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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /71 Rd. Soh. Port PUOIFPO SALE PRiCe .5e: 27- d6. tfL 2t2 ~ a 1!t 'P'<'- "~~ -0;00 7C" 1.1- Ft>./}-)<,,- ')C'!")'" 77 ------ <;2 Q20/,l. Henrv Ravmomi (j.L. ;-J,..:",n-.f 1 .li:lli~l, _.1... SFP -CCI,-"O/h ^.' .-? ". '/ ,-- ~177?;.,('1 1)/# 'I'..k:: tI!;./ -!/v.!""'- .il...;/Y/c?";; 77# ,~- f p' ;:./ 11d.2 s ::< S- LcL ..ill/jy" m / Lo """ J./. " ~ J'1It.{,,~ ~u'.J ~dL/ f-' ~/'1'/t:0fn AJ...{l/ etllfa/A~-:A"""/ tJ: '::?.:J9tJ~ - Vtv jJ ../l !1U17t,;f3S I/Y ~ ./ L, JL'-'-15 J Iv /I. /} f!...' ./ _n!;ir)'. :<,"" CLASS. 'FlJl'tF$f "-<7 -;T. (~, ----- ~r;O..,~ ........lWW8i.a.}- ______ ~ C.i';g~( U-,_A_ 'hj ff~_ A~~ t~.I-:'1-:: A h ____ !fzL 3J{-~ ;/< ;,"- --<:' ..<,..-- .21'~" IL'-Jrr!./.i.-L...1 /- :,',1:. /-(;J" ,,"", ~~~, ___ Jttl ~.<:;.~ '~')-'Y9 '1tlI I "2&~ 9.'? fJ r, "':-~.b I- 't//j)/Y1) , I ~--~::_-~--------~------------~--------------------------------~-------;-~=-~---~,---- NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS b.,fiJ Timber UnlmprOVld Improv~ TOTAL Oyster Timber I UnImproved Improved IlmDrovement. B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .3, ?7 3, '7 '7 _:? () ;Z 0 , ,J. 77 ' ,?, 7,7 70 .~ /" ",,/:1 /.:<5' ~.s-C) ?tf5' _, I- ;r"r,t_<i /690 " !!f5 Ie ~ , ~7.5 [-:;,..~~/3/S~_ " .., /</3/.5 I-"A"}p. 1---- P- /7oz 7 ;;z::. /,F;;Z.?.? ~/,.z.'d ----1---- ---- (1 JJ::-- "'ad' 3)C7z. 3 ~$.,<fo?"'t> Y..r Oyd.r 28- n ,;1,,11 ,;z ,OJ 1,00 ...dJ-Z. 3.77 " 77 ~_ A 66 &~ /.;J.b ~S2) '7/~ ;f ,!J.5:" /C,99 /45 J{),., jf.,t.:7 l/-/JPtJ 7RRo .;z (,30 "3'7/0 >}; <if , /0 Iph- W ',Kr 70 40 ."Z?7 Ef.?'7 LOT WI. BlK. TWN. RGE. I l ~~l(l'J~ 1l~6lJ Qj _ c7t3o ...3 '7 '/ {) , ..' .< 2 : '" 'ft 'Q2 ,1 ,~/" -"':<'c::-:._;"~''- -, -. . ., . ."'"'~ Formerly: Tract 1 of SW S 100' of SW~ ~ 1('_LU>-~ ?;//3S _._ d _____ _ _ __ ____,___ _____,________, ~ , I C2. P. 116",,-(, / -#,/?J77$/----7>-1 ;' I, ~ -- _/ - ') .d I -1 ,.i--' , , ,// /", c', /i -- - -- - --- , - '.- -- -.--""-, /j ~ /