HomeMy WebLinkAbout222215190001 ,-:----../ You FII. .... NAIIE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;;i "I IALE PRICe Rd. Ioh. Po" PUO ,po <;2 10---1 Herbert W"ckoff et a1 2 uS A ~ 2 L C ~ 1.1 /'1~/r/ JI. II 'wI .~ :.r-. T-l ;J ~ , a.. ,1 01 19''''3 A. ~ ./ L C .. "/-;0:.< ? .1C Od<J r;() 'i'>7~ i? 7 } -k/Z ./t A~ -<tr;,,,,,: 11 ( ~3 11 3 ..:l L c... 1L N/,7/ .J b4':,'f/!, ;;r-<<~ f/~ d~1 , ;zYh/'ld6_0>, - - , - - - - '-' ~. .., . ..- ,....;[. . - ------------------------------------------------------------~ ----- " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Dr_ Timber UnlmprovM Imp,.-,.d TOTAL Dr,'" Timber Unhnpl'Ov.t I,.pr...... Im.ro....rn..ta B.ofE. (1IuIIdlnp) VALUE ....~? /t:) 'foo -;/50 860 ,A::< /cJ 7-<'0 7030 /1 -1-0 1....,'6 /d -;/r::V 7/0 //-20 :;,'Yi /~ &00 . 710 /3;;' => k I" /-200 7/1) /9;?.5' /A/' ~ /~c::t::' 7/0 /'1/0 I;, / / ff 00 1/;;2...0 .:< "1.:< CO (~f- ;;.!;",}7? ;;<;<50 I </ Lrz, 30~O &J ..;<'.I-.J.3..5' /-Ydd U.fG" -;0 - ~, ~/~,-u :2..81() , ".', ' , 1t..9Q '.c-' 7-2 -,t '17('_ S;:;51) -4-79,'-' II. '?tJ<l5 "' , , c-"\ ,,~ 9:;'75 p/J7p - 7;) ..-.J Q.~ V " //7 9 .,-- ~ -, , 71 /oc",.x"... '-" /,!?7',,) 967(J :'?,S''?70 77 ,;J77[) /0'1;:"0 3d'7.30 /11 7 3 ~S'() ?- -v/3c Y'5'3J'(j , - LOT BLK. Src. TWN. IlGL W. W. SEYMOUR :~~ k, &..,~i 2~''l'. " ,- .' 13" All tl of Ie m/l' tC4-~.t~ '::. , the 2nd c in front of lot 1 see 21-22-2 with frontage , j ; j. t NOW TRACT A O-f.--8HORT -FLAT #1581!-. - ~. ,. !--~, '''-c-- -' ,- __! ..Tr I ~n:i. E 1!2 j::..~ W.W. seymo~r TF.~ #.t tal. 4 ~! Plat.", !pg ~, TGW T!L 2Eld cl fat-merly .J low~ed byj State ~fWahsingtan ifo, adj t1 ~r~bu~t:the_reon as~hown an sdplat, AN~ ..__ ,The'W 7St-af GLrr & the IW 75' an SW NW 412~,"2 2-2W.W.M.; EJ(CEPTING tl)ereframithe E 50' ..jthereo.f ~lying.NJ!y_of__th1_.NIY; .r!w line at tate.liw;)/'_ 1/l06(Navy. Yard liwy); I AND EXCEPTING ;therefrom the E.F~.o' _.o~t;he. N ~:1._83 ~,__t1e "~So line iher:e<:f ~ein!;_paJi'a.l~el to the Sly lir;".J "of"sd-State hwy, af theifanawJ.1g deSCr"p~y:~af ptn ofitne W 7~' of GL;4 & of the ; SW_ NW' al.l in ..22.J22-_2W. W~_ which. l.ies.SIY ,'of_tne..Slcli_D-!W,.,o.f., State ,H~#.J.06--{Navy Yd Hwy); ! . I' ~ l ~ I ~ ALSO ALL T/.L2ncj.CL ifa;.as'l:ita ,ar abut1!-4pan.the:W-2.5'-of GL.4, 22-22-2wlw.M._, and ,_.._ EXCEPTING therefrom any 'such ptri thereof as may be included in an;oysterland tr deeded ,by Stat'; afWashington ~a J. A. Hoshar on ~":2 3-"l9'IQ under '4pP #~88 3; .. - .;.. ' All that ptnof a tr iif't2ild cl- t'/l su.lta.b~e'for-t~e-cl:i1tivatTon -of oysters-,-farmerly . awned by State of Washirigton. coritaining ~6q..!I,6.-ac_,4onveyed.,by Sta,t~ of j;asl)ington to J.A. Ho~har by cjeed dat~d 8-23-~910 recdrJed 1-7-~911 VOl, 9 of O.L., pg +30, which lies ifo the W"25' af'GL 4 2Z-2'2-2W.W.M., all in-Mason County, Washington. .--..-.. I ' , ' to- . ~''l f";:'; ~t)! -!~":~:=-~ l~~~-+ ~ ("ok-t1<" +-... .~"""".--.. . I I-- ,~ c_,ij~~:':~._~~ : , ..~ t'" , " ,;,"'''''''' "V,." ''il; ~..;;; ;_.."-i".:j. i ,,-,',Ij".n'l<'t . ~-'_"~ ,,*~~__...L--_ . _ ...."'. -'.'"= "i~'- Jf7' ~~ "'--:<l~.~_ -~'-I![V' ,. ...........-.~~__';r~_ "'_"'~__"='~_~_' _ . ....,._...,,___.'"'-~.a.:..,,~ ~.. iIv.w. Sr= J /VI c u. p. -rA. #( '~ T I _._L_ ! -'-',"--- -,-' l. L - -d-~v -./ ~ --,/,~~~ /! .._.~i4~}~.~J, '" / / , v{ 4/u'.J0 <I,---.m.~' 7') '. / ,7, -.c , J~.AJ_a/"'"" ,J ,(L /. " d>;;; d ',;~, cYh -~~pJ J/'_{Z:.~= __ I .~ i%':~ .f~ ,//> I ~ '-' , L I -~ L ., ~~...-i f-' ---l 1 ~- l,,_, 1-:',. f _ _' _",'_.I. .I // ' ($: .! ,. -, i- ,- -i- i .-. ...,-.--- . .1.- ~ -' ~ .All .\t'f'" },,,::,. t,. ~~,e,r~~;:. .~) '-;fl,~r'~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ~,t" . NUMBER OF ACRES 11 ~~I~ VALUATIONS . Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. 0' E. (BuildinQi) VALUE 1i e----- e--' 11750 Ie r?,/) ')'$7'30' 9_' ID'i\So 3~lS() 1~1~s() 85 2.5t/- ..zs,l PI--~6!;o ~2750 1762GrJ -~-- f----.- - ---- _. -- - - -- ---~ ---- '-- --.- -. - I -- -- -----,,- --- -.----- .--"--- -- - I - --- -----.. -_. -- -- ----- ------- --- ----- _.~- - --- - u_ ------ ~---- c-' ----- - ------ --- --- -- --- h_ ----- ,'-- ".' -, , .