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Y..r FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICT' ; ':II SALE PRICE' I f"9- Rd. lah. Port PUD I FPD ~!3, -Y.. ^","L ------ fir. ~ /5,9/3 ...2..L 148308 Gretel May Moore 2 45 A 3 2 ~ C ~-"-so. L/) /516'22.1/,tu, . .R/ Y. ~ 7::tl /' ~ 14?'3 d..3 2.....:L& / ..k~ P7i-ftO?3.s / ~ jJf.96'&! ~. . ,/~oO ~?5- ~ M_I ~~. ~ ,5}'/ 1 Ifd3 A 3 ;z.. l- e:. H tL ?-'ltJ 5~;/1 ~/b. ,/! fa A~7f.-J /Ot7D ~qcfoo7 - - - - f-- - - - -- I-- - r--- - - - - - - - - - - ----~-~--==~~~=~===~~~-~=~~~-~~---~=----~--~~~---, - ..-......,.- , ,- NUMBER OF ACRES t VALUATIONS V..r OJdtlr Tlmb.r Unlmptovlld Improvlld TOTAL OJaur TlmlMr I U,'mp",,'" IlIll)ruftd Ilmprov.m.nla B.ofE. (Bulldinga> VALUE <5'3 j. 00 I tJC) .200 /0 ..2/6 4- .&..0 .~O ./0 .47r) ~ g?J ..27- .60 . &'0 --e-- SO 370 </?--o M .t, 0 .00 ~O ?L'.;( 0 ..c;-oo .M J'rO ---r":l"= J!cJ ""- :'5"% /.J1c7 /dtf .fZL .;:l tJ-tJ ,,;2 d~ k ~ ~2' --9 d IJ ./700 7~ /6.50 /('5"{-1 2!1- A i)tl % "3aiKJ 3~~()) 77 '1. , .' ", :rl . I. f) . (.::! ID(.o' - I~ t c' fL r, li ,I' _' ~.c r' , ~ 'hO ,60 7c;( '" (J , ') :, I LOT BLK. J I ?0 09 y c.f 0 () .2- ao / , , 1-':'- i1iI _L,,,,,,,:i.t,,' '.. ..".1 ,.t!Ji" Q' ..Ci '. ~.. ~. "t;3?:, 'E:~~,;~tJ ~~: ~fiYj /-.. w:. TWN. ROE. ,.-:,.";; ._~own as Tr l' A of M'st!' ( -, . "",-. That portion of1following described property as follows: The W 1/3 of SW~ SEt of SEt Sec 9-23-1, Wh}7h liJS N:of the River (portion of Tract 1) ~E7 ~ ~ / . ---~, .......,--- '\ ~, Union ---- ~" ~