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38 Vear AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS <~(ri I SALE PRICE Rd, 5th.' Port PUO~ , .. 69 Tahuya River Inc. 2 40' T 3 J5' L H - (r;/l rF <:tiw I'> /7//, ""Jl;;. ~ ,- ) ~b~~~~ ;;2S1,{~,~ It, !ii<-ULf)l Cb" , ;, - - 3; ;-/ :J.ff7 l't L ~M~ I, .3 I,") ).. J-/ [J ?C( 3~55(;() ',-;;;",7 lJ! tli. 7' I O/i/>4iLt/ , g;;;; Qt550 I J. II It!. 1., I 4" . fI: 1"1'6;< %0 8&",,~/oo KL TP..Jvzvv 7/"-JnI . ., , " frr:.l /-%5 rJ'I751/ b~,. d.w~.")~'&. . wl:> '0 I -LI .- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber UnImproved I Improved !lmPf'OVemlnt,! B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 7r. /')A //'''-) //~,-1 ""j c ':..- , 7/ /? oPe /'::'c:'c 7,) /A/'. , C --:','.' - / - .7~ .:3i..:..--j :;(, , '1' 3.2. -CI .;-::.:2SC) 17~ (l L" '7 ;,( ~ ..;: t { "fi// " ==< (~.(~ 0 ~1 b,,,>/)(J /".500 ~ LOT BlK. lJf:zhf61 ~ <:1~Io 10 ~ 13Ja see, TWN, RGE. Tract 38 Tahuya River Valley Div. #li , , .- -. '---. .<..- .- , , + ~ -. . . - . -. -- -. -- --..... , , . - - . . - --