HomeMy WebLinkAbout123204270010 Yeu FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .' / c:: SALE PRICE Rd, "h, Port fUD FPD! l~f+H~ ---- lte.AM' -fr R'q 1fS/ Elizabeth M. Bulduc 2 45 A ~ 2 L C "r,,~ 1 55 -L- ~ ,~ '7. ,;' :; - L ) ;f J 'I{ 'I,. hi . J 14",,\ .f1.L ..:L L kL ~ ~ ' ""'/CJe> i:J - (/ fHflu.r ~//, ' .1// P -1.(1<_/ II ~~ , , "'. k a:: .= 17 I..- ..". A:J.~?o - - - - - - /)'JddJ. C)"., #/ JJ k (k;, .0#- fI ~~ lOt 0 , ,.,,>..,J',~ ,.;'. t1 V / , - - - I-- 7 ~ bWF? ., jfj Ll -; 2 !. (!. IJ~<'4 /l!)tf,,~, ,zL -'-- !IJL , W'~, '-Y.'y,c 3/ '<c' ~ - - - - iSf f;;J.1;1f? It.,/Y? ) J:dU~ !J).tf;;;;;" !fti iL Li 2 .b. {Ji I 7'P :P";lb7 , "OJ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I -= =-'. --------- ---- --------- --- --- -~ _._~_... ,... -~---~------ - ~~- ::_'.:..:.::._--- - -~_::.;.....':.---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye.r Oyster Timber .'..-. ~ Imp",,,d ~ Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvement. B.ofE. (BulJdlngs) VALUE 67 '7:'.:< ~ ~,}S /O() /00 t;/ /,,;r c.f /. ;{ ~ .--E9- ..:<V-V -J.~O {'9o ~ I , ;ZOO Ibe& / J't70 ia I ~"rO /9r~ ~/S-S (pi? <"L/ :/l/41o ;:{/:'9t!:) ,70 ..;t,<CJ (,,/j 3Ro ~hq'O ..5'0;:<-0 2a- .~ ;;;:;r '1'1,(') 5:1'7tJ 6 t>.;?a ZiL ~ 3t,.:?o R5~tJ /~/?"o ~ -L~ /11' d R rft) 5'R'/S P15':.K 1f. U!i() /A~O ;;, (J % ~o //15'5" /~;)"75 1!/- ,5/) ,5"0 / ~:ZO 6 /&;2 0 77 (, ;;.~'[ .ens,' 1') r ~ --1- - . .'0 Q,'c'( /0;' ..2/:.,_=:"---(' , 11j r, t: ;50 L , (;' . \ .l 7). ,",,' - , ~. ., ~ . " .'J f..... ",,):-, 0- , ,'-''..- LOT BLK. ( / Z j 20 l 7 . -, , SEC. TWN. ROE. / ~:.5P'(J ~..o '6Y~ " ,23-'~ 1 C~,,... ' .1, .',..... ,', , ""';\J.4 ;. " ,._.'.:. .~'." ,~r.<.._I;'4"".',~.__ -r-7 .' ~'""~ Tract D of Short Plat #47 - #289537 ~~~~lOO\1):: All th~t rortion bf N 245' of N 2/3 of I'l',~ SE lyinr; 'd of Rlii line of Old Belfair-Bremerton Road and E 0f c~nter line of Union River and ~ll that portion of S~ SW NE as follows: Be~ Qt SE corner of S~ St NE; th N 000$'38" ~ alon~ E line of S~ 3W NE, 60'; th N 89010'4$" W 150', more or less, to UIlion ltiver; th Sl:', alon" Union River to a point which is N 89010'48" 1,',/ 180', l'lOre or :'.es:3, from SS corner of S~ SV; liE and wrich is on the S line of "'lid S~ 3\,' EE; tJ, S 89010",$" E, alon;:; .3 :'.ine 180', more or less, to I.P. , '5"~qA.r'1',z..-, '~-</~Pfd.$07/';; '7 II 1/ /0" /I: ,.., .t:;;:T/ ;;!. s:- j Rd 0 ,-~-- -'--- -- - -~, -----a.~ ~