HomeMy WebLinkAbout122291300020 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,:;10 SALE PRrCEl Y,.r Fila No. NAME of OWNER . Rd. .... Port PUD 'PD f175J9 ~ , .0 - - - - - - '-~ , 1L _I.. 61 T ,T. 'T'e':e'1ll <ot- ~: ,Trnes , l&} ^. '< '3 L .fL . '1X .'- ,,4.500 71l A .-v'" aV. . Q, ~'2 AI.? ~~.~ 'Ill . ~ 7, ~<::L ~ ob - - - - - - -?-(lY.6/ c;7, ~ - - - - - - () if/ ...) / 2--001 v V - ,.....- - - - - - - - - -- - 'V - - - - - -- - -- - I ...,. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Tlmblr Unimproved Improved Improvlmlnb B.ol E. (BulldlnCI) VALUE # \.3<;" .3K 300 .300 1-'1. J.35 -35' ? gtJ6 - ~// .f'o cJ /70 7'7.0 .0b ..:: 1<'7 /0.1'/1 .:2 / () /.;< /tJ M.. /500 .:U 0 /7/0 2L2 t5 k% 3dM -'Y 3<1 3-'/30 , 2d- ;'7 dtJ tJ 5tJcJ /7'cJr1 f J. 1>. % r Jt-j ()d () /J'tJGI /.1J"a:J I.. f) /S'C>. - 1/,_0-0 ~ ';~., .2i . _3..'; ~s / '1 5~ (c c" ___-~- ~c::;-:.;c;,' .~ 7r C,D (I-{ 00,) , ' L:-',-o /;,).. ~ l~ ~r- ~ ~ '--.;;/, 5'C.7~- . 17C J.....-J )~ " LOT BLK. I I Z- z... 0 00 z,.9 / "0 o '3 / . ~17-r-7S-o'O'O~ .__.__.L .~~ ~-",,-",,:.<.;li-.a-~ ,.' J/.~._,~"" SEC. TWN. ROE. ~-'-.- ,.. ".. "k'.i', .1 ""'.......-"......- , _ 'l'Ta ct 2 pj: Govt I..ot 2 ..~._,.J ''Ii S 100' af N 200' of 00vt Lot 2 l:'inr; E of El:' R/IV line of'\.llyn-P11mr Cree~ C0urty Road. .:.J- , - - -. - -------- -. - - -'--0 ,,,, ,- -"l NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..:1/0 SALE PRICE 65 ~W'2{f5 John W. ... -"'- "" "'-[: ~ ~ #<1011 Kelly et ux 1 '!Ql~.l.l13_....b1L. -~<(O _ >YleYL e record 70 '~2~~6r' Bennie H. GclL ,+ 'v I 'nn...lo. . fll-_1__$7800 WOE- ~r~~ '1 :5 ,//'1' _ (.;;,."",,",o# 71) - - ~ . ~ - jfLI~ ~.2bb~Ab k'RHe'R PTm( . I ! I I ""'..7"053 -------1 1/8/ 3'1325'_ e~$/t..r# tf.6LA,wJf!. /~ ~) (~~"'" ) ~-~--F- ~lf.,r.L == -r=~=--=--~ ______1_\_______ = ~=I=====-= - - - _1- - - ------------, - - - - - -- - , - ", , ,.-- --.-. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .:r.a. , Improvements I B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimpro...ed Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) I VALUE Y. ,go ,/6 ~5,'" 3"S N ~A /,It!) -'jtJ__ 1:1 I. if6~ j, "'~ -2?J '70 iJ.. .sc"C2... - MO ~ . 700 _2o!!..._ & 9:J ~ LS!..t1a.... /<,/ do ---- Z;. ....v..,.....- ~ ;Z0:2~ ~ ::J. b2. S- 131S- $..W- ~ ~.:<..:>,O ~~30 18"JPi) - E... $.:;!:>- ,~ )t-,.) 17F!?~ 11 -_.- ------ I, '-/ 'S / '15 5;(50 I.P..I;2&1 -1.c9/j.2',,5- ~ 0( IJ..~'IJ I IlJJP I'i'./..Y k., ,73 -73 ::;~5C _.!__.:.222)__ ? bon ~\ \- O. tHl 10';00 //)xcn _ IJ-i - 19 J\j..,c, (' 6 ;;..; fi 0 ;;";;!.':'~O__ - ~~ .73 , 73 I ;<';<"00 i dl ~_ ~).J;:) 0 ~ / I ..;;,::,......{:1. ., ~O 001 00 , ... ,- ...--.....- LOT BU<. _.,..,....-.0:.. -"{-"---: j'- f\ , ~ SEC. 1"-"-' TWH. RGo. 1-- ----- ...-_~-",'-~.,-, .---.~ :::.. -.'" ,-/,- J--- -I'B t eginn the corner common to sections 20 & 29' thence ~ section 1 common to said sections 20 & 29, S 8903a~971.10" thencf S 8047'40" W 45'; thence alOng~curve t ~f1~ght with a radius 6~ 7:~6.80', the cen f which bears 2'20" W, a distance of 189.48'; thence N 89018'06" E 1 8' - oint "A" said point "A" being the 1.P.; thence S 80012'00" E , hence N 19015'16" W 177,'U'; thence S 70624'24" W_l " ence N 83 '10" W 127', more or less, to thread of Sherwoo eek; thence Sly along d thread, 180', more or less to a point w' bears S 89018'06" W from 1. ., ence N 89038'06" E 1601, more a or s, to I.P.; excepting the N 90' as measu rallel to North line. Tr. 2-E - N. 90' of following description: Beginning at the i corner common to sections 20 & 29; thence along section line common to said Sections 20 & 29, S 89038'06" w 1973.30'; thence S 8047'40" W. 6.45'; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 736.80', the center of which bears N. 81012'20". a distance of 189.48'; thence N. 89038'06" E 306.98' to point "A" said point "A" being the I.P.; thence S 80032' E. 75.12'; thence N 19035'36" W 177.31'; thence S 70024'24" W 10'; thence N 83048'10" W 127', more or less, to thread of Sherwood Creek; thence SIt along said thread 180', more or less, to a point which bears S 89038'06 W from the I.P.; thence N 89038'06" E r6&.~, mb~e or less, to I.P. .-..---= .' -- ;;; -;:- ~ ---- .----: -.. .-....._~_.=-- -, -;::.J?>""-< , -; ..~ . ~ / "/ -=tr / >, ,.... " '-' . ( ('. '. fe, Se "-" ~T/.:vq d r>r/-R To '!.h/...&.0 >"'E/<': ~He 7!rL€ Y&1I'f #{,!!>7' ..;:;i,e-e '&2- ~.?E"Nn/EGoFF F/Le: ~.. --L- NUMBER OF ACRES I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r , Oyder I - ----- ..-.~ +-- -"/ .. , , . , (, /' ~~ t/'-: " X. -rC I ;J / , Year I Oyster Timber (,zf-----f--- -f-------- -.-------- ---- -----. -- - -.----.- ----------1-- /-- f-----f-----I- ----------1 , I Timber VALUATIONS ~ Unimproved Irnpro".muh {Bllild:nq" Improved r- ~--- ---- t. o,_~. VALUE ----' I t I i I I I I R : i 1.._.._ I: I_==t r- d- ,}' , 11/ > IJI/I (;, ./1 ---I _I ..!