HomeMy WebLinkAbout220041100070 ^ /1~"_,, - Ye., 7,7. -;J'7DOT7 )t CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS P''';;' SALE PRICE FII. No. % NAME.IDWNER 1'1JJ/'~ Rd. Soh. ~l~ FPD I} ) ,,:j/,/, 153 tJ.lt, /"" ,:J - - ;<16/5t- ~ 1j;j}6}1?42 .^~~X Eo) H:Jl{)~ Et,U::i ..l.- -~ .L... $3,3Cill...... /1Q;.;ltf.1-. 7; ,(VI C, ,/v 1.A-1-"-' q -/- d)~ ..3 .:L k.. d g''''' <>"'- .ttt Idr <.."\ t:::J- 201</,.,::,.... Eo:' !b3 '-I1907-'!I 'C'W!tLtL_f, ~_ .P-l-:..q.g~ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --"'~ I .~_...- .' -----~~-- --- .,.- ----- ~ --~- -'-- ---- -- -_.. - ..----- -----~ --:. ----- --- --- ---. --- ~ _.:.'~-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oytt.r Timber Unlm:Jrovld Improved TOTAL OYltGr Tlmb.r Unimproved I,mp'."d Improvemenh B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE 57 3.22 3.22 .2S0:' . 2g0 d ).f;-/-X(' 3.;V, 3. :? :J. ';;0 .7Pc} 30(') &.. ;1.0 .:2. f' c') 7/5d /~5'O b() :J. d)..;l ;J.d. ;;) ~ tt: :r I/~O /P.r -= .kL 3. 22.. -'3 ;<;;< (..t,f:,- ;:;/053- ;;(7.;uJ M 4.b~ .:? 3/0 ;)q,/~ h~ ~, >'% J'.3o ~t'9 CJ 31;U:J .I:i , /--7.50 ..1 R5? tJ 4&;1'/9 2Q. . ~% iI::'rJ 0 g/,o 9$10 ~ ?,:J~O ~?O /;&/?'Ja . 2!i ,~. ./"" ;7.::t~O /<l: , .z2. I IJ.A r/-Y' 1/-?cJO 7.2~0 /JI~~o a ~.J."?d ;AS&/<1O 1</'1J"'O J??no ~ ~./ J 1'7') J ')//7 J I!..:J - 1& / t;(,A1 _'1 7 ? :?;J(? .3h~'; 0 ,;?S'Pi, 0 ,/" I{? {a " - LOT BLK. ~.::-''- ~. ! SEC. TWN. ROE. I." ~JUf 1./ .:g~O(j 1QJ, . .~ ."';",; ~'~. . 00' >c', , .'~.' ~""-:,,, . r' , ',' - " erlyknown as Tr. 4 A of ,H79 D P_ "~' All that port iOR I Y i'ng E'I y of 'the County Rd known as 'the Picker i n9 County Rd, as S~hRde nSow."erxOiO$'/''''fatn.d oifS. now i'J\ tIoSe. the N. 1-w'7 ft. of. A Tr. of land partly in the SE NEj NE NE , Sec. 4 and Gov. lot 1, ~ec. a allin Twn. 20- 2.Beg at a point 70 rods N. of the Sw corner of the Seof the ne of said Sec. 4; Thn. N. 19 rods; thn. east to the meander line; "hn. S. along meander line to a point thereon opposite the point of Beg.+hn. W. to the point of Beg., Cont. 10 acres. Nl~l T-~ - .--:y... .--..'.- --11.-4-,~ 176 . ~,) A_., _, ~;~, et a1: 419028 Kenneth E. & Ilene Olson et ux Rodney C. & Susan Hanlon et ux 3u-/ fA) G-. 5;.,- ~., II (. '!-10-;; I I Yoa. 1-0;;;:, .~ ~UMBER OF ACRES limber I UnImproved Improved U~'Zt; f-- .& -y ~ ':' , c -f---,-f--'- .. TOTAL I.-I I _ Oyder 'I'} +--'- -- -------- 1- -f- .--,-,-----,-,-'-- -'-,-1----- ---- -----,- --- ~ ~- Timber I Iliil VALUATIONS -, . rmproved llmp,?v~mtnh (SulldlnQ$) II. of e. VAlUe Unimpro....d 1~32)')~~J:O &)~'10 J.7ooo,.7J'6&oll.iJC!&O ft':, .:, I -i,"-vr;r\ l/ '1/ (, L I I 1 I I i .. j .. 1-- r--. I i I