HomeMy WebLinkAbout222115000012 Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .)<.J I BALE PRiCe Rd, Soh, PO" PUO FPO <;2 '/'1,,/33 Calvin Horace Mann et ux 2 h A ..3... 2 L C -,) I~ , ~7.-?_,,,,..,.. "2-c.": " d 41. ~ A 3 ;2 c --"'-,...... r - '. .L , ._~ AI L :!Cd 1/ ,,,\ .cl... 1... C i-l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~-------------------------------------~------------------------------~~---------~...---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlttlr Tlmb... Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improftd Improy.menb B.oIE. (Buildings) VALUE ?J.. 1.37 ;.10 ~ 1,77 IS 500 S- /~- .t;:? /S- .,50 cJ L/.,J 0 97b I,.;j IS $'00 6"'80 larS- m /37 /4<'0 :;},77 /~ /200 5..?O 17'15" 1./\ ;:,,7 /. <,L 0 -2, 77 ----E9- 1.:2,C) t-? 5.10 /7%0 1/, / 1-37 /'</-O ;).,77 It, 00 t, 75'" .;l.;:J7S- , .'//~ / -,?'~/',/' C,#/ I' ~ < , ~'-o .-- ~ ,,'l -- , c .:;,1/" : ./ ' ~. ./ .. , .. /' . 7 ;r/ _J / - ~j" ~ 7--2 , /'- /!;b- ),=' I-/Z'; I ,'i .';,/, - - I ~ -, <.' /~ , /'- :;/;- -- , ~ . 1;{5 -,lid I- Q 4. - /-./,... 7, - II ,.: ~ , ,... ". 7 t'", /c1_~ ;.; r~ /? ~ ." , , J ..-, 7.:/ I /' .',,, ({) ..3",,,z, ,'s (5{J /1/. ". / ~ 34'~!J-'( 77 ( :<:/.<-J.': -? =? S'r) 79 /,:37 1,1'-- ':;,'1"/ ,9:,<:;7' '{, /~r_:.r ~.; /0797.5 . LOT, BLK. sb t,-d5E!.:M- SEC. TWN, RGE. 3U N3E'l' BEACH ;ld-2.. , I .7,& T.L. " ET BEACH , ,.........:,0.-..... n' , .'.._, n - --,_. - - Trs 7 & 8 or Watson'a unrecorQed plat, or Sunset B~ach Trs., Lot 2, Sec 11, Twp. 22 N. R 2 W.,W.M., desc as rollows: Beginning at Cor to Sec. 11, 12, 13, and 14, abov.e twp.; thn W 18~.,72' to Initial Pt. at S.E. Cor of tra. cts to be descripedj thn N. 31c,W# 589,.11' to Iron Post on Sly margin of Navy Yard $wy. ,State Road. 14), co~inue 60' to Iron post on N1y margin of H\.,y., cQntinue same c.Qurse 132.78' to . U. S. ~eander LiRe; thti S. 5" 4~' W. 20e~30'; tbn S. 310 E. 121..60' 'to Iron P~~t on Nly margin of Hwy, continue 60' to Iron Post on Sly margin of Hwy, continue same course 468.95' to Iron Post on S line of sa~d Sec. 11; thn E 233.32' to said Initial Point, together with Tidelands lying in,front of said tracts, subject to oil, mineral and fossil rights reserved by Watson's grantor. Situate in Mason County, State of Washington ~--':<.'-. ~.. I I I I I I I I I I ~;t.. . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL r I Oyster limber Unlmpro'led \ Impr':)nd Improvements B. of e. (BuiJdlnQ1) VALUE 1!L r-l' 3 7 1'10 :1..77 c.!~, .3IS() 0 33scJ 3'1iso "iJ. c~-q:i.'II.l- 'J:~()()IIS '650 II~(~ ~c;7) ~. ,.~ 'I . , ..... , i! 1. '(, {;. ....f' .~ ..'t,....' , I/~,-('C!~ I 15b'~ (I 13", t"-6 L -- - f---'- --,-- -, 1- ,--- ---- _. , ~~' I - 1--'-, ------ --- ----- --- -- 1._,- , i I I -- I - ,-, [--, -.~- ~---- 1-' I - ----I' I -- ,-, ------ , ! i I