HomeMy WebLinkAbout222105203900 I nt < R 1 ~ < . nf " '~ '-..- Year FiI. No_ DISTRICTS ~'-I: I SALE PRICE Rd, 5ch. I Pori PUC2!-E!.Q. , J o 12 26973-4 ... 6/71 260706 I 8 nenald G. Crew et ux /0. lJD 2 40' A L H $200 ,-- 21 L lib: .& ~ ;;L } /.. I (1 I I I I I .. . ,. -- -- NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL+1 VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved I Improved I Oyster Timber Ullimproved Improved IlmPfovemenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - I/f) /cY 1'7 /&t>> 11t/ I txJ '7d ~0r8 ,~ I";' /AMJ ~tJttl , /00 / (J c> It, -,/tJO" .-'/000 LOT BLK. -.3 D3Jt. C.:l 003 CJC <I SEC. TWN, RGE. . E.~.p . . ",{,,-.,,-' " _0 __.:.-Jr.c-_~"'~~" . --r-IP 0. e + A !L,I\ f)""f-A;;J.. 1 17; red", '<., ('nile. ~f-;,<A OI/1d ,..9. 17 '1"7'-," Yelr File No. r I I +l.iEFofNE1 i i I I I ctNTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;?O SALE PRiCe Rd. lloh. Port PUD FPD - - - 60 Joe Tschida et ni.- l .2lJ:.. G , I, L 1i. ~ ..2o,v,f:1.'i 1/1;/7'- , Ii /V ' "- I/J AL'~/36r 7 /;7 .I - - - - - I- - - - I--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - , -.. , '-" '.. ._of....._,_" . -..-...,.- .,.....-- .",',........ I .~ ~ . - -' -- - ~ , -.... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS B. of E. 1--: Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy~ter Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.man\l (BUildings) VALUE Iv- , A:f/tJ ...? ib(L.o ' - ..kB -- .;?J//(J dt/lO ~ ~3 ~ -'-',$ .2.275" i "'';-( - - . . , . LOT Bl.K. , 'EC. TWN. ROE. \ , 0/' , . . '....,.. ~ ---Jt:>tLC/t I'i. I Rrcdil ~ (\-." JO y.... File He. 1 T 1 -r;;JofJ:'Er i ;---."1 1" - ;J,NTRACT TO DISTRICTS &'"'J SALE PRICE' Rd. Ioh. Po.t PUD FPD ;il193S9 - - - - - 62 R.A.Martin 1 ..2!:. G .l l. L li.. $24-50 /.."2 /9-</9.:..;-2 ./J / .L- //, ~.~', "... / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - f-- - - - - .~" -;-:- , . . A'~~ . ~..~, NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS v.., Olater Timber Unlmprond Improvtld TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved jlmprovementl B..fE. ~ (Buildings) VALUE ~,:::l ~3OI ~3d _' >--- ..-- -- -- .- I- - i --- - - , --- - I LOT BLI<. lEe. TWN. ROE. - -= '",--e", JL~./::.k:, ..;' "_. , ." -- .... -- ,- .... _r ~ -__-.... ,_,""_T_,___~ ---'I' _~- ,-- ~-'. Beg at SW corner of Lot 32, Block 1 of Replat of portion of Pirates Cove; th S 3519' W 22.55'; th S 1 51' W 31.67'; th S 89 54' E 217.40' and N 28 07' E 56.76'; th N 89 54' W along S line of said rep1at 230.08' to I.P. and tidelands. "' ~ .._- k:....~ -------, -,4l-- v -----rr r. d f 'c-:l }~''''-o.+e 's Cul)--(.".. You Fla. .... I I LL..L.oL Iii I I do.JACT TO DISTRICTS P,r; SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUD FPD f,;:>17111 64 201706 Robert A. Martin 1 2!:... G i i L JL $1450 - I- - I- - - - - I- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - . . -, .-'- ...... ."~.... . 't'. , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., - Timber Unimproved haproved TOTAL Oytt" I Timber UnImproved Improved Impronmenb B.OfE.t (Buildings) VALUE 03 /:0:""- /3..:0 ~J -- - --- - LOT BLI<. lEe. TWN. ROE. , " . A_~ /";-- -#- ....~ C..QJ/.-#' . . ,pJ:RATE I S C - - -~- -- . _---.0.,_.__.-- _ ",:.--,,-,:, _.-"___'~ Beginnicg at a point S 35019' w 22.55' and S 1651' W 31.67' from the Sw"""--'" corner of Lot ~2 in Block 1 of Replat of Portion of Pirates Covei running thence S 1051' W 10.01'; S 89054' E 202.~4' and N 28007' E 34.01 ,more or less, to a point S 89054' E of I.P.; thence N 89054' W 217.40' tm ~,B, :~'."--_. -....~~,