HomeMy WebLinkAbout222025100905 r DESCRIPTION: PLAT J. G. JOHNSON'S TRACTS ~L~.;)J Ii ~~b1 LOTTr.14 & Tax BLK 1277 S of R/W SEC TWP RGE """I # ACREAGE YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: i .1.-____.__ RD SC ,PT ~ DISTRICTS ~ <:/ / i AFFIDAVIT UD FD' HD CD' SALES S ---- -------- -- - --- ----- ---- 66 #222540j') Harold E.Hagan et ux 7!/;~~~tJ7_f?~:; j~ #. Ir/, , / 2 403 A 3 2 C L ~~2~~o L . H~7~IU I1P .$2LlSilOO 5/,78....,344479 . _.. . ~ '~{ft' ff&----- 2. ,_~j61L -' .iL ---- ~4>~ t~~ ::s crt) u) 7:f(,.#Sb.uObC34-svl.. ..[r/ C'.IJ~" I' -r d - --t- I _ .__3/ } <./03 f1 3 .;2 H C. --e~otl..=.aLaL - - or /) ~~-" ./ C&2(_~L.a(.'~.r. ::.u.J:~ f- - . ~,' ':t.. (1........... 1;:::,-/ /t ,(.(t'l ~M 'i';" .E. 1'7'~.s"" , 1/ r , , I I ! Ul ACREAGE ~~;-[~IEE!ANll__ ~~UNIMPRDVED )? cJ i- J{' I . -~+--_.. -~-~-- ---J. - - - . -- -- ~A r-- t- .---. 22i----- n _____ ~---.., ----.--- 1- _ Zzt.; _ _. nl- ______ -1---- _uj-- - if I I : --t- --- 1--------.- ?l--~ _ i u=-- -c - u_+ ==t=j----- +- -t---. i----- +- IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND .. t------. ---- - -- - ----- --- '~.:I5q l_J 1 I -.;..._ .*:i ~- -::c...... ,-.--_:~$ AI I that ptn of the fol lowing described tr of land lying Sly of the Sly rlw I ine of New County Road in Govt Lt 2, 2-22-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at a point on the Sly I ine of Govt Lt 2, sd Section; Twnshp & Rge which is S 117.20' and W 1713.92' from the Govt meander corner between Sections I & 2, sd Twnshp & Rge; th N 250 38' W 1203.46'; th N 30 27' E 52.0' + - to the N I ine of sd Govt Lt 2; th E, alg the N I ine of sd Govt Lt 2, 76.43'; th S 250 38' E 1192.12' + - to the Sly I ine of sd Govt Lt 2; th SWly, alg the Sly I ine of sd Govt Lt 2, to the POB, excepting road rights-f-way; sd land also ~nown and ~os~ribed as a II that ptn of Tr 14 of unrecorded p I at of John G. Johnson/s SID :Jf Govt L t 2, 2-22-2W.W.M., lying Sly of the Sly rlw I ine of the "New County Road." Also, al I tll of the 2nd cl, including a ptn of Tr 2 of vacated CI if ton State Oyster R Reserve Plat No. 138 fmly owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjac ent to or abutting upon the above described upland, excepting that ptn of sd tll included in a tr of oyster land heretofore conveyed by the State of Washington to C. A. Christopher, 6-17-05 under App. #3289. 40/-: ~~ ;;L;....." ~ ~'" /''''''' ~ 7g'ZZ./.."~~ ;i'tYo/ <12..., ~ w"'- ~4.",J IV. ~"""- ~J"3c;." ;Y: ~- ~"''-'-- ~j, ~ s---Yo.-t....< ~I 01 ~8s"" !jI 'OE9phiAO ~1. Dr-ott, 11&'A' Francis A. Mi I ler, sgl ,-'-