HomeMy WebLinkAbout222115000022 Yo.' FII' No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlSmICT, dL/) SALE PRICE: Rd. .... Port I PUO I FPO , -1-- - .2L. 146160 IEoody Bacon, Jr. et ux 2 5 ~L_L L C frr. 3X.... J.h ;0,...... -/:_11 ci.. ?0~ A 3 .;< L .c.. -' "" #/fi'3.:?~ r L)/)/J /;'9 J',; /J-I,7 ~A ~, /J M/, /- Ij-K L.f' QJ .L ':1D. I-J ,", .) L " W ~ '7f311-1J, M'~AA. a.. &. .-Il:ff~ A l ;; / :Jo il7"') 0, ~ ~ - p, ~ {PoSer- <i/ 80 JtoM1 J ~.d. 1': ~ d. /hl I- n. '/, {Jot: - 'i'h~ <j 'I 1/9/'7 --;'JaJlf. R//N.'h .-h. /'- ) t:=).::</,5 - J1!D :t/ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - f-- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -I ---- .:-:'_~~------~--'-'~~----T--------;-------;------- ~.---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS V,ar Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Olli.r Timber UnlmproVld IlRprovld ]lmDrovemenh B. of E. (Building.) VALUE 5;;2.. .SO .1-1 .52 /0 dSO .;2 (, 0 .{3 /0 ~S-O ;$ 70 i, 30 - -- /0 ;zS'o -0- ;(00 ~ .SO , 3J.- ' S'P' /0 ;:2.SO .3 go 6~o 2/.. ' fJ(J , .3-;). .,9;;l. /0 ,.?~ 7;;( f::) /5'"35 . k ' C)(} .......J..;2 .f(d ~ X' 0 /) 7,;2~ Mc:J~ U ,S-o .}.;>, ,f)... /C?oo 7~o / 7.;:w M ?, ~ / ~)~_l- ~ 9.:,; ? 2/5.:' , (,.J/ - / - /51'-'" .qtJ? ..-: /.";J (, .:c' .2i. ~ -...,.. 3 /^?.. 6/_ ~, .) .~ ,; 7--- 7;~/.(~ ~~{; /:.. " /. =? ?I'~? ~ . - f -/.',' -'\. '7. ~ / /'/S)' '. " ~~ - ~ '. 7;' ~'l j r F. /ill I' '76~_ , 7-" .:)1 5"c,; /LI,"!, 0 .:f:7"7(,t1 _ 7;; 15t/ :-; ~ , Jf~2!JO ~:':0'.J;cl'/~!5;>) I , "':'r- LOT BLK. :z.2-1.. I~Io'OIl}12I~ SEC. TWN. RGE. SUNSET BEACH Tr. 13 & T. L. SEA-ell . ..::c.. . .,...' . ,>,,',,' . " , tract sf land in Gevernment Lot 2, Secti@n 11, Township 22 Ner~h, Range 2 West, W. M., particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner common to Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14, said Township and Range; run thence West, along the South line sf Secti.n 11, 888.68 feet to an iron post and the initial point of the land hereby describedj thence North 319 West 387.87 feet, more or less, to an intersecti.n with the Government meander linej thence South 55046' West, along said meander line, 50.075 feet; thence South 3le East 345 feet, more or less, to an iron post set on the line between said Sections 11 and 14; thence East, along said line 58.33 feet, more or less, to the iron post set at said initial point; said land being also known and described as the North- easterly one-half of Tract No. 13 of Watson's unrecorded subdivisien of Government Lot 2, Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M. Also, the following described tidelands of the second-class formerly .wned by the State of WaShington, as defined by Chapter 255 of the Session Laws af 1927, towit: All that portion of Tract Ne. 5 State Oyster Reserve Plat No. 138, (now vacated) situated in front of Government Let 2, Sectien 11, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., which lies in front of the above described upland. Exceptin~ from all of the foregoing described upland and tidelands rights- of-way for Primary State Highway No. 21 (Navy Yard Highway). =------ ~~'''' ....'f. ~. I I I I I I I I I _L . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ~. Y.~r I Oyster limber I 'Unimproved Improved TOTAL-I" I Oyster limber I Unimproved \ Impt~v.d Improvements \ B. 01 E. (Build1nQ'1 VALUe .1!L ~ ,Jy ,BY ":scJ. ~o ';:;:>S'7t>.st?l7o?l1S"" _c- R'L c;,,'55bO_ Lf~~'XS- /!J-395 I .. t I !---- - I ~ -- - --- --- ---- ..-- ~ I f--_.. --- -. - 1---' _ 1___- ~- i==l -- ---. ----- f-- -1-- ---~ ----- f--- .-- . ----- ~-- - --- -- - I n , -----1---1 I . I I 1 I