HomeMy WebLinkAbout223365000041 po DESCRIPTION: PLAT GLADWIN'S SUBDIVISION 121.< 1 il31t Is'[:; Iq~ - ---~-~~~---- -_. TITLE HOLDER CdNTRA~T TD: I ". lOT Tr.2-A of Tr. BlK 2 of Trs. 54-56 TWP RGE SEC '* #{n' P.CREAGE / - - ----------, '._- -...--.-. ------.- ------ --- , DISTRICTS ,;2 Lj I ~T---~-'- RD SC i PT UD FD HD i CD ' AffiDAVIT SALES $ #13049 3 2 C L S9500 =H- 730.5'7 ' ,->:, .oJ. t-\ c... .c lL -- wO YEAR AUO. 59 #178842 Mary C. Bell 2 403 A ij;(-~8;/;01--f~/L,.fW.~.~j ~ Mi)lorwo ~!i' 403,~ m~__..__-'--_~__ --~tl-. : _ _ -- -+-~~~--=-~---~--~--~= .m-_~_=_T I . -- ~------ --!--~-----.------t-------~-------rT- . ,-- --'['[---- . 'E--- ---------+ " ",- - '------ --- ---nt-no ------'-- ----- ----- -------- -~---- , , ' ----- _._-----_._.~---_. ACREAGE 'IALUATlON ~~~=]~T1DELAND t-l!N1r.lPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL ~~EL~ UNIMPROVED IMPROVED---~UllDING BT~!"} ..74 +____ i_.J'L__ __ ?f 0 1~ 760 6810 7570 J7 . " _':;;00'-' , ^ /?oco - i- - ----I - =jl[~=__-mt~~_~==--------------- -Un~]; ~vic"" ;~;O ~/l4~~~d ~%~ :""t-~- +::= =--- ? '-_ __ " - - :fOOD "4'l X'o 30. ,~O .. T:=-::~t= . r- _u -t---- -+-----+--- I I ! I ' --T- ___+_____L______,- - t-------+ -----t l _ ~ ---- _ +-------- I ~==L_~=___j ==__~=_I=-j ------- - --. -- ,------r-- I --f -.;,...,"'....... --'-" ~._- '.-~~-_~,j-..J,,..;.~'-;..-..'.7.........-....~'~~""-..:..."'.".."'- '-_...;...:.:.t'4.-""',,:.....:>.;;-.-,..:..____ .. .- . -- 7" Tract 2-A of Tract 2 of Tracts 54-56 Nt Tr. 2 lbat part of the SEt of the swt and of the swt of the SEt of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M., described as follows: BEGINNING at a point N 00 02' W 570.3 feet fraa a point on thE! sQV.t;h line of said Section 36, S 890 16' West 222.05 feet fran its south quarter corner;romning thence N 00 02' W 167.5 feet, more or less, to the south line of tract conveyed to Ivor G. Brown and wife by deed dated July 30, 1951 and recorded in vol1.me 139 of Deeds, page 108; thence N 890 16' E along said south line of Brown tract 225.9 feet to the westerly line of county road known as Mission Creek Road; thence along said westerly line of road S 210 26' West 135.25 feet and S 0" 02' E 42.3 feet, more or less, to a point N 890 16' E fran the point of beginning of this description; thence S 890 16' W 176.5 feet to said point of beginning. ~" '-;:L.__', . h <_..e..,r~.~~~-- ...H.::;"';';';'_~~!~~",:.;< _."_'~~'''';';'~.~'~_~';