HomeMy WebLinkAbout223365000036 ,. DESCRIPTION: PLAT GLADWIN'S SUBDIVISION 1.< 1.213131~ l5Tcbblol:3[Zl ACREAGE lOT Trs.54-56 EXC BlK 55-A;56-A & Trs. 1-2 SEC TWP RGE '* .. =,~.-.~-~ .. ..,....._~--- , ,DISTRICTS aLl I AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUO, ,__ TITLE H~LDER _ _ o-~.-i :RACT TO: . ,.._ RQi - SC -p'T UD fO HD I CD ;;~r- 7Q_#~5386;3_ _!l~_l!-,-_CrOSSllllID.._ I~ k.:..l.;.)___ 2 403 A 3 2 e L. S3000 '0/7] 3552.J__C; CA.tt-,j{t':.um(2_,,-_~(.::GI&.-J1<'tt ~_ _.Et I 40", J3..J') .;L rt c...lL." #~/.::~ ~1i-j~}ZW-L- -~-- -~-..-__, _;&.4UvfL-~dlj~_~, !ilu~) ~ 3'l~-;:'~'!'- "'/71:3(.3_,.".85 '~J,e~~. -.~ </ _ _ ---- L _____ _____,__ _______ ~.., _____ _, ______ ,___ __ ~ I ~" -..~-" -------~----------~----r---'----'- __no__ , I --- ! _ ___..L I - - t--------------- I -- - -'-"-- - ~.~~~- -~ - I j ---~-~. , I __n --------'------------r- ACREAGE 'IAlUATloN _~E~ -1_TlDi.LANJl......-t-,UNIMP~OVED _____IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED I~~ROVED '-~UllDING BT~[,.LE _7~+_____--L___ "'z'.5r; __ ..l,,:; ~ 1~ 800 6060 6860 ]$".. .,,---L ~ ~-- ,--5~ JL1~n_____l_________ __~_____-I-______ ________-L fiOe; (4,-') fn 0 &'9'~cl .Zh' ,____1 -G- '9 ~ J]:_ +=:__::~-=- ____ ~500/1 1~.:Jgo /X',;zgO 1"'1 j-n-T~----L---~--f--- I ') 6- -t,g- 1X-L-~-------r------J: ___ 5eJOO 13 ;:<%0 /1...</0 J.1'ln____L -1_ I e --er- -e- 2ki-nn-L--------t----- ...,17>,,- 7'7 C;OOQ /3-29'0 fR;!?f\ _72_}1__. ..n~--------L---_ '~ /t'.5'~~ /f7;i,{) ~Cj.;'J..;l.tJ L-q-------ni ---n---~r-------+----- _..wLL.d nri,.,/ .''V)rY) 132-~D 1'i<2XD ~ inr-( .s:'l~"D " ~:-l- ~:-S;~o .o.;;;~~;~:~ __ ____....J _____ ~_]____~____ , """'" , " " , Tr. 54-56 Ex. 55-A, 56-A & Trs. 1-2 A tract of land in the Southeast quarter (SEt) of the Southwest quarter (swt) and Southwest quarter (swt) of Southeast quarter (SEt) of Section thirty-six (36), township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.N., being also !mown as a portion of Tracts No. 54, 55 aad 56 of the unrecorded plat of Gladwin's Subdivision, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said tract, which is South 890 16' West 45.55 feet; thence North 0002' West 612.25 feet; thence North 21026' East 135.25 feet from quarter corner to Sections 1 and 36 on line between Townships 22 and 23 North, Range 2 West, W.N.; thence South 89016' West 225.90 feet; thence North 00 02' West 300 feet; thence North 890 16' East 344.30 feet to N9rthwesterly margin on Mission Creek County Road; thence South 210 26' West along said Northwesterly margin 324 feet to point of beginning. ..._.~..... - .-. ~.;.....,~- 'for-N'.....'