HomeMy WebLinkAbout222115000014 <;2 :74. -;91.' Calvin Horace Mann et ux 2 M.JL-3-.2..lL C " ~, ' <;$ 175167" " "ona1d ;logers L~A~21 V 08750. ;:, / 110:' /v" " ff ,:4/_.d I ~ ~~ '!=: /77~t. /.~ '-"--j,L'..J..1 11_1 ,1,...,. "'- -~ ./ p,J I !!!D1tI.,,; ~/. J--.. LI-I 6'7 ""7""''''''_ 6' .IO~ ,n 0 f M' / j " // ~7.-:?dY,f'it1 dO /J _ ';1 ^;7d/74 ,J- -' tV~ 5p13~1 ~,J 71 /77,,,j/J - It" ,/ / /7it)TI / v.... Fill No. DISTRICTS Rd. I~ Port PUD FPD NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO 1------1- ------ -, f------- 1----1- SALE PRICEJ #-'l6cp;/ ----4If.----------------------------------~---~----------------------------------------~~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS UnlmpfOvtld Improved ImpfO"emenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE fi--bO 300 '7L d () .:>-00 1?9tJ /->1 tJ..5- bOO 1/ )?D /705" Year 0,..., Timber Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber liz- /3/ 2. f/ ! - /,gO 15" ~ Ie" (,5 "" ,&, ~- I/,~ ,~ .'>" It; / ,{;5 /,.1 In -:-;'-? /~? 71- 77 7<1 ,(,' LOT BlK. ~ SEC. TWN, /..,6- /s- 1 30 10 /,.10 /6 1,30 -=- ;,30 "'5 2')0 , t, ,5- , in 'S' 1,<: ~oo &; ,')1) .900 1-7,1- " ,- , <-. 4-~ .~ /,-: ,- 5/,:'". /7,.::'7 - , . ~- \, ... 11 qO 11,/,0 //9.-1 /,.f"ocJ //9cJ /79~ {,3_~ 1~3.;- ;/^'?> /,790 -/ ?, I _ ' - ./.. I..;;..... /.~--Zi_J "/'0 / . /v / //,..,' '7~1 -"~..:;- v'" ''-., ~', /-..... ~ / /C ' ~ - / () '-) : I,' '7 /; (J 17 n.N :~ t. ,,///., ~/5~'J /7 '1'fo 3 '1 <jLj() f;',o,-o -~'. 77,./.) " ..... ,1-,: /, "'r. RGE. SUNSET BEACH '"2.:'.i..2...rrra-doTolol;''''t I ~. 3 & T.L. SW. 'iO'OF. SUNS ,gH .:1 -.;'.~~~ ..,--.~-----. - '. ' That part'of Lot 2 ef:Section 11; ;'c,wriship 22 Nerth, Range 2 West, W. M~, and .f tide lands in front thereof described as follows: Be~inning at a point on the government meander line of said let 2, south 55046' west 150.3 feet and nerth 3lG west 7al.a9 feet from a point on the south line of said l~t, lag.72 feet west of its southeast corner; running thence south 55$46' west along said meander line 50 feet; thence south 31f) east 650.55 feet more'0r less to thesouth line of said lot; thence east along said s0uth line to a point SGuth 318 east from the point of beginning of this description; thence north 310 west to said point of beginning; excepting therefrom Primary State Highway Ne. 21 and except reads; TOGETHER with all tide lands as conveyed by State of Washington lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting on said tract. .,;__..'O---~' --, -- I \ I I I I 1 I I I *,," . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . 11mb" I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved lmpr~....d Improvements B. of E. l8uild\ng,} VALUE 21. t. s' . ~ ~ ' l ?to (!;.O .< IS-OD 179'/D 39'1-'-16 ~ b :,500 I 373?:,c; II 0 I:, '?" 'I ' t - I --,-- - 1-' ==fl 1-- ---- ---- -, -. f------ -------- ----- ----- -, -- --- --.. " 1,_,- - ,-, -- :~,==l un \----- - ----- ---- ---" - , I r--- n , , \ ! j i