HomeMy WebLinkAbout122324001080 . DISTRICTS :;/ V..r FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - '- i..-/ SALE PRICE .52//)7(,,<1- Rd. "h. Port PUO FPO I -51- /7tJ3r.~ ;u< ~~p~:: Je-Rr /'//ihMJ 1 2!L G l c.l. L H ~o~oo , 0S 2/J9/, 9t; ~ ( X.m~~lL~ - - - - - - !b- iJ,go1dfo j?,;/ Ii:-. 'V .+- 7'- r7{1) - - ~ - - ~g//fJ J - -1- - -'- - -- -- - - -i- - - , c_ - - -1- - - - - -1- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - -1- - -1-1 I / ~_"'-~'=:" ~'_~ __ _ _________ _________ _~__ ~ __ _____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _n _ ___~ :...o....~=...~~~='_=~~_~__'-,~~~"""-lt~--:- Jd. '~~;':~'~""" NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oytt.r Tlmb.r UnlmprOVld Improvld TOTAL O)'lter Tlmb.r UnImproved ImproVld Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 5L 1. 50 L .c. .87 .87 15 100 115 .57 I. S'D L. . .~7 ,$7 Is' /00 Ie. 0 27S H /?'> ~oo /60 /c~{) .ku. 9~~ .;v S- J//.~ '"- . ~ //'7~ .:;~ t> /3~CJ laP. /?,5"'o ..;1t:, S- ,;;?,cJ/5 ~ ,,>7'50 /430 '3/~CJ 2L ,<5': ;t .5.5"~b ~~" ~g~o ~ $"S"" 0 ~bO g:>$~O ZfL ' ;"" 1f3,gb I Z!- I...f' .?.L, I<i /.;1. (, /";1)" !l Ill' % ;(6~(!)t) 87'/'0 3507" L- -~. ,<7 w'"P"'" J-7 ? :::n' a", v,/, ,~ ,j ~./~ - /, ".:, --') - :.z.JL /':::& /, :., ',/) S~~ ", ",,/ ~ - . '<10 , u_,_ , JL I f'.&."c', r "7f? I'<t 3;2. (JOe> J 37J,) 557ft! [~ 73500 ,,;{.?SOD jtJ;( i/()J LOT BLK. I / z..;z. 02- V :z. C)08c cJc:) I , SEC. TWN. RGE. ',:~ '~~" ,,;.~,,.,,,.',,,~..""''" () g O.t- ",p I..,.c, ' I -' .-e". .',' Q., <> ~:'fIe~~:'9J;'. .~ ,_ -c_',-" c' '", '~', " "< Beginning at a point 990' E of the W line of Gov. Lot 3 and 760' S f of the N line of Gov. Lot 3; thence Ely paral~el with the N line of Gov. Le' 3 to the Ely line of Lot 3; thence Sly along the Ely line of Lot 3 to a poir 200' S of the E and W center line of Gov. Lot 3; thence Wly parallel to the S line of Lot 3 to a point 990' E of the W line of Lot 3; thence Nly parallel to the W line of Lot 3 to point of beginning. Note: formerly known as, si Tr. 10 of lot 3, Tax 1138 EX A. /'{~ - )1 di '1 /Uei.c-T 7' - ~.,;;'ffl / Y / ~c~..c ._cc ~.. . ... ~ c . C 'f ..--;i.~,:",~~,,~_;';;-~-F: * Ex. 1138-A \ DISTRICTS :::: , Y'u File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Seh. P"'!PUOIFPOilT 52 s. W. Barker 1 54 G 313_ L f'P I+- ft '-48436 Merrill w. McKinstry et ux ..v I -- 2LC; -'lJ,.1 /'21../ 21 ~c ~;'-7 vfrD .:<9AS'/ ------ - - - - - - - =~ --1-1-' -1--,--1- ---- -1-'--1-- -- - - -- -- =1 -- - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - I I ___~.------- ~.'~_c_c c._' __.. ___~._____..____________________~::._____ _~..:,,:: '_' '-_.c ~___ NUMBER OF ACRES I TOTAL I VALUATIONS -f'- V..r Oylter Timber UnlmllroVld lmprovltd Oyster Tlmb.r I ",'m"".d 1 Impro....d IrnprOVlmenb B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ...2. 31.03 131.031 --.!tQQ... -Xn0 1_ 1$Z9 53 : ~.b>dll I ~.t~ I ::<8 C) -YC'o 636 _ 54 b6 I l:&'-I :::?3o 670 C/Od _ ._:2., 57 5.47 LP t.lP~ /;.t.;( 60 310 670 ..J.f240 - 58 I lR I 6.62 310 670 980 - --- -~'-~ .idz 206z; t& 70 ;j 7iJb k ,~I1&('J 1/:1. 0 4/!?~ a- 3c;t,o /1105' '/O'f:: -U. .~ ,~ $5'.;25 / ..,.:rr .5bJ7o ~ /ft;;1. .:; , "CJ !c.h~ , 4~o 5'150 I~:>~ . '76~5' /.:l5:'.5' ';Y?35' - 70 ~g _S-<1~o ~ /4~ . 9.2~ /I~~o .;t..s::l& /5~JPLJ " /R7t1.? ~.5::l..!J ~/.1/5 -Z:6. !),~'l.~, - 9-Z< 2.2 5~o' >II, e .t,:z .t. , t: :z <il. f?LlG ~13~ 3J~8'LJ '1'/ .P.O'" ~ ~.:<3 6,,,....-::J. /, 0 ~ 6!19o ,~tf70 !7f3heJ , LOT BLK. I J 7.-2- ...:L <f Z- dO 7 OU / - SEC. TWN, RGE. f\\\I\'" \ j _.,." .."l ...,..~_,.T}.,.,", q....ofr:r"\~.. .1;..'" '..J', ~:t. 1.~_C '..1.."."- l"" P:~~'I/-:Y/--&; /(c;'.yC I ~ L~ From SW cor lmt 3 see 32-22-r--- thn S 89056' E along S In lot 3 990 ft. thn N 00 24' W 225 ft. thn S 89056' E 450.64 ft. to pt of bgn thn N 25 ft. thn S 890 56' E to pt 25 ft W of hiwater mark thn Sly always 25 ft W of hi water mark to pt 225 ft N of S In of lot 3 thn N 890 56' W to pt of bgn .;-- " " ,"'-~ ,',., -"::;;,,. Bgn at the SW corner of lot 3 see 32-22-1 thn N 225 ft. thn E to a pt 25 ft W of high water mark thn Sly always 25 ft W of high water mark to a pt 126 ft N of the S In of lot 3 or pt parallel with S In thn W to a pt 990 ft E of the W In of lot thn S to the S In of lot thn W to the place of bgn ex logging RR right way over t l'e W 660 ft of premises &; also co rd All that part of NE~ SW See 32-22-1 as follows: Bgn at a pt on E line of said NE SW 225 ft N of S~ corner thereof thn N along said Eline 20 ft. thn W parallel with S line of said forty to E line of Co. Rd. thn Sly along E line of said Co. Rd to pt thereon directly W parallel with S line of said forty from pt of bgn thn E to pt of bgn. ,~} .E.x~_ ~ra.l-~_& 10-12 Also a tr of land bgn at the SE corner of the NE~ of SW~ see 32-22-1 thn N 225 ft thn W to the E In of county rd rng thru forty thn Sly along the E In of county rd to the S In of forty thn E to the place of bgn Exc. A tr of land bgn at the SE corner of the NE~ of the SW~ of see 32-22-1 thn N 126 ft thn W to the E In of the county rd rng thru forty thn Sly along the E In of rd to the S ln of forty thn E to the place of bgn. Note: formerly known as, TlX.~X 25 of lot 3 , Lot 3 Ex. Trs. 9-11, 13, l~, 16, 22,23, 25, 26, Tr. 11 of lot3 Ex. llA Tax. 1127 Tr. 20 A of NE SW TAx. 1137 Tr. 21 of NE SW Ex. 21A. ~