HomeMy WebLinkAbout220031100010 NAME of OWNER DlsmlCTS /:? C; Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPO -1 u~dl/-c!J() 1 02 -3-5:-1.. SFP ( M,;.I1:1 i..~~l, i>/~ __ r( 1/,5.,:~( II . ~ ";;},f!. / 2!r~ d\<# II I'I.?~Q""" 5/ DmJJiV1'1s:-"t'l\J1 'll1 ot O. ~l,Y~7 // /~ -" nl~ '1.0...2_.2..5 L,L/- ,S/l- 17 11 _____ 54" Year File No. CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE 135121 52 1,4007 Ravmond L. ~cCu11och et !Iii. :'! ;J, 11:< . h;;. '37C 7 ~Mfi,t.L> 1I~/'IX3IE~~~,e5'ffie) ~::j':d2'if7 %1) :-;'75780 C~Ah.d5I!L;/HMGr?N 'IDCP ~ c.f5J-3511t~j,.,y,.!'h-r>v,.,.,,..,:,:tj ~j, / ---1--- ___' --, r ",.~ >' f' ---I- "..,,'.-: ~ __ __ .____~______ _ __~___ ._.,_:_~_ _____-:-~'___ ______..-- _ _ _______ .___';"__~':'.;","--;:S".'_ __~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ylar Oy.tar Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImDrovlmenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 52 20.00 20.00 200 200 -2..l 20.00 20.00 200 200 '400 c...li 20.00 20.00 200 560 760 ....51. 19.00 1.00 20.00 200 50 560 810 ~ 11. 71 L.C. 42.78 16.00 58.78 60 380 350 560 1350 .iP.L //,71 ~ .c. <1-:<. 7 J- I' ,0-0 st1! 00 311,; 35'0 Ia 75 /"f(. S- f,;).. II. 7/ ,t:b' 5l."c; 7. 'lit !r? 7' --=' 5"10 :3 R!S'.V (,.7S- 5"'(>~S- luk. 500 JLo 3fS~ ~1' 5' 5tJt. 5" iJ.. .::1.\2 ~~.5 .S;; -'I~/,() 1145 bSS<7 jpg /;; '71 ..I. f1 5.3. '7,f 5:tM 5.i'7? tt.:l5 ':<0/.5' "?l/~ R~.s- /t9Jl:)&' 1/2. -:.t77' /;2-<0 ~3D /.3JAfo /630 .;::J.qJ/ 'l-e. 1L c..,('f" /.A'..5b .1/0.:30 (..3f'<f'a ,t9..e;-,1} .2b-7/b .t2- b /1) I () 9'11 f) StJ6'M /~.::52; '1~J--'l tJ -?'3 II. -%f;/.e , 55:lJf b -"~ ~~ e.r ~.:1tJ /.:?3'7t!P ...;>;" /'1~ -5tJ1/b'P ,3. '7 5K-'lX 11'/ Ir.;o% ~~7cfO 70'16'0 3"00 . rr 6 ~CJ LOT BLK. hl?t'\I^I.~11i II tlOriLiQ:! ",,~~JSE lEe. TWN. RGE. I C _ .OPEN SPACe " ~. . .,:..<-~- ~ -=-5---;f~:-:::~_:.~:: -;:t'lj~ ,~ , e~ly was Tri. 1-; of ME! ex 3-4i1-e& P~t Tr~ 16 / A striP0:illnd in 3-20-2, 20 rods in width of the N side of NE NE and Lot 5../20 ac es.< _____-~~ '7:'., Also: Beg at a po~ t 20 rods S NE c mer of sec 3~-2; ru th S 35 rods; th W 1j>/the !Vi.L.lon Picker~ Passage, th N alolJ.g'l.j.L. to pint directly oppo~ate the I.V.; th E ~:r:..P. 35/acres Except Tract ;t of NE~. AISO~' Beg.9~ po:i-nt whicjy1s'55 rOds, it of NE/o-brner of seW-20-2 for I.P.; ru th S'~5 rods; th to the ~.L.f th N ~b a point oppo ite the I.P.; t E to the I/.P. e ept that port,'loonn;l l_:~ng S of the N7~' rods of-NE~ and except Tr. 2!of ... '/ ": ,/'/ Tax 1297 - of 2nd class aituate in front of the N 770' of Lot 5 with frontage of 11.71 L.C., more or less. -..... -- Correct legal per contract No. 333707: AI Ithat portion of the north 990 feet of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 3, Township 20 North, Range 2 West, W.M" lying eastelry of Harstine Island Road, EXCEPTING road rights of way. ~ .'-~' - - ~ ------ ....",. *~ mu 1 II, 1 {, .:::X 71::' S .' / . t J,u . t ..,i~' (, ( G . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS (c ~~ Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprC7v"ements B, of E. (Buildings) VALUE '1)1 ~ciu.. ,- ,J ','.jr () ,j' .../.'0 , - I ,- I . .' .,0 '';';' i..~(, 'YJ " " ,. , . .. J'(!: ,- , , I I I 1 ~ I . ~_ .' . ---- -- ..- --- ,. , .---.--. __'_____'~' ________,________u,__~ .~__ "__ - ----------~--~~ ---- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS 6. ,d'Q.. - Year Oy,t.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvtd \ Impronmenb a.of E, (BulJdlng.) VALUE 75 d/27 ,3,(.,9 6:;',9t, , ~h;;;o .3q':;(.1 Sri oSn rV ~ " Li.'7.~t/ 1ri,~" ~:./ ). ,,' -75"b1/' ':? .. - Zh.- 3b, (,/ .::'/ .. 4-" ")J (fl,L~/"- _9 ;-- , t:437o -' ".:- .. ~ ,t3,JI, ,3" ; . , Z-7. 0 1 3066<-:, ,3.')'-" 31/.5&,., %... I}, o/~ 3,[ '1 .? ). 'I /9'/('1 ft' -/J') 2'3;'760 '.l..!L -- 'If.. /1, C '7 l? I/J It) ,3 '1?O /~:::>/O ,"JS ,::... 13, ...,;;. /-~ Cl " /.;2 , f2 -- /;L., I n, t' 13330 /3330 [-.I 7)! {J.,7I, :76 5'70 rl 1'1 /33.'<') / ~ "'c ~ ---..;._-'~-:' gJ.. I l.Joo /;'00 /'3 ~ ';'K'IgD ,1%$";'0 !' K3 /;;>' I;', /.9-' /;;' -r /;;J, 75' /;;';'7~- f<I , fJu,.J" h. t: .;i.EV;?o ':<Rt/.Po N 12, 1:2.- I 12,1Z- ....:''''"' tf c " I.;l,?,:,- /;<?,S , " , . -