HomeMy WebLinkAbout220251402020 DISTRICTS 1 >(( Year File No, NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Sch. Po" PU FPD SALE PR ICE \JO.LSle /7 ~ 8/79 366233 Karl Kaslon Zoller et ux 1 02 3 5 L H #9424 4/8 389466 Rex B~~n~~d e+ ux ( rol" ,;~ 1173000 8/82 406579 Rex Bornard e+ 01 1179566 OeD 0/8u ~ Nachbe Ir e \J v ( vaT >en ~~9625 434036 Frederick J. 1164 WD . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS &'!JC Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved ImprCNemmts B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE yt/- <'7.02 9.(,2 23015 28C7/5 ~ ,:), '1aOJ ~ 'I {)S"O LOT BLK. ;j~~~s:;. ~O..;40@~C SEC. TWN. RGE. ~ '-. 00 ._~--,--_. .- -.-.----- .?~?~- ~. . .' 2. . Tract .2 of SE NE - . - - . ~..... -'- That ptn of the S 1/2 of the SE NE and that ptn of the NE SE 25,20-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the E 1/4 corner of sd Section 25; th N 0012'16"W alg its Eline 664.558'; th S 89032'55"W alg the N line of sd S 1/2 of the SE NE 743.94' to TPOB; th N 89032'55"E alg sd N line 408.695'; th S 0009'45"E 665.12'; th S 0027'48"E 264.02' to the c/l of Burgundy Rd, formerly known as Maples Rd, th SWly alg sd c/l tap which bears S 0009'45"E 1064.39' from TPOB; th N 00 09'45"W 1064.39' to TPOB. . . ...5.. Vec 2 ---;;J /> Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ., .., DISTRICTS I' IK :. ;;~pO't~;: _I SALE PRICE! ~2 11,879 Howard Clement Miller ~~ 148539 J. P. Smith et ux ,,,."" I.~"'l~f( tJ//.-<f/h"A./d_OA/ /;}~/1.) t, 'lJ i?%.-'>/f9 J., I A ,d) /l ~ 7/7;}. .p.'8I'l25 ~ n _ ~7 'i/-7t; 3MtiJ;z -- WffA 'Ol- ~.;t&"7.<:. , -.3'6$$0 -Jl4-'1.{ 8.:5 ~t<d7 ~/ljl/~' -., :,/) ~4 U. ~1 i; '7/1 '7') ~: '1" ,1t. :;?~b ~ Sf: G- ;:,0, , ,0,) ----------------~---'----'-'--'---'----"----------------'-------~!~"--- NUMBER OF ACRES 1= VALUATlONS.;J. 96 TI b U 1.. d lmprovemenll B. of E. m " ";~v~ Imp"v. TO: D"te, Ylmb.. ;0';':;"" '~P"'"" 1.,IIdlo,.) VALUE .;1..6 cJ d-.ocJ ~Ot? t:.:7,~ 3,,; c) 300 ::<.:s-r ;;<75' 3.sLO /_-<'40 .zL;'t:J,p 3,;74/) 5?S2' ~~52J /?oOO 9000 07,:;-C' Lj-O.o 0 <l-aoo y/J, .7(; .', "...~ t-~ .;..-".:;;;...::...> ---'.. . .' Year Oyster h.... ..L.L en. .4: ,6t:, ,~ :::. .c;-YG) ;;<'15 3~o 39''' / .o:<'tJ(~ /5tJ 0 ~ ~O'" j.<!(J~ ~r"J ~50 ,9000 I$oao 9c)Oo t? '7.50 -f!~ ?tJ #t1. tJl1' .;:;% :?-C?tJo IS,,>. /<1,..% 2 0. /.Y> 15.~," LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. .~ ,~. . > l__ .....J..*..~ \ 'TJ.JJ ; -,-,-,...__....-, ',""'; -,... ~ . ROE. .,.-. ,;~,~~..... ---_..._~- .~~~:.::. 10'-".','. Except tracts. I \ I I I I I I I . NUMBER OF ACRES \ VALUATIONS '. ~. Y.,u Orster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst., Timber Unimproved lmpro..,.d Improvements B. of E.' (8uildihg5l VAlUE IJ.JL S~6- /b,tJO / t).CO ~SI2.LJ ;,tS.LJO >' ", ., . , ... ...-.,...... --- -- ..- Rt'd ':. ~ ~, ' .PJf0 ~ ~d ~. V +--- . 1-. , ---, - ,. , L , , , '- , . ",". "