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DISTRICTS - ,'/ V.., AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE ,d, 5ch. t Port PUTPD H- ..~_\_),) I ~ (,/73 27q91~ Pc.!.n.Jin(' -:;.'1ith !)ot!~on , J ~rr.~8r"(ltt 1. ,~ If 3 ~ L c IH '.OJ' !M }j;'!J>/. .{tJ "I" 7[;:r )1, . tr-,I//_ lk j) .~ ,~'.., I /1 , . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . I Veer I Oyster "7':' 71 1$ ) , . 7t. J'I Jl /'/ .3L h TImb... Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvem.nts (luildin~l) 8. of E. VALUE .~o ~r;: /< " ~ ~S2? //1oa //7"" 58'52:J /Jl7t:JO .5~.;'; i /'7.2 /<:; ,. ,~---:..--. ~ ~ I.' I ~, /. Ir, (, , . 16"'/':"'" ,:: I: 0 ~;,5:?(J ~ , ~:." . f'"i. IHf, _.: r ._.~~ .' .,- ,.;, 1.50-"': .:... - I,: ..2S 7$ I/r'- ,(, I" ? ":,"::::'7,, ........" L I' ..,,~ ., ,I_ .... _.. 4,/.' '. /,?.c"/c::, . lOT SEC. BlK. I TWN. J aGE. ;L;2. ;2 8.J .3 OJ 3 j_ ..J 1:Zl:?J""~18:~~ _Tract.19.0[ Goyt. Lot 2 -<j '77: ... .. ,1 , ",28 22 1 ~" '4'\" A tract of land in Govt. Lot 2, 5~c. 28, Tounsl1i:-, ??, Nortll, Ran3A 1 T~"efit, -:-".,;"f. p::.!rti~111erly desc. as follcy;..c;: ca.rr"f":l-TCING at tlv. ')ol1th:.?(~st COn1PT of Sis~;on Bench, ArcnrdiT'3 t.o t~I"3 rC~C('lTlled" ~11"lt t113rn(J~ tn t~'IG o{"'(,"icC' (l: t"1~(; \11 "'Ii.t:nr ror ire.son County, ?Tnsh5.;'3t0'!1, Vol.11' ,8 /. or !'l'"'ts, ::-t'~C! lr)!~, ~)e-in:-: the' r:O-,:-el" ."1st ('0-(',,,,,,:.: u:"" r.-(l'.r(:'~'''ent Lot ?, c;~:U'l r::'pct:inT1 ?'1~ lcY''113hi...' ?'? ~~nrIJ'. la:",::",~ ., n~.'1t, ?"...:. th(mc~ ')ol1th 33030' ~,3::;~ ~70. 5r, r'lf't to t:"., ~n:i.n': (yf ~:"'.3~7.-1l;i,.,: 0: t-1i'J tr~c~. of lpncl hC'ro:)~r r:p.'~~1:-i~)('" i thJnC8 r.rmtt'l'l,'lo 'i'ont:l1 3101~' '~'.:.~1" :--;r;.00 ~;1'3t to thn ~JoJ-t"1, y'st cnrnr." (J';:" p tract 0::- lUri.l1 Gulr1 C'll crmtr:tct to Hels ~. \.n(10r:,on n.l1,1....,n I. /l.n':lyn;oTI, hl1.S;);lTlll Hl1t] 1:-:i.F,', r.ncn ,-~~'pr~ UT1dt~J:" ..1.l1.ditor's r.'ilc !To. ?'i~,'j'i7; th:~ncc EOTt1; n,o')O'7',-" ~;~3r, ;:lon:;:.: tho ~IoI'tlv~rl;r lin\1 or sni.d .':.nnQrson t:2.ct, 1(.C). '~l fl~ 2t, InT'\:, nr Ins.~, to the '.?p.stL'rly 1~'L)1 :.-0; _1 r.:-:~~ 1 infO nf S0.(~()l1(;.(.Tr::" ~r~il~C,~ }~i.::)1;~Y Eo. l'~B; thenc,~ ;Jort1"1 ?')or;0'1,'.II ....Dfit, alon~ ~.f~.it1 '"~,),.;f>'rly rig-nt-():""-"fl'..:r lin~, to Q. :Kjj.nt Ut~1',:nn l'hic~ i?J Nf").,:-t1l GS"l:""'!' ~.n.st "'1:"0'1 tL~ ~'(Jint ('-'" '"')'J:i.n"in.:; thODe!';! ')ol1th 5505G' ':'/." '~r.::':;~ to ~-hl ~"'cint c'~ '1c:5.nrdn:, ~xc:"l,t j.i''"'" tl'1lJrl1tro'l, hoc.:nvnr, Flny :')ortion tIif'I"Cr)r." -:tJi l3.~r 5.'r1cl'l,1[' t";r~nl'1..n.1s. . -. -