HomeMy WebLinkAbout122321002031 Year FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,:PO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Po" PUD I FPD - - - - , 85 l-:"rion F. Catron et ux S.F.Catron 1 5l+ G :\ { L ff t<i#802 .:? /1)177;7 I..d- 4 J ('/. L / _~___ v k f--- I '47~.O~24 - - fJ1.... :3J53&:J. 3r::co ~5/~33 - - - - f--- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---~ - -- f--- - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - - - - -_.._--,- -- - - - - -I -- - '. .. - ,. .- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - .... , Improvemenfl IS. of E. Oyst... nmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE ,{,II ,7.>...... ,SO L~~ //(}" j/tJ ~_ lI. ,<~ /~'l~ /.915 __ ~ / "!?'5 /it!7 S- t.'i /3'15' /~/O ~~ ~ ~ ~% 1-.- _. ..::l J'.& ~ .5'J',0 ~ .:'.."70{,) .;z~~ -2.5...9...0- ?J /"750 ~L: /-15/5_ 1$ ~1111 X :7J ~'O' /fD30 Vtl~O "lie 506- L2x- .5t? 0 /?, 11'7.3$0. 11 ;J.2Soo <1;f.L1rc (, t.{. t'-f .P . 7& ,7C;; ,50 /.;;',5 ./'1,-' ;;~~~Ii/~~~~ Jl! /.f,...:J C;~, 83 9Pc;;r. 79t./':;-.- /7? '-Is ) . , ' . - --,.._.,,~ -- LOT ILK. I I t..-L 32- J ~ 005 C"~I': VI"IA ?lli HII s RG Q... EC. TWH. E. .',."1 '-,,--t~-~.il,~'^ ,,:. ":'l"..{' ~.]" ..,,- _ J " , .. , I " '-~ I!!! , . .. j / ., -r, ~ , eo"" . ,.. .. Be~inning at SE ccrner of GOyt Lot 2; thenre along meander line N l1cE "~:;"lO.71chains; thence N <<"<0' W :'>;;'27 chail s; ~hence c-ontinue a]ong rreancer line N <<"'?O' ';1100' to 1.p.;,."tnFr'i'~eA/fffy 262' !T.ore or less, to center line of s urycycc' rO~ld at a j:oint 100 I TJ 0:: ;3 line of property conveycc' to l:~:'ion Catron under Fee ,1,'11545<; t:lenco S 50'; thence El:,' 29< " more or less, to 1. F.; liDO ALSO: ~-Beg at SE corner of Govt l t 2 in Sect. 32-22-IW, W.M.; th alg the meander line N 130 E 10.71 chns; th N 330 3D' W 2. i7 chns to apt; th continue alg sd meander 1 ine N 330 3D' W 200' to the true pob of this descr; th continue alg sd meander line N 330 30' W 35'; th Wly 25-', MIL, to C/l of a surveyed rd at a pt 120' N of the S 1 ine of the ppy conveyed to Marion F. Catron and wife under Fee No.1 15453; th S 20'; th Ely 262', MIL, to the true POB of this description; tgw T/l ~. ,-~