HomeMy WebLinkAbout123211400040 Year File No. Arthur DISTRICTS ,. "'".c.; .. ~ "~[_I l 2 .J0..A..3-2 L C ~F~ ~3- fLiLI _1_1-1- , ...L~I.1Lt2i2.:...LL' H . , ' 1 ' -I-I-i-I-I-: --,--.-'- i I I __1_1_1_1- I I I ---:--'-1-1- ! . ' i =t ' _:=i==i I --1+r- I -1-1-1- :----=--~---------------------------~--~~----- NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO , -- - - '.:.;:.-~=~------------- SALE PRICE' /J"L- 6'1'i/i P'5',6 /q;",,,,,,, :s- , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved ~ Oyster TImber ",imp..,.. I Improved ImDrovemenhl B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 5;'- ..1-# ..J ,:) - do '-f,,;( ';;"S-O ..2.601 ~ ~% ..3 / tJ I I ~/tJ ~~ I ,/LJ<'J I , 7tJeJ , ~ 1 ."'5 ~ I I 1/71(;)0 I /1/M; .u. i 4'5..-r 909.<2.1 I 19~<;IS Z3- 1t'~70 ~ I !93h6 2f. ~~FORESt 00% I I /8/90 I/d"/'lo Z2.". ~-< 2t/.'74 9'151 '1Lf~ R4.33 I 7& /0</0 I /cJt/o -71- / '7 (;" /';<(.J ,r'>. ,I L. / :. / 77' ,),#-::< - :;;;'1,;, /,-;.( ={; " ," ., :[ , /;.~",- /",' .. /-' ..--' 1/ .I ,- -.'/ /71 / ) , , ??- ,,.,..~~ '"'I ~ ,~ r_'; 'I : ': ;;( '/ '1:"- ,:: ~/ '/ .:..,,,,- , ... . ,-...; ~) LOT BlK. / SEC. TWN. RGE. '.f'...'" l.-'3 '2-/ / '7 (),,;';' ~.) / tLJ2JJt~1.1 ~ Lf'o' 6~(j! . .:r... . 1 ~ f' ,~~ U",!M . l", , ., _ C~~: r~::ST,.dd '; .1..-" ,mee.tr\na.,;-"asT; 12 of S~ Nt?; & N~ SEf ,",~.' :~i\~h~~e portions of the SE NE, SW NE, NE SE and NW SE, all in See 21, Twp 23 N, Rl WW!.i, included within the following tract of land: Commencin~ at a point on NWly R of W line of Primary State Hy. # 14, 425 ft NEly from intersection of the l~W R of Vi line of said State Hy. and W line of the NE SE of ~aid Sec 21; Thn N~alon~ Nl;' R of W line t\il>c said Hy, 1100 ft; Thn NWly at right anp;les to 1;\'l1y R of W line of said State hy. 960 ft; Thn SWly pClra11el \vith N R of W line of said State Hy. 1100 ft; Thn SEly at right an~les with said Hy. 960 ft, more or less to ~P. ,-=.. ---I ~ I . CIIJlli-rJ . ':=J NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ~dC ,- I r I- I Yur Oyster Tlmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limber Unimproved Impr~".d Ilmp'o....m..nh B. of E. (Build;nQsl VAlUe 13 - 'fHIEfJ'l' ~'-I.(,/C .24.::<.:- .;/590 c:< S'1CJ N ,').d,,-; -; ,;1.,-/,;<5' ;:11..10 dobro y.~ <1, ')< -:! /.-\ ~. .....,.": I <: t -,,-1 r , .- .'- C::X__~D ~ - ~ - f---- \---'- -, ~I ---- ---- , -- ~-- ~---- --- ----- _. 1---- -- I---- --- 1,_- -- ~~-_. ------ ---- ----- --==\==l . ---- ----- f-, , I 1--- -,- ------ I , , I ! I i I ,