HomeMy WebLinkAbout220213300000 < , ' Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.5~ SALE PRICE' Rd, Sch, Port PUO FPO - - <;2 Q20Q7 H. L. Alexander . ...2. IE s l .Jh L -51 p-+ 66 Ill? J'h " c;~ '7,;:l?I..t ~/J _ (] .J'D 0/-0.... %i .L ~O7 .5 3 .!i. l- II d/ -~ 33:<511 i) ij;,'^,,- (-10 1.a'4& """- Iu 'i% 8.$3(,1',5- I '0,;0 .L7, _,(/ /7_ - - - - - of",,/:;7$'17 WOt" 3A"" /f.8'76n"!! rJ(POO - Q(jj) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - .~,:, '~-', .' ,-~-----------~~----------------~--~~~--~~~~-----------_:~~~7~4It---- ~, NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS C,,?O Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved 1.,:0:, Oyster TImber Unimproved Improyed Improyements B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE J'2 I- ~3 L// J 17'cnJ /0--<:> ..2 00 ~C'O .(. b 3. <I / 6,C() ~f-'-f/ 1 foo /00 ~(,O ::< :< (, 0 _J ,;;.1,1. ;J .S'dO ,1/. ,);)- / l' 50 /00 c2 &:'0 ';;',;2/0 I L.n )/, 7' .J 7 /7tHJ -/sb' d.i7S" J 7 c) .:iBcM -e-- d470 {;(P -'II? J-'?tO .:2!, ()O ::3q~ ILL. ~ tro ;;l/~ :J/i'7.b 3/4.::> :2! -~" 1'7/1 /."'; ? -7 _"'5:''7/1 ..:; " -2'5 I" ~?; /a,tJ b$9'tJ .:J7~t1b 33J"7o "~ /0.0 ~ 3?'.tJ ..7;74~ ::;Ei")'() "?~ ~() ~39o ~40o 33J'!!'Jo 11 /, ~, 'Z ;;l-P;;O ~I!:'o ~7~ ;to If, 1,-; iI,6J) ;tJ,-r:? 50'/30 507'30 "'if 17,7S ~ICJ0 ~/-/S' .:i37~Bo ~37S"3o N - ';(375"5( ,;)375"Gi'. I LOT BlK. I ~'1-b ~. II ' : SEC. TWN, RGE. ~Q~I...$., '?OL)16E2E3,j 1 , I -. - ------ ~ ",-- ',",,-" ';~J"':::; , .., - , - ..-' "., ~' , , -, Lot );f Tr. 1 Land in Lot 5, See 21-20-2, dese as fellows: COlcr.::encing at the rue between :Jecs 21 & 28-20-2, thn W 22.50 ehs, thn If to ml, thn Sly along ml to pt ef bgn. h/o~ ~ 1-/lNW IVW ZS _zo <2 ~-,-',."...-_,":'S"> ,,---- ..-, "- 'L;. . 0, n '17-::0, ~ >G.uA~ '-' a-.,,,, ~c,. '* Ex. Tr. 1-.;z 9" !?-U i~ p~- Tax 639-A-I & Plat of Arkada Park j)E:.P .;!..L'/f//-i'6 J-=-/:'.!',I--," /0/5 ;r{J //~t..F d >"",,uc ./)/:;:0>, Ht:.:.';n~/"') 5-21 73 '\Id5..:.}'"'" .."W.o;' ~ //.t:l";-/'" ""Il Yeor File No.. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /~-S- SALE PRICE Rd, ISch. 'Port IPUD I FPD ' I I ':.:'J2t'!J6-/ 3 109 31 41 L "#.:S15~.5! 69 219574 John F. McGimpsey et we H.L.Wrill:ht S H ll, ,~ _ "- 69 240019 E.S.Crai2 1/ ! -7.'1 .5 ~ 1-/ f t/ $27,500 ~~ ').'11 rI:;S 17 v" f,'fl., , , ., .6f~t7J.t " 1-/51# 315 ~:f/J ~ ~e/J, / -' ".,4.U' .$Q. ""~~t. 'i?""o V - . ' NUMBER OF ACRES ---- "'. U VALUATIONS Voar Oyster Timber Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL 1 Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Impl'"ovements I B, of E. (Buildings) VALUE IL9 ..:<, 0-0 9.S''' ~M .:;1~ 1>4< ,u:(j I-1A ,~<-7 - =? 57 ~ r% -# //~,/l1J //0.#,0' '1:1 1/ tUo / I' t7fJG 114 1M <2: :;lJ.;1looo .;;2~OCt7 7Co /9.,):':0 /9 dSO %h C - ~ :----- - , 7/5 4 --) 'J //J_ ~) .fA"': /- Yh". ' 5~ :z -2.c 2.- I - -, - LOT BLK. - SEC. TWN, RGE. , . '~".c~'-~ ~- The West Half of the following descr. property, to wit: The W 10 acres of G.L.5, 21-20-2 being mere particularly descr as fol lows: Beginning at the meander corner to Section 20 & 21, said Township & range; running thence S, along the W I ine of sd G.L.5, 417.78' ,+/- to the corner to Sections20,21, 28, & 29; thence E along the Section line 694.32'; thence N to meander I ine of Hammersley's Inlet; thence along said meander I ine in 9 SWly direction to the POB. TOGETHER with al I that portion of a tract of tidelands, of the second slass, suitable for the cultivation of Oysters formerly owned by the St of Wash & conveyed by the St of,Wash to Ambrose Burnett by Deed dated June 2, 1902 & recorded in Vol. 28 of Deeds, page 615, which lies E of the W line of G.L.5, extended N of 21-20-2 Situate in Mason Co. Wash. ~ ===- .~,~-~ /1 ~J / l!a""/1 I . -/,J /--t/'. ';/ .. ' Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /Sf..,- SALE PRICE Rd. Sc'. Port PUD FPD -;1;- <;? 11485f ;~~J:I:;~;~ ~x 3- 1-305 -.S. ..3- -4. .L.. /i'tr It//) >>0 SP+ f'J :1:5f, ~ ~'- 1/ "J-i 11 >v, d"' ~_C_.p)//, I. ~ efl ..L M ;L 3.. if- L 'fOdt? - ;t llc1i 0;;, /} 7':~ <V / ..il.. ".1'. ,. / -;;1, 1- C:Jd (j - - - - .,;.)1" /",;" " -'>'T &;;, ,7Y / f1A ',r /1' {j' v. j' -' , - 9dOO, t:.~1 @ aA~ 44~ j--/ /(/ t /-6,/6'..2../ 1t:.7,;-t) , " - - - - - - , A ,-- ,C / ,f.s4'.f<j A -r, '~ ) ~ ;), /I __ '1,,= 'y J. ,)' ; {/ , - - f-- :;?'1,o...., ...., A. I. -u - D- ' f 7 $- '/1:J _<:! .JI - - - - - - ~ :;''',?.P.7;S t.~ - --- . < , - - - - -~ r/f9-:*k- /Y/J. L h1cy y;_ _,. ,v :7f' ./ t7 ..i. ~ - - - - - [2:;'):051 77 'V 7T j/ Ist':/ /;/ 'A #",,~1g'.s/ !.;( /<;r., 707- /.<1 ~'/<1, A ~.~ - - - - $,22>..;'0;1/ lJf00JO . J ;,;?7St>rl fO.dfMJ? C, r2eft. - 9,''',;0> """7.J'0 4/50 [;>70'-..,2" ~d/!J .el (/12.- . "'~ J> ..~ , '" '~ --------,---------- --~---.;...:.~.~._-....;'! ,---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . ~ Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved ImproYed Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE j'). 7.00 2,00 /Cl.o b f'-y'o &0 iTCl <=7 1/.:,0 -<< &-0' 6,~' /0 I /h 4i{J I ;:3?-- (); /.Jt6o' ~~ ~ /GS-o 1'7~ [1<~/. _~o ~,od< =<' ,,<3 ,6';(M ~ P..2<::"' R.50 lilt 5t.'l ..5./" r ~ <8- 1/or.<7';'O /;i?9o 1"J'2 - 1/,.-?9z:> 14 fl 110-% dl9s:fO l;l1~ 17/_ /791,1'0 /79yo ~ C ~---;':.7' -'-'. ~-, --'- . ~------- IN/I" f?;;:, d. #_//7. .. '"lJu/ JJ. (J (j. , 1-", /A/.-' -" " Z/ - 2c-- / LOT BLK. " , , f . f' It SEC. TWN, RGE. L . 1. , ....;..-~ . , . I I I j -'.J ---,- -- - '" , - - . --'-- , ' , ~ --.... . " ...."""~~ '..,--- - ' - .~-~ The W 10 acres of Lot 5, Sec 21-20-2 as follows: Bgn at ~.C. Secs 20 and 21, said twp and range and running Thn S 6.33 chains to corner to Secs 20, 21, 28 and 29 Thn E on Sec line 10;52 chains Thn N to meander line of Hammersley Inlet Thn along meander line of SWly direction to pt of bgn, containing 10 acres, more or less. The E 1/2 of fol lowing descr. property; The West 10 Acres of G.L.5 21-20-2, geing more partlcuiarly descr as fol lows; Beginning at meander corner to Section 20 & 21, said Township & Range; running thence S, along the W I ine of said G.L.5, 417.78', +/- to corner of Sections 20,21, 28, & 29; thence,E along the Section line 694.32'; thence N to the meander I ine of Hemmersley's Inlet; thence along said meander line in a SWiy direction to the POB. TOGETHER with al I that portion of a tract of tidelands, of the second class, suitable for the cultivation of Oysters formerly owned by the St of Wash & conveyed by the St of Wash to Ambrose Burnett by Deed dated June 2,1902 & recorded in Vol .28 of Deeds, pg 615 which lies E of the W i ine of G.L.5 extended N, of 21-20-2, Situate in Mason Co. Wash. ,',~ --~-~, ~'" ~~~ 1--. ,.hr ::{/_ J/ ;;:;, , , ( :2 , I L." '-<'c.,f? , '),/ (? ~' .r.:tL. .~:)' L, ~. >4~, /,' ,