HomeMy WebLinkAbout123174100050 Y.., Fila No. ItAIIE ., OWNER CONTRACT TO DlsmlCTS ~ijl SALE PRICE' Rd. $c,. Port PUD I FPO - -- - - 52 ~07916 William A Wood et ux 2 45 A 3 2 L -- - 2.L 60284 Jerrv A. Pete rs 2 1..<; A I, 2 L C 57 ~69432 Odon f. Olmstead 2 4~3 A 3 2 L C 500. 58 r~ - Gene B. White et ux 2 1&1 L l 2 L C 8000. . ^ >I II:?'&;' 11'" I 1:.1/", t1 "Ii, ~ p '.P761" ..- J' ,,/)(JA,/(.,;; - - - - - - i,07tJ. ..2L 1/'/733~ " " '" _1/ d".-;';~ ~y /3/0:/, ,~- .~/) ('<9 ," I lj' _ :- /:? z 35" ~ " " ,> ( . ~.~ - '--_~(;O " /fp /J d 1//. tt/I ' .-- "_'.:'~-L, ~ ; .L /fa,] cA 3 ;Z L c. H -:fJ'?{s"J ,. " RI ?'1i ~yI I,n/J..' 7 ~-jjfA-r- 'Jf.j 1.'3 - ~ a/ -n:'- ~ n) /J J-' ."./ / - f--- - '1'..rY'1'7' ~ ~ 'id~. ~~_ ~ // :/ . - f-- - - 1,,->:1. ' ,-L":1 ,V)i ]74 c?,:;, '<S? ~ . If f1J/), 'll){ 32371-/0 1-/7 < ,( 7d/7:'.t, J.., ~ I' /' ",1d[/7c ':,;,1',,) ,& </J",;',...0CU,)if. ,K4.Pro 'j,: I". J.' P. - - - I-- (P177 7"11 0 I.! C 0'7.1.,: __ (^ . -) ----~::_---------------~-------------------~-:----~-----------~--'~--~-- ..=- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.... o,lt.r TI..ber Unimproved Im,rewed TOTAL 0,..... Tlm_ Unimproved I..pre.... Impro'lamentl B.otE. (Bulldlnga) VALUE K 1.50 1.50 30 30 100 1,0 54 1.50 30 380 410 57 1.57 1.57 50 10 60 ,6J? - )57 1,57 - /.,{J 7S0 fie) . 9/0 M 1-5'7 1,5'7 /00 J'/o , ~ -" ~ I~< /()/~ ,N~D M .~ /. ()(}i .<-7 I. <"7 30 /2<" /~ /~t') /7/J l; ~ 00 .:i5tJ ;:;!93o 3':<9"e1 ~f!J 4S7Y /o~o ......,. ,- ~< a /. 'U % 900 ,ao os0 I.;;; 'tJ..81a /~9~ 21- rJ#tJ~ /?:< 'If) :ic?9o 79 -~ /,57 ,_1)7 '700'\ ::{:;2. /(;0 IHI700 1L r:1\ (p 0,) /;- I ~' 1 .}I/;27, t;} /57 /57 140rJ.Q L(t.~ '. ", ;.-'-I,~/;-P:) , LDY BLK. I / .z.3 J '7 4- J ..... TWN, ROE. .'""-..:.! " ", e,' I 00 S' 00 I , 1Z'):1./ :7')1 (D~O~n ~ ._' "".h ! .erly kn6l1ftab'W 7$t of Tr4 bf;...~ SEt and Tr j K~'f"9f m,t S1i:~' n .' '\lI Corom at the E. one quarter corner of Sec. 17, Thn. S 89 06'21" w. along" the N line of the NE SE of Sec. 17, 50 ft. S 1005' 46" E. 614.71 ft. Thn WI 792.08 ft. to tJ->e Easterly line of the Hy. and the point b-f Beg. Thn. N. 42035'12" E. along the easterly r/w of hy. 63 ft. Thn SE, direction 75 ft. to a pt 101 ft. E. of the point of Beg. Thn. W. 101 ft. to the point of beg. .' / ': -t_, /Uz..;.' tf75'4-~1; ',. , ., Bgn at SE cor of Sec 7, Twp 23 N, Rl WM~ and proceed Thn along E line of said Sec 17, N 1005'46" W 1876.35 ft to SEly cor of tract her_in des and the true point of bgn; Thn N 1005' 46" W 229.36 ft; Thn W 842.19 ft; Thn along Ely margin of Old Navy Yard Highway S 42035' 12" W 311.47 ft j Thn E 1057.35 ft to true pt of bgn. /~, /.'_'" / J) ~...... --- .-...=-..-- --~~ ,.--~~~ et al: John C. - Jane Vonhof Larry D. Be II v.: I -fll..~1> -i.--------------N~f Ov..~----- 11/8 4QlliL _J.QM..G----.\LQnhof At "I &etV ------ --,-,--- ---f--- -- e--- --,-- - <.1-. . '\Wi _.:......-.... ;;.;i;lI I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS -:; 1-// R"d.'"-~ :!':lrtIPU~ :-fPD i J 1('\. ^ ! . 'LJ $3;~~~ ~ tj wd _ __~___.l_4. 3.-'-2-_--L_'.c _ i I i I - - '-----e--i--- ---,--,-'- , I I I ------------______1,___- ~ , L_I_-I---t- -- +- _I__L , -----.J f--J- SAlE PRICf --- e-- 1-1- -~- r 1 -- I I t'l.i'~ ..II __ I -..,;,' ---.-