HomeMy WebLinkAbout220283200020 Y.., FIO.NG. xt()g'~ NAMEGlOWNER l)(,..~ 1 ~ 1/.. Frank Wolf ~';7: d.P 6F ~' J' / r I' ,"'-!J .:< </'i' S /%.:u; 4///. J /:{,. --+- .J/( / /,2, '1.3 II a .a:, JI- "z,:L., tl/-<"- j::'~,t ,,,t; ,~~~, // -17. o"'-I17<t'P,.~, .rY ,'2: /~...~pk;k! &"'/' --'-7 --<'..d-r?, (l CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;.>C Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRiCe r:;;: 3-1..3Q S~JJ,. L S P .\- gl .L M sl2. .If-.b.. EL ,... ______ /, J' J? /. SV , 7C-=-/~<< It,-!, 0"0"'" 0" 64635 - ----1-- ----I- ----I- --~ ----~-----------------------------------------~---------------- ~-=::: NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , Year 0)'111r Tlmblr UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unlmprovld Improv,d Improv'm,nll B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE , ,):V 5' -+- '1 ?7C! YO .2-00 /000 ,41 .6--;00 --r.()" 9&0 7:z.o 70 ~90 I ~ f{) 1.57 $,00 7000 f;vo 1:20 ~O .!730 15j3o ;;,0 ,;/. ()S~ s' 14 //,ff.r II) 7~o J?tJ f??30 9'.s---jLiJ h7J ~O ;J;? 0 ZJ t';7~ () /1 '1 j7() M 50 .3~&o --e-- 3.::<s-0 U ~5"'?;' t.o tI" () rft 4()~o ~ ;:t,d5 /.5:tJ(} 7,~i!J ,;;4",< 4/ftJ /JI'o tt ,t7tJO ~;;';;1.0 ~~ 5JJ-% 6'ftJ /o9CJ1I~""4o ~/t' ?~ LP'~ t, [) d.05 ~:l~ 1-9.-9' /t?&; 'l~ ~q5" ;;).a5' ~~6 -:::uIP~ 14 0-% q./O 6IIt/~ ,b4n~ 7&> t" ,c; 8:),22- {' '.- 40. '/2. (,,3t.)fOD o 3 Y'Sv ,:.-,~;:) 'Ii ,:jrG ;29.71 2,-;'S- -Io,z/ /''2/75 62/7S 2,o~ ~J ;;{o5' ;)7.7/ g.'I5' '1a.~ I i 13;.. 77'3~ I 5')'11~S" ( ~ , , ~ , ,., . , '( , I LOT BLK. ) SEC. TWN. RGE. ~2i~ I3~OiO O::lJ:)j , i I -fo '<',., " , -- . > , .. J~. . . .of.pO~" ~,- """ of7Govt Lot 3 ~"",,- Bgn a t-+s-ee-e<nner. which i~-NW' e~-e-f Let 2, run s' -sea f 11 J ? iRehee'. '-MId ^'E--of -NW-ee-rn-e-T~-fla.-e-t---e~M-c.-=!~ as fol.1Gwe:-. .Fl'G..ea1d~t-'-flffi:--E-,.gG!7--ft;--S-1i'i0hee 1;8 M.L. 1R !Fe4;4;-eR- Il'Tl*. -'~ella.bli~ lit eo-:rn-e-r ; Thir aleflg'.Jol'. L,'lifte-'~~47-~.~O' W 462 ThB 8-44 4eg .~Q 'W-.SQ5.-ft-. &- 'Hl~e-te Thn-N-2J.....Q.ee,-~O' E Ii?? ft. 8 inohoe te ft; 19t en Ooe. pt of-bgn. Hne-; Beginning at the quarter section corner, wich is the Nothwest corner of said Lot 3, run South 6()()', 7" and establish the Northwest corner to a tract of land as follows: from said point run East 907', $" to the Meander line of Totten Inlet, there establish Northeast corner, thence along Meander line South 47 30 W 462'; thence South 44 30 W 805' 5" to a point on the Section line; thence North 877' 8" to the point of beginning ELSO: Beginning at ~ corner between sections 28 & 29; thence S (var. 21030' E) 600' and 7 inches; thence E 907' and 6 inches, more or less, to Eline Govt Lot 3; thence following along E line of Govt Lot 3 in NEly direction to NE corner of Govt Lot 3; thence W along N line of Govt Lot 3 to I.P. except tract 1 _~~.t- ~lVL(d /0//1.:5 .. '..;.:._~ '- --~, --'~~~ I I I I I I i I I I 1 _L- . NUMBER OF ACRES -1. VALUATIONS . 1.../0 Y'~r I Oy$flr TImblf I 'Unimproved I ImproVld TOTAL Oydtr Timber Unimproved lmprovld ImproYlmenh B, 0' E. - t6ui\dln'il'} VAlUE; i!-. d.o ?._ -, c21. 7 I S',rfS- 7'", .,).,/ ~/j 6 ; , ;:7.1. f JI'/'l/S5 .2'f'iIS".s- fJ1 JI'-I9/~.s - JI'I9/5"S' I L ---- - --,- :----- -. -- .- ----- --,- - . I -- --- ---,-,..- ----- --.--- _. I 1._,- . . ,-, --- -- --,-, ------ --~ ----- ~- -[-- :__'.==1 " ----- --- r--, . . ..- ., c'" I ' C ~ . '