HomeMy WebLinkAbout123094300140 Y..r fd~~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;. ~ / SALE PRICE ;d. :;. :,tjP;OI;lL-1 52 12160 Frank Livick 2 ,0) "- ) 2 T~ 6;;, /Y~?f/b f fl,JJ~A~p-, A>ci . 'd /,M. '/r' }};L 3 r~J 1,6[:) ~{IA' .Y tJ..... il. th, .& ? -,ll. ~/6's~r / L.J ( ---- V76''''h ~%t. .J.:<o./txJ '... j.t! d. ~'?~';/7 '4fi-, ~ 7). - - - - 9" ".. <:5O.36i2, ~ 3:;d.~ 7'1 Q ~. 1/ ,6 <'l".f,d 1- - '0/'7$ ~y.& Q -y",.;r r.. "- 7d300{I;i c. . - - 'Y$O 3St/XJ. (. rf!' :-rd, (J 4,; oU. ~ ~ .,~ ~'" ii:~-7O s:>.? INl. --<. "I 5' 7, 79S' J , AA~v co /( JUt' 1 :1/ 1. W Jl. ~ 2 L h.. JL - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -I ----."":.-'-.::---..--- ..,_. . . .. " -" ::'A _ _ _-' __.... ..,......... ~ &'..... "" _____.--::....: :=:.,2______ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS V..r Oy.t.r TImber Unlmprovld Improvltd TOTAL Order Tlmb.r I U,'m,,,,,'" Improved Improvemenb 8. of E. (8uildfr.gs) VALUE 52 21.07 21. 07 400 510 910 53 13.65 13.65 390 310 700 - - 54 14.05 14.05 390 580 970 - 57 19.87 19.87 380 580 960 ,),y /'-1. .'/ ,.'i// .., ( cJ ~-)"~J .f '/c') 0"' (.'" 3 q,Sj 3,sg Po --::; yO i2L 3, 5"',t 1,5t' /00 /00 ~ &> ~~ /,;; S- /~5'" 1:."7 3,~! 'B,~~ i/..-ro - ~S~ ~ <5 i>).; 9,:1.0 7'~d . 12- .:J.3>60 //~ BS".;;lS Z3.. """J -=U:'f1 '739A q .::--c 14- / ~ ;% Cf7~O I" ~"'o J1S/t:) 22 3 -. 3.:',.'- ~ C"/^ 1C,775 . 'j;' .,-- I ') '. -.J;.JU , - .... <><. ' 'J 7f /3000 1J'~3_";-:, '<7:.3;0 LOT SEC. 8LK. TWN, 'Z.:>. 0 C, 4 ROE. r- I - H' [.~ " !. ~ . ...'ll::. ;1.4. of. z Ole/ (,(j I 1 /~ ~' (} cj.tl3' 6' q / 1itI,Q( / "'!I.... -~-J.l.;>:. .\ ".",<- , , .-, .< "ci~erlYk~o~~ ~S 1 Tr 37 of W! SE~, Tr 1 of SEk SE~, Tr 14 of S\v~ SE~ ai J Tr 17 of S"~ SE~ ex That portien of the W! of SE of Sec. 9, Twp 23 N, HI WW~ as follpws: Begn at the St corner of Sec. 9 and proceeding Thn along tre S line N $90 02'21" E 1302.76 ftj Thn along E line of SW SE N 0033' 1$" W $27.$$ ft. to SE corner of tract herein described and true point of begin; Thn N 71027' W 132.60'; Thn N 7$034' 40" W 231.40'; Thn N 47036' 50" W 179.99'j Thn N 61025' 10" W 240.11 ftj Thn N 26037' 32" W 201.2$ ftj Thn along the S margin of Old Navy Yard Highway N 6$029' 30" E 376.27 ft; Thn S 393.50 ft; Thn E 434.07 ft; Thn along E line of the W! SEt of Sec 9, S eO 33' 1$" E 24$.62 ft tdl LP. I3gl1 at D~ COlue! of See: 9, T-,,!, 2J N, HI WWH 81,cl IlreccH;dil'lg Thn along the g liRe of coid gee ?, N 89(') 02' 21" E 92J. 47 ft to the OW . CO! I,C! of the; tract hcrcil'l dcoeribed and true poiRt of begn Thl'l continuing along oeid 8 line of See 9, N 89002. 21" E J79.J9 ftj "tThR alol'lg E line of the S'tJt of tLc 8E! of 3eid See 9 N OOJJ. 18" E "785.55 ft. ~~: ~17g8 ~4m~~~~2~~~~0::J~~ 27' 00" \II 143.<)5~ Thn 8 g85.20 f, te truo pt-ef bga That port of SW! SE~ Soc ?, T\/Il 23, R HI \tJIIJM deo aD follm/e: _.:"'"".- ~~~ ~i ~~e ~~<J~ ~~ ~~c ~, ~~ 23-N--,R-I--WWM--anu---pr~eee,Ung ~= --- -~o-- {;----i-- '----'(7 id------e -9, N 8')"'82. 21" E 612.11 f~ to ~)'ih;~~Yg9g~~;r2~f. ih31i~~6tf~~rein deeeribed and the true pOint of~ TI.n tI gS5. 20 ft j TLn N 470J6' 50" 'If Ig6. 23 ft; Tim N 61025' 10." 't! 81.56 ftj Thn S 17(')46' 30" E 105.43 ~ Thn 8 18055' 10" W 207.9J ft, .Thn S 65004' 40" W 73.66 ft; Th S 726.84 ft. to the t~€-~ of bg- C:;:" I . That !lsrtioH \ihioh lieD S of Ul'lioH River of ~ew-in-g Thc W 1/3 of SW! SEl of SEl See 9, 23 1, which lice Ely of Bear Creek .3D the Dome flo'.ID aerODG above deGeribed proIlerty and Nly of the Union Riber, 00 the oame flO\/s aerooo oaid property. *Ex. Tract Ih-A.-8-<!.. /" ;:--;,.:" ~-. '. .,' " ~ . Year Oyster 77 .L.sz. 8J. LJ I. TOTAL I .:1.57 .:?.;S? 3~F NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimprov.d Improvtld ---------- --- ---- ---- l,r'</ -'\J Oyster ---,-'_.~_._._----------- --- - ,.-1------ ----- - Timb.r Unimproved VALUATIONS I -. Impr~...ed Impro....m.nh (BIli!d;nlilS) t. of E. VALUE ~.502; 1/&;77.:.>' 2~.:2 2.-: , 17.5"00 _I 3'1%;1, () ::- ~ :5.;< CI I L , I r-i I~_- : ~.==l - 'r--' ~---- j I I _