HomeMy WebLinkAbout123294200090 Yn, FU. No. NAME .. OWN"'t' f ;0 )" (; I OONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .276 SALE PRICE .. ,.) )( I Rd. .... Port pua I FPD ill) 52 136534' Henry O. Thaves et ux /FYJ! ') 2 45 3 2 L C - - hh 2 403 " 3 2 L C I 5'1 ( tgz If 3 .2:.... L ~j( ( - - - I- - - - - -- - - - 1= - - -- ----. ':...----- -- - - - .'-- .-- -- ----- -- --------- -----;:--------.--- ---_::~ _.:_---~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS YI.. awlbr TlmMr Unlmllrov.cl IMProved TOTAL "'.... TlmMr UnlmprovM Il'Ilpro..-.d Impronm.nll B.ofE. (!ulldlngl) VALUE ...52.. .65 1.00 1.65 60 50 300 410 57 .35 1.30 1.65 10 100 540 650 C:>/ /.65" /'(,b' //0 700 Y5"o ~ 25% /36 9'.;eo? /tJ~t!) ill /3.5 /~;7o /t?~ 2L . ?;:t .:J'?, 0 g~ JPc7 :31- .S2J Z2- /!-/.., ~.:?;ps 7~"tJ 1!1- /L?tJ ~ ~3o aOll 77 -L~ /. in-~ I~On(') IP~'-fCJ .-24(,-11 it " /_ -1 I /7k) ~-- /770 f'n." -<~/ !' , c..( ~. Zl I t:. c; f. /^.5 '4 c' 3/.,;20;) ;..({) k,o /..J D:::) .1L r.d (; ( () 0 /91," 0 ]t-!f.<{o I i /770 -G-' 1((0 !/IJ (PecCI I if /, '1-,~ ;;! cJ {- Yo 1'0 , ',; " /7 70 ~ /770 --~- LOT BLK. lEa. TWN. ROE. ~ .:-::-e:....,../,.'. -.. .." ;".~ . '... ..::-1r. 9 ... fmer1y known as Trs g &-11 NW! m ;"- # ~n at a pt which is S 34010' E 900.3' from the center of Sec 29 Twp 23 N ~ WWM for Ig Thn run S 24 40' E. 235.0' Thn S. 72040' W 354.0' Thn N30W 146.0' Thn S 880E 120.0' Thn N 3010' w 147.5' Thn N 780E 138.0' to the IP con 1.345 acres more or less and being in the NW of the SE of Sec 29 Twp 23 N Rl WWM ..... Bgn at the NW corner of the NW of .the SE of.Sec 29 Twp 23N, Rl WWV, Thn S on the W line of the said NW of the SE 11.22 chns Thn Ely along the S side of the right of way of the county road 389' To the IP of this description From the said IP run Sly along the E side of land hereto for conveyed To Geo. Pope and Alice Pope, husband and wife, 120' Thn Ely parallel with the right of way of the county road 140' Thn Nly 120' to a pt on the right of way of the county road 78' NEly from the IP Thn Wly along the right of way of the county road 78' to the IP con3/10 acre. ~- - .., --------...~ -=J \ -. 1+-I-j-+1-H . I NUMBER OF ACRES I. V ALUA nONS Yurl Oyder limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tirnb.r Unimproved Improyed Improvem.n" B. of E. - (BuildlnQi) VALUE g( --- -- Ir..S /C,5 L 0 () cJ /Rf.L/o ;:i(~ tj 0 g) \ /770 -zr /776 " " U I I"/()Jd I 3f'1'i.5 5;; 'l~';- (' (. , , ;;-r-I -f':::" 1//3S c' - ,~. ~..) J?3 -- 14000 32.c';;5 SJ 'i '7S ~ 4/3:::,- -e- s//.3s- f---- - .tl_ ) ,., , I)l/OOO 3 &qq~ "j.;< '1 q ~ ~~ -.-- I I .----- --- ------ -_.~- 1--- -- ~ i - -- - , _==1--- -- -.-- ----- --- --- - --- 1---____ ----- -- ----- 1---- - --- - - un , - I ,L " ., 1