HomeMy WebLinkAbout123174300020 Y.a, AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J~l/ SALE PRICE Rd, $ch. I Port PUD fPD ~ V71 I ,:'35;>97 ~7,)711 J(,!1l1ah ..~. <<~ 1 J'~nc~l.f21 :.. ',' L.n..11nll1-;~ ;> 'n 0 If ~oonn .-tl Z/82 I (Lorra i ne) .n L 1/1,'; II .3 .2 I -L Iff #77.Q71....,c- 399865 Charles W. c,undrv' et . ,',;;' ,,~,;?, J%;,~~;; !?''-',rf....r Ie ~... ,"" 77'/ '7..3 ,~- "(TO ~J:) ,-;1, ,,, ".._~-",? ,j1~ Ij)~ ~,..../ ') -' J, NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS v.., Oyst., Timb., Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improv.d Imi::o....m.ntt I. of E. ( ulJdin'la5) VALUE ~1 Pt. ,Jrt, R'r> ~ .,;{ /5;" ~ d?.:2C> 1'1 / ~(. c;:; '130 ~O J2 / C:I ",II -. /, /" G oeo . 17 r' I . , / " , . , , ~f. - :".. -, ) .,... . c..J,....- .3L ,,Kr., , ['t, }7:: 0 /(7 I:),) c-~L/,!?~o f' ?;': :, , " / .:;- CJ - LOT BLK. i / z '-... / ;7 '-I ..::3 CU<f 0 cJ -' . ." .... to"~ 17 '1 1 1:1";:1"1' ,2 o,fS'.f .Sll, I 1 IU')' /. 743: O't)'O ~~1j ,,'f? ,....... 1 . ..... ... ~ ; SEC. TWN. OSE. lleeinnini:; at the $',[ corner of the ,Nt of S-S-!; of Section 1'7, T'-'p. 23 North, Ranee 1 \['.'st, 'W.H.; th~nce 'Sast 100 feet to the true ~oint of heEinnin:3; thence North 100 fRet; thence Easterly 90" 1.25 fl?0t; tllCTICQ 30HtherJy 9':0 30,~ [~rt; t'l,?nCe ~ipst(>rly ')1"0 l?S fe~t to the point of ~)e~innil1S. . .. . .