HomeMy WebLinkAbout222015000058 Year File No. ROSE POINT EXTENSION 12.J ~~~ CJ 0101 Tr. 57 E 1/2 & T.L, & 58 & T.L. <;2 DISTRICTS .J '/_~ Rd. Sch. Port ~~__u..i) UX 2 1-.Lh5 A l 2 L C. , r^",~ T Un"'n~";{ L/~ A .a ~ 1..G '~//7a:l?: vi et ux CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! ^ Patrick Martin Gordon et 44862 Norman K. Fitz et ux & Gloria F. Fitz Berg et t"i !J/1/?:d, tJ)';A~ 11~.../ , (, . "37",..:IJ h1114/ /'.Q \JJ JL.. ::1/. />>/7...r1. ) r../ 61 '('j'3)J} ',"j'J. ()(O~.;J '--)..7/1 /7 .J / f7) %? ,/S/;<'l"J -tftJ-I)'~.ht,;I;Ji.&-I'-'7,&:2d6-J?Jel'-'Y()' >4.' F ;f If II ij I I .!:kJl..iL ..a. I...L. 1.6.. . I I d Y'tl'; /9 j' ;2 , r2.. L 1/ .L'iillJl..-;;i~ L c.... tL-J. -I- -- 7' y~.;{/ .$GS-oo 0 bWl , .\ .; . ~,~.if: J ,~./.r 17-1,....." --~- ~ 3/_C:;--',--Pb 1- '----~--------------------------------------------------------------------------~~--~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvod TOTAL Oyster I d Improvemenb B. of E. Timber UnImproved mprove (Buildings) VALUE <5:" :53 S'f 1../ :/'-I I" ~ ~ 17.:< 1'7.:2. "i7tF J,; "?fi. I.,~I I'/.OT ,o? ,o,f' :7- .s /.5 CT' 1 /170 --f f;J' ..3-9.6- /o() 60-0 70s' 300 !coo 1'/<;;- 300 600 90,0 7.sn R:.~~ .IS'?:!: 91b /iJo/ti2 /9 JYt:? ~ ,Rotfl- ~~ ~ tZz..., j..... /r;,R,S )/7.s ~g--6o 3.3 .?...l~ .:l'~"2: 6'lt.:'/o /A~ ~,@ 1.....0"" j(5"OC'J ;;1.2<9'" ij gat!!., /<6Ci1Ja 1#6~il ~ /S~()t> 6Pl,po ~,~r~ #'~MtO 1/(l3'~'1'.l3'7-ri5 'rt71-J5k/I"-"-' ~~ -- ~G> ~o ~.~/ \~\ .fl -'J~. l,?lt>~ "'-. SEC. BLK.3 TWN, (,4 ~. ~~ 1$7/1 ~~ o 5 t;O () 0 O-z.J3 n9!. () -,( I RGE. ROSE POINT EXTENSION .1>__cl< -' ,.-, -~ -- < - -;--, . E! - 57 & W}-58 Bgn at the me to Lot 6, Sec 6-22-1, run thn along the ml N 34022' E 270.80' to the l~fly cor of the E1 of Tr 57; thn S 5l003' E l42.50' to the R/W of the Havy Yard Hv:y as now located; thn N 38057' E 50'; thn N 51003' \I 146.50' to the ml; thn S 34022' W 50.10' to the place of bgn, tOGether with the TL in front of said land extending out 100' from the ml, and beinG in Lot 6, See 6-22-1. .--- I I --~-. NUMBER OF ACRES Y."f ) Oys;;r Timber I 'unimproved! Improved , of' Jli'r-- ~ I~ Yr ~. f--.- 1M ii_ 1-___ ~I------- -~--,---_.- th. ---------e------ I. TOTAl. I .09" -------- -,-.-- ,----+-- ,off ,tJ8' 1----- -----~-_. 1 I I I 1 I [ I I . VALUATIONS Oyster limber Ullimproved I Impr~.,.d 1{:~i1~i:'illlS)ts I',{C.., L+ ^"'.;IM"'<: l5'~ ft/79-0 -~ -.... ~~(j . c. r'M .-e- 0 IS-OIJ& & 7'712 , B. of E. VALUE 2(7CftO -$'---- ~nrl() .a .:? 17~ 0 -C>> I 0 ~"AI'I /<It.o5' /08/6::'- -p -e- ---B- 935tJ() J1,J"or 11M/or"" ' ,-G--- -9- I. ~_ 1<1'3SZiC; /:;o~-I:Nf/".s"' .76oc.>o. >00 :?3.9JV 1---------- -/)jJ . ,_.,-~--"-