HomeMy WebLinkAbout224065100900 , y.., FIle NIl. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS =? ~ 2, Rd. tall. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! NAMI! of OWNER '12 Homer G. Hamnsonet ux 21"'12 4, It,o:u tf/J. .J 7t!. 0J"Jh.~ J 1"./ //;' f Id ,W" h/) J(/~ /'7 ~ <J/ ~ .d' ~.A.;/11 AI. ?~I--2 tftJL, : ~ blo J,fI ,..-,-,}. 0/ /J ,:;;of f'/., 51 / I/o '( ;;,.,-I~N~7':L C1~ A,.*-p..tJ7.../uf.-..l.;;;i. +- ) I. t, b I2J'lb6 ;) 8.~ I j,f. 71 /2A -nf/ ~ &/~/:h,k ., .; 9 . / ,- I is '21:J..g~ ,~~ d4u,Qy J." 1;:~ :).&'//&~ ~ :8 (lj,~ILuI<<- ~~d 3Z:f7f" ' .I 7Jj/,J... '4' 'I/iJ6icJ>>1 A,. .:7 .J/;""" H: .)().; /11l ,) , 'l'/.J if/un J J. '11 . CA." ./ ~" {[ ...rrr-1'/ c ., .~'_.. ---- ----~------------------------------------7---------- NUMBER OF ACRES Y.ar Order Tlmbv Unimproved Improved TOTAL o,.tIIr Timber 6d ,91 it: 'I ti.R /-'7 b9 17/J 7/ IN I;, 'X-/ I&'K" /''l' --:'I.;:'///J ~,-? '. , (Jv' " Unlmproftd -." ' .3-_lL 3_L I ~ [L "=- II 3. /1 l H 1--- I-- -- 1--- VALUATIONS Improved ';<0 /'0/'1 so ~( S- :f-() ..5Z>-D /6 # ,/) /oJ?,tJ ~CC( '-?lIJIJI!' , ',..-. -- I=:~')' J Jf;CO 1--" r"'/d~~ 1.-;- ~_J<~ ~ .....!??-Z-- - ;51/..3/ ~, -df-~77'1 .:1500, ""17, -'i<~.?..i' ;do"", 7, ,-,I"-b " '.11'$"1 (Jc..D. -....~.. .= -""l -------- Improvements (Buildings) 8.ofE. VALUE ~O /00 ..50 ~() -C~ d<o7C (;1..5"70 ~ /7/'/ 57 if [) 5/3~ ,{,/Jo I(J:<~/) /:?.a/.'() 10;,t/C ;J.,o?'lc ;;J1IYS 3%%S 1::< 7-<fY) ROE. TRITON HEAD TRACTS !~"tt-~ \ '0'/ l __,___.___...._ LOT BUC. SEC. TWH. C' , 1~4-1 ~ I - " ~-' . > .:. :::" of Tr. 1 of 'the' R:::'~d~~ Plat of Tri:on '~ead Tfs in Sec. 'c"esG.Fibed <1$-- follows: I .Jlegi~,. at 'the Nort.heast corner of the Tr. to be dE!scri~ed, which is South ;lO"'J{l4;-W. 748.22ft,.thence N.- Sj:!"38'E.350,,;,-thence s. 1022' E. 25' ,6cr<?'fls!tloa9WCiY fromlt;heJ-jW!c.9J"11~r ~ ..Se,c..:6.(This said NE.comeris also S. 88038' w. f911.19'i; then4e s. 1~22' E. Across ,Roadwliy from the NE :corner pf, said-Tr.1} . Thence'-S. T"12"-E~' llqo' -thence'S. 880381' W 175' more or less toth~_i_Estly_ ~.argin :DLOlytbpi.c HiW~y;..,th..eI'lce along salid Easeer))' margin in ;a NE1y ldirection to :a point which' :ijs S. 88"38' W. frolmthe poin~ of ,oeginn~'n[r; th~n-c-e N';, 88" 3~' E~.tP!sa:ld"P'fiht-Of'beginning. , ~ . -~ ' _' __~ .. _..... _. __. - I : -; , laUaeN a,zua)!~, UOSHW lanaaN .r. UESns LsUn '11'1 'la "..:""., 'r~-'",,~ .. :"';1,"'l:,l. . , .;,;.--...... ';; C~ ...._...~ /1,"; .--=- ----~'-. --.-----.-.1""--.. _-_ ...-.-_.,_~__ -, ~--L---- - - . . <".., , . ~_u U)C~-1(73?:'.. 1",;.','1- ~1.j'1Yf)~mY(y3) 1- :"'1