HomeMy WebLinkAbout123094100071 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;J. 'II SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. Port PUO "PO V.A. - - - - - - --52. ' n ", n ~ Orville R. Miller McDonald 2 lU.. ..A. 3- ~ .k. - 14567 Donald A. MacDonald et 1X d ~.:>- ..!& .3 EL6:..c..SF " ';v / I. A, :z. .20..L~ ....:2.1.d.iL ~ ,/: L , ~ 1.>-:<109 " " 'l!> H--< s: ,:7 0 ..14- ..i/1 () 1/ / A /1 J r ~ '/?{ .L tfo .3lL. 31_~,.'L c. H .... 2 u12 1/ ~^ /i. ft. .:7. ,~ 1- 1-1- p- ;;1o~.' .is. .9-.y; I 1 --1-:-:-- /tJ/7S: ~ h7Y-~ / i I I ~ - --1-:-1-- , . I ---,-1-- I i I --1-:- -I- i ! I i 1 - - -1- =1 -I- I _ h _ -.a:-"---=-.:-------:------.. -- -- - ---.. - ~- ~ -- - -. -,~:"'"~:-.-''' ~ -- - - - - - - - -- - -:.- - - - ---=-~- - -.. - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS G .P'/) Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ~ Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE ...I'). <57'/ .J-' 'j / /yJ t3~cJ -:9'6"0 ,,,-y .5:9/ ..5:9/ /~ i)' ?7i) /",5,1 - , M S'JI 5':CjI IRo 990 1170 U:: if.. h, I ~/t;/ /.-!? cJ 9,90 11.;< 0 /dP. ~ /;i<L./ 0 I';' 15"'7" 100 F/dJv JLl o? c'1 .;{, 1:10' dM /(;t-d' ..:< /0 /.:l,Lj'o /.5Z0 :& k 1<% d<~o ~...1o c:.J~J>~ .3100 zg 117~ ;;)~ t3c)I-~ . LL.d/l J!L -' -', a361? 4'1000 ~030 /~..fO 1Z ;7.6,1 , /-' (,,{ :'fIW.~o 9':.'1.') 19~1~,~'j r7. t .rt .2 f,. " /~..-: ..:./_.:") 3-i2~() J!l.. C?O. 0;.6/ .;l.o /C:;/ 1,0 ? i'C) 9'...5 ?"'J /'77,7,} , S:;.. ::U' / ~ ~",' ;~ l /,- , ) /;Ht' 'D ~/;:. .:' ~~~7) i' ~, '/'5' ;..,.,......... ~ (') ,'3-. J() t, t. 900 LOT BLK. I I "l.3 U q <-! I 01 cJ de 7 . ,.... ~\;--..," ~,.." - ,-~ "~.~, () :--,... ....,."i I2.1;2..3 il>'[ 9 1/ / 0 C> 0 7.J '.:'" I~."".,,_.,~" &. ( SEC. TWN. RGE. , Jr.lyknoWn as 1'r 'ih2, of.' WE! SE~ ..;'''-- . . ~'l. Beginning at the SEly corner of See 9, Twp 23 N, Rl WWM, proceeding Thn along the E line of said See 9, N 0"42' 03" W 1351.31 ft; Thn S 88033' 01" W 46.57 ft to the Wly margin of Miller Road and the SE1y corner of the tract herein described and the true point of beginn; Thn S 88'33' 01" W 471.18 ft; Thn N 88013t 16" W 514.25 ft; Thn N 369.47 ft; 0 Thn along the S margin of the Old Navy Yard Highway N 68 29' 30" E 167.08 ft; . Thn along the W1y margin of the Miller Road S 0 08' 40" E 81.56 ft; Thn on a curve to the left having a radius of 80 ft a dist of 85.70 ft; Thn 8 61' 31' 30" E 115.34 ft; Thn on aocurve to the left having a radius of 340 ft. a dist. of 148.42 ft; Thn S 86 32' 10" E 347.49 ft; Thn on a curve to the right having a radius of 80 ft! a diet. of 57.40 ft; Thn S 45025' 40" E 194.17 ft; Thn on a curve to the left having a radiue of 170 ft. a diet. of 11.01 ft to the true point of beginning , ~,"'-- -~----,-~--~--- ~ ,_"_u~~