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You FII. No. NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS ..:;; 1 to, Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD 1!.!.E. 2 }I~ Al.~k....c P A ~/..;?o/~ J.L "/h"~ ,:( 1W5 ";{..2.~ CL $f(",,,~ ~ ~.7!V' '//1lm7)7/Lj03~ ,,,, .). L 1I'r-/ / / /: CONTRACT TO SALE PRICe S2 87"i98 James L. Deaver. Jr. ,?'ff 1?3b /'h', " lil.u1/-o,)f;( L, V ------ f----- ----- ----- ----~~=-'~---------------------------------~-~-~---~--~-~-------~----~:_------~~~~-~'~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yo., Oy.ur Tlmb.r Unlmprovld Impro.,1d TOTAL OyIUf Tlm~r Unlmprnld hwpro.,1d Improv.menb (Building.) B.ofE. VALUE 5;;1. 63- ..7tl /-'/: f.:,/ t,& 1&1 '70 7-2 7;). 1'7'-/ , 77 1q 7" 81. ~~:7o soo $00 ifo g!G /LJ,tJ~ ,9 L? .t/ 0 iJ / 7C? 7'%0 /70 ~?c? ./7;) &70 .;200 %S',0 ~? 9~ /Ob 0 /..::<~ /./ 7~ /() /0 /0 -G- .300 Sac) /,-/ ,~ ""' ~ ~:; ,?,0'/~::: ;:?,-~Yo 2,/....';cy Dull, A{ I' t I/'ic/ ' ~,;}.:io //J/J 57.50 /Oll /15jo /.I:~,,,, /. 356 ':;1'.50 / jl7~ 0 co' J/~M ;;00 117(){) tjf;;;,::;{) ~oo ,-/%,,/0;0 /Ic;t;() ;;207) /rl(J() b3$' O~ .2.0Q G3166 ~..<l~j;oJ!S~l .W.v}lf.. . LOT BLK. _ SEC. TWN. RGE. w. W. SEYMOUR TRACTS #2 ",J,.l,..~'l'..L~