HomeMy WebLinkAbout122212400060 Yellf File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ....-~_~:-:- SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port jPUO "FPD EJ!',ctL L. -----,- , 52 Flossie Stephens Mill s 1 45 -.1. 2_ L C - -....5L 170495 Edgar L. Mills et ux L m 11 ~ 5- .J.. ~ JL $2200 0>1 :U.5,J,Yf ~ 1:,','r..t7~ 7}/.JJp 1/;' .. " /' - - - - - - ft.]',;;/?? o/gtl 1/813/M5 d",1" I. LJR.4N/:J C.X Yr"J, ;'f??~'i'7 ----1-1- ~(1L) -,-I--I-Fi ----- I ---/--- .. !-i-I--- -1--- ---1- , - - _1- - I - - -1- - -I -- -- .-""'- -.. -- --- -.,-., -- --- - -~--- --- -~.:. ---_.~~ ---~-- - ---- -.-,'..--.- - -- - - - ---- -- - ~'_:::;; -.' - --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oydlr TImber Unlmllroved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE -21. .26 .26 200 200 .sz 1. 48 1 .c. .26 .26 15 200 660 875 -5..a 1. 48 1 .c. .26 .26 15 200 485 700 k ,::U. ,;<b ~ /}h{) 4P5" /2#f) kL ,;H ,:<.~ '1(;,0 5;;l.G" /.:< J'S" u... .,..-<P. 9.<~ c"h~ // //> /...p ,~ P</1 ~.?r; S5/LJ ~ &01~". :5(? tJ CJ /'3/0 -!7-tJli:L - / 1L <9'$ 5~ /$/0 7'&;;41' ZL ;?.5'S;; /~5~ .1"'/4><::" .ff.. ;: ,c% /67~t) gs'/'" ;;),0:2/0 . .. r j"'- - -- - '? /,';, , , I 5187-':: 7. . ~_, 0-;' .. . ....-... , .. --'./ ~ 11- ,P t7.; '" - 77/ fr,F::ioo 7r;[ 7/ /. ; J, " ". ---- - .~ ,,,. " -> 7'1 I . .2.(.. , ;z:, I Clo ,;233301 5S /0 ..;./"....--... (j LDT SEC. I' BLK. / TWN. I ~II (J 0 / _ J /;;).I::2.'~' / ',,2' J/ D'b'61~ lOt .. .r.' .~.., ,f" .'."". _.;,' ,,;,,;1''' '.."' j" '7 V z,! I .3 ROE. , OP"'~0t...1iI ,~C' I .' _~... ..-1" ..... A tract of land lying Wly of Hy as fo11ows:l Beg at NW corner of Lot 2;th following along meander line S 400~'30" W ' 292.5$'; th S 3001'50" W 122.91' to I.P.; th N $9053'06" E 153.52', more or less, to Wly line of Hy; th Sly, following R/W line of Hy on a curve to right having a radius of 934.93', a distance of 103.65'; th leaYing R/W line, running S $9053'06" W 131.94', more or less, to meander line; th following along meander line N 3001' 50" E 100.15', more or less, to 1. P. Also tidelands in front of above desc. Note: formerly known as Tr. 1 C of lot 1 A of lot 2 . ~-- .~-.. a- __' ~..., Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 71/-- SALE PRICE ~ Rd. Oc'. Port I PUO I FPD 52 1392621 Robert jvicQuarrie et ux 1 -...!!2 t:; -2 2_ L C 53 148247 Clay M. Jones et ux 1 4-03 3 5 L C // j2850 /,4 2,1:3 ,?;<,2 1M_ , ~/-:- ~~/. " ..... :';'..::',://.1 , V II - / "'V61? /. /';/)21 .e.. ~ Ie ~ ~/L!Jdd. ~ t:T r- - - - - ";";>,(,,$'1 ..f:?L :1/ln3/.f ~ f'?,..,.....:zt '1 ~/6~<.. - - /.,7 :R ~ ed,-'''''' 7'~- / o-PT:--,r - - - - - U' ;?315# PM /...~ ,: j/ bAd}" ~ f1"'''A,;J - - - - - - '" ~.?'_ 4.;1/.;> !/#- ?. {, q J/.!>-,., '_/ v/lO ~,.( ~13 ?, 1{;.iJ# (lJl& d(.:Jf,,-...J Jt4t F'.T) - - -- - - ,/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~\~ ,- - m-I Ii I - --1_~ NUMB,:R OF ACRES rur , Oyster I TImber I Unimproved I Improved o t I limber U d 'I I d jlmprovemenh I B. of E. ys tlr nimprove ; mprove I (Buildings)] VAlUE_ I . _17..<'375"1 '13/:;-171,,7::'0 - ~7.;{37:-j /ScJO 113 ?7.s-' ) I 'i' I i ~ I I- I I I I 1---: -I ----E' ! , I I : I ----- -----il I L__i----=:- 1,_-- --- ---- I I ' '_1_ ------- ------ [__:,---.1 . --- --1---- ,I L= I _ I I _ - -=1=-=~-\ ----'---1 I I I . , "I .,-. &/ - .. - I .. -, - .. .- - I : TOTAL-r-I VALUATIONS ...vem\ .J~ Q /'IU.:.. ;'4 ~- .");G . :l-" -,- -I -1- ~ ~'. , 'l'J;'a "11; ';l '1 P - "+-. T <. r ;1!'Ji ,,~ .,.,~I_.,..-r:' ,.... '.:'-.,...-.:.". -.~- A tract of land lying W of Hy as follows: "'"', Beg at NW corner of Lot 2; th following along the meander line S 4004'30rr W 292.5S'; th S 3001'50" W 223.06 to I.P.; th N 89053'06" E 131.94', more or less, to Wly line of Hyj th Sly, following along R/W line on a curve to. the right having a radius of 934.~3'j as distance of 90.53'j th S 24019'30' W 18.78' j th leaving said Wly R/W line and running S 89053'06" w 93.31', more or less, to the meander linej th following along meander line N 3001'50" E 100.15', more or less, to I.P. Alse tidelands in front of above desc. Note: formerly known as, Tr. 1 B of Trs. 1 A & 2 of lot 2. , - "'-- .._.~ ----._-- -------~------ "- -- . --1 NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I . ~ . r}_" I;::_,..i , ' .L...5::::-_2l..._., Vear I Order limber ) UnImproved I Improved I TOTAL I' I I S {, I I- I Oyd... limber I Unimproved I Imprtlved I 17~ooo I J ,I , , i : I , , I I I Impro....m.nh i (BuildinQsl '-'r, I I 8. of E. VALUE - , , ,-..... ;..- d/ :_) V' TO ---,------ ~ I I =------~~- -=--=~- - ~r-==~t : '; I 1-- 1,___ ~ l' '_1_ ~-----=--:-=='=--====-!- --'-------.-JII,:---II,,~L=-, ----- ---------i. - , __=-_ ----I - I _ I i