Unimproved lmprovld /(0 c;z.o cJ 2&'0 .300 &/JrJ /fto (,lNJ -61- I/::><:i=<>t> ~'/3Cl ",I//_'?' ,;}4/ 7 rf'o I/~-li' 144</0 2 tf'lY'() 279(1 ;)5['0 /(}/g {) "j "-"--\61_ SALE PRICE! FF- dP<P?".- ...~ .~ El.of E. VALUE .;2.0cJ 2cJn 300 t()() .5ifD 00-~ 13'73~ /.3M..t:, 1/.5 1f)::20 ;;14#0 L::2jl~d S't90 ;JSC6 /O/,i'tJ \ . '. \ ~~+ Formerly NW SW :~-~.,_. ,.' , , I I I I I I 1 T T I r . . t. ,,fd NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprCMlments B. of E. (Bulldings) VALUE ~ ,?, ~o a ~ cJ ~ ~, ,;).///5 ,;i.//IS- ,