HomeMy WebLinkAbout222115000024 y.... Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d...../i SALE PRice Rd. lIah. Port PUO .PO e;2 11666" James A. Anderson et ux 2 he; A l 2 L k t./l Ii/I no, / CVJ........J J ./;;n;/-~-? 7SD_) .d.- :&i Ll 3- d .b. L.. rJ 81 ..L IJ{);S VI ."? 2.. /.. C ~ - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - I- - - ----4IIt-----------------------~------~--------------------------------------------~---~~.--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.., Oyster Tlmbe, Unimproved Improved TOTAL .Oyder Timber Unlmpro'l~ I",prom Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE O? ,94 ,50 I//Lj ;20 ,5"00 .~-.;z.1) S3 20 500 (;'70 / / fcJ .W 'N 150 /, ;/'/ '20 .)00 770 )~ '70 .,'Z; /1<1 ,<)f.) /. tj<:t -2cJ I &,dcJ 77(') .2-59d /./) 9~ ..)C! I, r;.~ ~ /~ <7 tJ ,$.CJ o.,r 4~"tr (pI .9f .tlO /<1'1 /.1'00 3ao~ f,fol)" /,i I~ f7: ~_:J-~'l .::''7/ tJ ,;{ tJ / tJ /.1 ' ,,-. ~ ",.-.,.. ...., ~ , - - . r/,- ... / ", ~ /',.~: . .. I....... ?t ~ ( - ? .,-? ' /.~ 7 / ./ 7 ~_ _ -:: /...:;' 7--;'0 vi I .. ~~,2 '-I/:; ...:.' /'..1 V ~ /5 C/1 / 7: ~' () :-;'';;; -"::?; -c ' ,r. 77 3/,' ~~/:},;) s: '/ ;', 7'1 9" .5v /.LId \ ','" --.' -- t/c;:: ; ;::'." ,?- ) , , / .~ I. . ' .- /1 \ {!. 0 .3/,C't?r, .; () /71' ...~,:::,y;,~ 'C;. / I~'.:OC ,- ...? I:, 17lY<jC -- '- LO~ BLK. "l.,'LIl TlSft?IDt> Ie 1,,-1 VI SEe, TWN. RGE. SUNSET BEACH 14 & T. L. , ~ ::lUN.~,lj:1-' r. .- -,. ~. " .', . , A tract of land in Gevernment L~~ 2, j~c ien 11, Township 22 Nerth, Range 2 West, W.M., particularly described as follows: Beginning at the corner common to Sectiens 11, 12, 13 and 14,said Tewnship and Range; run thence West, aleng the South line ef said Sectien 11, 1005.34 feet to an iron post and the initial point of the land hereby described; thence North 31e West 320.45 feet, more or less, to an intersectien with the government meander line; thence South 55e46'West, along said meander line, 100.15 feet; thence South 31e East 256.61 feet, more or less, to an iron post set on the line between said Sections 11 and 14; thence East, alGng said line 116.66 feet, mere er less, te the iron post set. at said initial point; said land being alse knewn and described as Tract Ne. 14 ef Watson's unrecorded subdivisien ef Gevernment Let 2, Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M. Also, the following described tidelands of the second-class, formerly ewned by the State of Washington, as defined by Chapter 255 of the Sess1en laws of 1927, to-wit: All thatpGrtiGn of Tract Ne. 5 State Oyster Reserve Plat Ne. 138 (new vacated), situated in front of ~overnment Lot 2, Section 11, Tewnship 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., which lies in front of the above described upland. -- .'~.--. .. - -e.=..::