HomeMy WebLinkAbout219015000022 ,... DESCRIPTION: ~:~ <} i~;~~7~,~~ ~::f21 U? LOT Tr.3A5 BLK iF SEC TWP RGE ~ ..'] ~.fli::L_~._. _.. ..~ DISTRICTS J" 1 liD AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER \(ONTRACT TO: SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES S ._--- - - - -' ..~ --- -- ---.- 67 #228297 Camlove Inc. E.C.Pontow if' <<-, 1 302 3 ~ H #7593 .!J ~::tfi7_1.sltfia: .1!.-tfL IL/f- - II II /1 A .h ~jw.I.7t:)'77~lv, 1) c.~_!-t;:.. AI-~U ~.t;....~. 'A) ?O :>U ! I V , C'-I 1./.}1 , <;" J-j I l - ---- ~_._----..,-----. ~. -- ----t- , , I ! I ... , , 'u , I .-- .~-+- I -. i --- ---- , ! , ------'-- ACREAGE VALUATION - , --..- B OFE YEAR TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL , 74 , 1001- 100 100 - -28.c I. /00 .lOD ----- ---- F3 3000 3060 ~-r- ----- I I I -- --- I '. .,. .. ..~ ' .'-'" - -' ~- . ~ . -.."-....... .--~.- '-~' " ~:;b:.,.,.~.i:_....:..-_~ North 100' of that part of Lot 3A lying Wly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 3A, S 89007'20" E 85.1' from its NW corner; running thence SWly to the NE corner of Tract 3A3 described in contract to Philip O. Bergstrom, recorded under File No. 193454. '.4 ~.'__..