HomeMy WebLinkAbout123162200060 2 ...lJ5...A. --3- ~ 1L ..L p"r ""- J-- 2....!- c : a..-1...2.12.!L .f.L!, I _i_I, ' . i I I : I i i -1-1-'-' I : '31-.LdMi1L~! d- [,L c 1.iL ",f+~=I== -1-1-'-- -1-1-- -I I 1-1-1-1- __ __ - '." ~;:'_~'_-,-,__~_____ ___________,__ - - - - __ __ __ - _,_ - - __~ - u__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _.: _:. _ _.:.:-_ _'_ _ :....._ ___ Year File No. DISTRICT_S .::. ..It'L> Rd. ~ Pod PUD FPD I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Toney Schmickrath 0. /LV"'..:-.-/-1 ~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS 1':..6U Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved ~ !of --" %L ZL ~:; 2i a:.r",,?,' r- .n. Ii. 1'1- ~7 r;7, .1..b /. cl7 12 7 j, ';7 _87 . /00 I 1/~5 ! ~.:z 0 r I~O j bS;-o !~090 I L~- ': I' '// ' (..., OJ, 1.37 , <: ,?:, ,.CJ N"/A.,vw 3uS 3,[~j~" % I I, =5',0~ .] 0 X' C. r, .:;-,~'o " _-.' - ::r ~ '/ .~ .. 3,,);.; I /-: /~-i (..../, '. ~ 1150 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. I J RGE. -, - ~~ Ie '--)07 -' '1 I' " .j lZQ!11/:~ '.;L..:tQ'O;oj ~ / '_/ 'iiI.I'1i '.:; .~ I,,~., ~ Il"-". ~ ,. . ~"~'" " _ _.' .: .... SALE PRICE' '9'" ~":<.2-F&6? ./.:z':><'J . J"-. /-66 "'-5- "'" .2 .!!:_:n::.7' 4' ""3.s-C$ P-'/67-1o ~ SO 7'QR 4t co~ . $';/' 30 lt10 ! /..,.?' S .;2.;?O ~~o I ~() .8'090 .~~,-.r)?)5" 1(, ',.0 5.'-c"c';; /3::.-'-J ::J 7 '7 .... ,.~.., --.:. ~ .~.,.>', ... .. ,. I I"", _ .--' .n as.r 0-,-, -,.. ~ ~._-- ,,' s.. _._,;."-..-~",,,~..., ~~t! _. ~ .. .;;1' 11 ~ n ~ A portion of the si of the NW NN of See 16. Twp 23 N. Rl W.W.M. lying Southerly and Easterly of the Old Navy Yard State Highway as same is now located and used. described as fol1Qws: Starting at a point on the Easterly line of the right-of-way of the Old Navy Yard State Highway where the same intersects the S point; Thn run Easterly following said South line 800 ft to a point on said South line; Thn run Northwesterly to a point on the Easterly line of said right- of-way of said Old Navy Yard State Highway which is 175 ft. distant along the right-of-way of the said Old Navy Yard State Highway from the place of beginning; Thn following the Easterly line of said Old Navy Yard State Highway run Southwesterly 175 ft to the place of beginning. ~=-~~~-,. L_, '''-' /.