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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,;:) '-II Rd. 8ch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE 60 Geor~e F. Ziegenfuss t. / I,x;;-r//~ III T751?;1/-W F 1/ .uP~i,'A ./ 'd bn.4' /I: '?";/~oi!/7h *,,__n...1', .A7 /~.//-/._..I!/ 67 ,nAil j b..., ~ /t:!, -/ Iht/IHt.'i141lll_a \VA"~ "LfI~(. ;/ 'l1", l"o,,,n I I i/O, ~ It. r:/ ~ / 6l5D ~ / '/ I 2 403 A 3 2 L ~ ) I:-J" .J-' .L f/!J3 Ii 3;) L- w---- 1- ---I- -- ='- "/ -,c 80.3 I- -~--I-- ----- e-- , . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye.r Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro'lld TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE '1-00 7'-00 !!>c:r-b 5~ - /!',A' / ~'7"-'?) 10/ iPb }O 17/ 74 72 11 .J!1 80 .ff.2, ,7 5"'7", "'c: c.o -2/J /}/) ,;z (J (J 0 .l/CJI)/, 4001; ~StJ{) 4'ScJO t,OOO GOOd '-/300 1500 501J/') 1+510 71:-(70 :SSOCJ 8&''I/-O /639&'0 ICO , LOT BlK. lEe. TWN. RGE. ID-~_~~1~J 7 '"""'-'';;.',; __;a " "~^. -^- _ '. ,,~..'-"'-J:.<