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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~~ /0 SALE PRICE' Rd, Seh. PO" PUo- FPO ~ C ------ ----52. 11777>- William T. Walbaun et ux 2 .-.1!.: -.Al~~~ FF j: 5':> I KCI 8:~" ~,1/"w'''hI ~,).oJ....).,J n"/, "g~&...3..- 2 ./ L 13 DO" -52.. /t,I.5Z9 ~ ..~ ' 1 :;s YO(.J '''::'' ._~.. r-. //7 '~/':.,_. 1/ - --- - - ....:iL 11;.JIJ'l(. c) d::"BJ,.... ?n, cf:.e.-u,.,... ~./~~.< 1 1 ~::io./,:/-</ .3'..> v. ~ 1'-:::'/"'",':0 I1AJ'(;J -=- 'YJ""'-_A /^-: r:"" 2()60 --1-1-1- -I ",' #'~/G , I I ~ /:ff "",,- / , ~ f~~31~IL -idc.- --","","---~ ~..L ff( L *-i A...zL6J.L CJi..L : I - - ==i=l= . i I , - - =1= - - - - -1- - - -----.4Il~-~~-~---~------------~-----------------------------------------------------~4IIt.---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS /.15 Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE 22 Y .:2. /0 /6c1 f/cJ .2 (Jc) J<YO .s3 /,00 J,oo /0,00 jio -')L/") 9..50> //50 a /{,o 4"0 1,J7'~" ;)6f:;-O H 0-cYV <1.-0-0 /C!, ~ /00 ~5o '?t.. $10 33'16 "'I t?.-;- cz: /00 {, 5'0 .:(3/0 3060 ~ 3.,DO ~oo 7.. 00 /o~ rJ06 :?~/O I ~F/o ~ ~oO $',.0 0 "'/.tJO 66' %"'0 ,;? 3 /0 ,;),tf;lS "- .!l ~ &'0 560 ::<8'10 3..S3~ 1.'1 6:oa ,;z. oC> '7, &0' /SCJ 5"7 CJ :!?7o 36 So ~ ~ ,%; ..?~t1 //J"tJ 57~a 7,,2 :7~ 22- .;15"d /~"d 5.3otJ 9~dJ ~ I /j~ I-.~.(L"/] //00 /Rot> .53" 0 ?.:? ()) C; .7{/ G kd' ,;)::J. ot> .3&<:70 /;j;~()O /6~0 n - 7 7;, ,) n~, _. /' -. . .-" ,- " ~ , '7=t,h r . - ..-.. '}...: /7 /900 ) ;Z 77 tJo '-II70t, LOT BLK, / / 23 2.. "f J I O::c. 00 SEC. TWN. ROE. o ( 1 cnZldZqlf 1J 1c:JWi15J ~.J' ~ .. I ,+,....., .....~_... .l ,- " I~ If 'S ~(J OJ: .."',; , ~t ex~1>"i2r~' ~ .-"..,... "--; ~-.-..--.- Bgn at the SW corner of the NENE, Sec 29, T'iip 23N, Rg 1 ii, \VJl.ij Running thn N 672' Thn E 660 ' Thn S 672' Thn W660 ' to the point of bgn, excepting therefrom the S 12' thereof; Excepting alsGl; rights of \'Iay for puhlic rOld or highway. .~.... :..., L.- '*Ex. 4-A l/. "Y~"nt """Th l? f""t, ~ --'---~---------- . ~Oy"., " NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS h,.r'O Timbu I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timbu Unlmpro....d I Impr<:>ved lmj:)tovlm.nts 1.01 E. {BuildinQ$} VALUE , - I/?oco /1 ~. r CI ;7 1 . ~-l r , .J (", t ,,;:' , , 'J./~00 "(0300 -- '0 / ' '- <' t .,.... , I .i1 - IC,~ J.3.,2Q g';'3~ 1558'5 i .. { ,.- , I-f xn )b -tl ^/)(()O .saG 01 0 L 7.00 7 3 r(~ 2::< ,::/ s- I::;-~J>~ (71 ;2Sooo 10/00 <J5 (6 " -- 1,;) .'" ;fr' ,- :.~:- /(,<1 173,/s:" /8 'i",'- .35670 ----- .. -""'-" " I - --~- -, .. 1----- ..--- i -- -- I : -- ---- ---- --. - --- ------1--- I , I - -- , I I --- -- ---~.. -------- --- --~-- -- - 1---- ---- l~-=,==l - ---- -- -- ------ ------- -- ~, - - I r-- ----- --, , ------ - , , ! I I 1------1 -1-'-'-1-1,--1-'--- ~.