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Y.ar Fill No. NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;2 7 7 Rd. Sah. Port PUO FPO SALE PRICE 62 Smlt,h Ki t.RAp Tmr"'Rt. I ~ .:2 '/} s-</.- &: 0- h~ ~t',,//c- ?''1,Wh3M /-,e{ 61$3<< IIJ/;/J, ~jtj;, i/jnq ~6tj'>14-.5 2-~ ..L3-.LLC._ IV,..? p",. I. _ ~""/7'.c<s_ . I.. I>>'.... V ...:-:;",,;:i'Z:1D", ~~~~~~)~~~ ,~( .~ :~~;::~~~~~: Iwas D$O~ ~ C::. h ./ I=(..;<,<f~~.:.t I;l;,uH ,r?1l1l 1:7'0 ---- " --- 30()() ft.. ~, rltilf/ /, :1 - t'(;'7./:&.j-9~f V r.n ----- y.... Oydlr Improv~ - .... .~. - -. . - -- TOTAL I- Oldlr I Tlmblr ^~. ."""'--- - - - - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Tlmb.r Unlmprovld Unimproved Improvld Improvemenll (Bulldlngl) B.ofE. VALUE ~'o' t..37r, It;, ~ 7 S - $6() '/',117 / -/CTo 3/'?o-1-- /.371'J ~.3?o // (,-2 ~ /'370 1t:.87~" ~ ~ 2 7,;2- .7.!L 71- 7'1 2L E """A -/ ) ""/.'';'''- SbO 70'.0 /yao 3/,.,pb-1-- G..-!7tJ &37c' //(",.;;.S" ,/.5 ?t //JOr'/ LOT BlK. lEe. TWN. RGE. ~8\s"t/14:1l~ _1..:1' :,C. " ",,!' ,.",--.-----=====-=--===~ c~,"" ,_,..,:. 'SIT, '