HomeMy WebLinkAbout123162390010 I 1'7;577/,? zo ,,2.57:7/'7 Year File No. 1""" NAME of OWNER . ~.. h~~ "' ~f fl67/- V"-~ V r_~,1 ' ~ A. F. Ritzen ~ f' I' ()-lll'" 17 n J{3'li-;'iii /l/;.//- (~ A d; r I t:? ~.5-l1;5{r7t f/ ! , J,j ,"'7/'/7 __b&::J-Qo"", rJi-: (l/- /l -7! J:'. /J M' {;} , ~ '4.-; fl l '.I A" ../.. '1, 'l--h. 19 r - ^ , , ~1Z (lf~ 'k 4 / /// I /;.)l:/d../ I V ) ft';rC) CONTRACT TO Rd. $ch. DISTRICTS :z i-( ( Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE' 2 M A 3. 2 L -f;t;.- Go h7/ Q..~~~4.I"t C Ik~ ,'~ 1-1 m..:L 3... 2[ei. ~ ~ t1 ':,.0 ...." . ~ -.5'.> Il. __i_I_~r/6"_c;:Icr.? ../ I I ' ... i I rt-=:-- IJIT-11-'-i-;-- -~bO::?SO iff ( tf03 JL 3 i.iIL c.. LL:~' "-/~<"-f-fL --1-,- -" 1 , ---1-1,-- I I --1-'- -1-1-1- -\-11-\-- _..' _ ....._ ________________. n _ __ _ _.._ n ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ .'.. ~ __ _ _. ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~:." ~'~ ..._. __ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE SJ- :/ .:0 7"'0 S-.3 () -6" ?Gl ,y'4 fLo 9/0 y~ , .JJ- ;:,00 ~,()o ~ <10 9/ () ;?..s-o M ;2, c?o ,;(, ~o /00 , Iloc) 1;;(0 () - ~ .~ /~~ ".I;'::-'/. /37S~ - -14 5"% ;2 ;pC) /~~o /'?3CJ .2a- I~ 50!) 3//0 3t1.'7h 2:l 3'/5'0 4!.;;V~7';;;~"'" 13- 31fl5o /?l RS ~3_Jj 7!L /, d % 6j"o ~<'/< ' - .;(~,;;; ., s.~~<lS 77 " '/~;~):::, J 50.7"-;"0 , ) .1L ,;(, (; ;J. hI 1 () 7.';0 77/50 )17 'TOn 11 CO, 7r1' ] 511..,,< IA I/' ^ v c" '- .RL 11'-'41',:" r: -7; fr "'<J ~ , 7ocr:;J 3,,:,,;, .';"/7 57.;;J5?') f,,,IJ.., I)! g;;.. I" - '7/ ,liS CJOd-IS 6 Jr) . LOT BlK. / / 2..3 /6 2 --3 CO~ CO / SEC. TWN. RGE. '~--.f""---':c-'!'" '] - -'~ c .___]i. /;'_OTl.T -' '-" ~"'-' 1/J.;ll1! lPAJ '90Q.,t]a] .. '_ ". .. :__, .... ,_ ,," .. -,.'-.,."'.~....-...__..... .." ,'.." ,_0'_.. .......-.. .. ,- ,,;'~,- .. _::,.."' "'...~___ ,_~~_. '__..~~"',..-._.......__~........ ,--"',,',-'" , '_l:JFl_.:~._ . .4.~l""~J Knowrr as-'lJ.~4-- ot'N~ ~'~~4: l'<I..~-' [III Beginning inthe Center onthe North line of N~ of the SW~ of the NW~ Sec 16, Twp 23, R. Rl W.W.M.; Thn W 357 ft to the Navy Yard Highway, Too SW along the E margin of the Navy Yard Highway 230 ft. and 9 inches; Thn E 433 ft. and 1 inch; Too N 224 ft. and 1 inch, to the pJa ce of beginning., (NcM Parcel B of_Short_~~a!_#~~301 A tr of land in the NW SW NW 16-23-1W.W.M, daf: Beginning at the cneter of the N line of the N-; SW NW 16-23-1W.W.M.; th S alg Eline of sd NW SW NW 224.10' + - to the NE corner of a tr of land =nveyed to Stephe & Tillie. Opsata H&W, by deed re=rded in Vol. 59 of Deeds, pg 581, AF# 72586, records of Mason County; th W alg N line of sd Opsata tr 198'; th N, parallel to sd E line of N\~ SW NW 159' + - tap 65' S of sd N line of NJ, SW NW; th W, parallel to sd N line 182' + - to the Ely r/w line of Old Navy Yard Hiway; th NE alg Ely rrargin of sd Old Navy Yard Hiway 68' + - to sd N line; th E alg sd N line 357' + - to POB. ;::'~~~~- -Ei'.<. "'.~ ~, . ,"'1 ......~',..,il ~ \ . l=ccrr:'-i-/ . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyd.r Timber I Unimproved Improved I TOTAL r Oyster Timb.r Unimproved 1 Impr::lved Impro....m.nts t. of E. {Buildln9s1 VALUE 9l. cJ('lC' "'< ""0 Ii {J, .'-: _ :::/ l/-~' 1/,fSt1cJ /.,7;!tJO ,fS7CJO ---- --, i S2 SB.- /,/(,., I, 1(,., ==r~(2= 17$30 ---~-- ,-- ----, -=t= - --- - --, -, , I ~ ---.-- . ,.--- -- -~~, -- -~--- ---.-- -, - -, ---~ L_,__ - J - , ------ ,- - , I I I I I Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Pori PUDIFPD - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - =1-= - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - L- -- - - - I- -I ____.____..__':.:~"::.~_c": ------ -, ;---- ...---... --E.~-'-' __________~,~-~.--b--..:.-:.--------;.~.--- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Year Old.r Tlmb.r Unlmprond Improvfd TOTAL O1d., Tlmb.r Unlmprovlld Improved /lmDrovemlntt B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE - - I , I LOT BlK. II ?-~ I b2--:JOQ {)fC-l I.EC, TWN, RGE. , , 1 11 1 , 1 . .' , ~.#,~ '.. J.. ':t'r. 2 of, C , '11 , . ,.