HomeMy WebLinkAbout220143360020 Y.., File No. NAME of OWNE2; t:J9J I~Jj CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS //4,- '7 ~ SA~E PRICE! Rd. &h. Port PUO FPO '/lAC}. ,'A .;:(.:;1. t,/C ,,;: . ,. . - C;23082~ R. F. Haskell ~ ~ :1;IY .3- .2. .L.. Ji ~]J-~(p ~_q ~ _u ;tu/.I/7J~rR / ~_~ /1..-1 /L I. /. tJ;; ,J.q V. ?l ;I . I~ - - - - .:#--I-:2s-</c .. / 17 . JlfM</ H .l../:?-:;T-v/ 1~5 :3M.6'(,0' 4~)J~krtjl!J:!~:I- /~ - - - - - - - - 1 _n. - - - - , - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - I ,~. , -"---\",i ---------------------------------------------------- ...;."---~--' . ~. '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , Imo,mm"br B. of E. Year Oy~ter , Timber Unlmllroved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE ,,2",2, of ,~L 10 / C) ,- .- J;'l ~5X.. ~ ~() .,;2 .s CJ ,~.o , ,- I t. / ..n' __..La 00 !,LaS"' tj.b S' - ,~1 ~~O ~o.s- /.065' f- - lk2: &a '#,55' (",10 ~o~ /a/r t.t. b ~ 7hO 5/0 L;;;-70 ~ ,- /.37s-' 5/t) 1,1.f~ . l;1~ k:11Sl'J /0/0 .:5'l" 6'0 t+'l J ~? $'1) ~M ~/5o 1'1'~ I. #6-76 /fr:;o ]<0?5 I'~ 9450 //tM 7/550 '14 .. IOel % , , /67'00 :;1.<200 11/00 [72 , i ,.sk' ,~ ~ _. $&' . /1"'"'" '- --"- - -'-- -' , .. .,~ i LOT BLK. j SEc. TWN. RGE...'\~nilJ;.7;~ v....1t\16r",^, , .. .. . ~ . .. .~'; - -' ."~' .:, '." ~. '. '-"--',, >,:.,.,~' ,,,,-,,:.,,.- .--,-,~- '-""~'''' ~ ''':':~ .". . . . , , ... " "~""",', , . . merly'knowrt - --''I Lot 2 ~~ra~ of land in Govt Lot 2, Sec 14-20-2 as follows: Bgn at a pt on N line of said Govt Lot 2, 350 ft. E of NW corner thereof, said pt being NE corner of t~e tract of land heretofore conveyed to grantee herein and now owned by him; Thn SWly along Ely line of tract of land so conveyed to grantee herein, 30 ft; Thn E parallel with N line of said Govt Lot 2, 156 ft., more or less to center line of existing Co. Rd. which terminates at N line of said Govt Lot 2, exvended and produced SEly Thn NWly along said extended and produced center line of said Co. Rd. to an intersection of said N line of said Govt Lot 2; " ,I Thn W along N line of said Govt Lot 2 to pt of bgn. Bgn a~ a stake set in t~e water 12', more or less, W of the }~ where the same lnt;rsec~s the S Ilne of Lot 1 and the N line of Lot 2, Sec 14-20-2 ~aid staKe belng set at the S~l cor of said Lot 1; thn SEly 110' to a pt ~n uhe ml and !he place of bgn of this desc; thn SEly along the ML lC4' to a pt; t?~ N~~y to a pt~on the S line of said Lot 1 and the N line of said Lot 2.wn1ch 18 350'. ~ of said stake and the SW cor of said Lot 1 thn .W along the S line of Lot 1 130' to apt; thn SWly to the ML and t r bgn, containing .50.. po. ~ luJl~.~ 1~1 {IIDI , PA..'l.CEL 1 The:!: part .of Lot ).. .of Sec.t:ion 14.T 'i'mmship2Q North, Range.2 He'?t,. i';.~.!., in Hason County, Washington, described as follo\~s: ~;. BEGINNING at a point on the North line of Lot 2, said section, to\-lnship and -range North 890 50' 27" East 314.61 feet from the Northwest corner 'chereof; running thence North 470 33' 48" East 70.20 feet; thence North 890 50' 27" East, parallel \~ith the North line of said Lot 2, 144.93 feet to the rlesterly line of county road knmvn as Hulin . Road; thence South 290 48' East along the l'!esterly line of said road 27.61 feet; thence South '890 50' 27" ,'lest, parallel with said North line of Lot 2, 143.52 feet; thence South 530 32' 33" West 39.23 feet to said North line of Lot 2 and the Northeast corner of tract conveyed to R. F. Haskell by Deed dated February 11, 1920 and recorded in volume 36 of Deeds, page 506; thence South 890 50' 27" Nest along said North line of Lot 2 to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING THEREFROM public roads, .if any. ,",