HomeMy WebLinkAbout220037500030 .. ~--FlI' No. -r-.----"--- NAME of OWNER 135121 ~? 3.~I-l!mtm9nd T, McCulloch et ux ~f----f- 0/7 320255 b!71 3j'o4z)JILD~M. 'lI. 7fJ"L,.' ~ I ~ I 5.# Ii i.' '" /8:;" .iP.33 U' ./10-4 &-./'-AP .J.U{.{ /;J-aNJ. o/g t-'f.'t;i'f'l'l1yD 5' /J'rA %-,;;:- ~/J' ~ .. 1-)JJ. m./L ' : A ~ONTRACT TO /R.,;/, I L Hi DISTRICTS Rd. ~ 1!:2!!.. PUD I fPO 1 I 1 1302 3 5 Donald H. Knud. en let L1X SALE PRICE #'i~~~~,j $16500 lavton D. Wri ht let in, 'J . I( W) 'fo~ 1,'1 " /)17,1r? fJ'.! /) 'fIA. ti/' V1;,^, ~. SL/i " . NUMBER OF ACRES -e ,"'".... Yo., I o,..u VALUATIONS Improyement. {Bulldln9t} B. of E. VALUE Unimproved Improved Timber Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber /tJgoo ;Z...; 700 .S .:1'< S-CJ /~,! Cit) ---- ,,)<r 10a. 5:<j,!)O 76 17x ~ 5.00 5.00 C ..;:;J.(:'r'j .-) <! ---_. I r lIlJhl a ~ 71 <)]Dld,It) ~ t 25 &r~.12?,7 ILK. . TWN. LOT See. R"S. :1 '~""'-_'.1i '(T;~~t C of ~~y Vol. 2/pg 2:""iW 310870) Parco 1: Conrnencing at the NE corner of sd Section 3; th S 890 59' 31" W a1g the N line of sd Section 3 2109.58'; th S 030 39' 53" E 242.61' to TPOB; th S 030 39' 53" E 75.04'; th S 890 16' 40" E 1493.03' + - to the W1y r/w of North Island Drive; th N1y a1g sd Wly r/w 152.01' + - to a point which is N 870 52' 57" E from TPOB; th S 870 52' 57" 1, 1523.45' + - to TPOB; P'l1'c. 2: Commencing at the NE corner of sd Section 3; th .5 890 59' 31" W a1g the N line of sd Section 3,2109.58'; th S 030 39' 53" E 242.61'; th N 790 04' 59" W 453.05' to TPOB; th S 790 04' 59" E 453.05'; th S 030 39' 53" E 75.04'; th N 810 37' 51" W' 426.64 th N 870 44' 54" W 120' + - to the meander line; th Nly a1g sd meander line 95' + _ tap which is N 890 57' 42" W frOl'l the TPOB; th S 890 57' 42" E 125' _+ - to TPOB; TOGETHER WITH tidelands 2/c1 ifo, adjacent to and abutting upon the above deseribed Parc. 2 and lying between the N & S boundary lines thereof extended W'ly. . ~~-~ - .,