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Yoa' File No. i NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;::"A/'-) SALE PRICE , Rd. "'.. Porl PUD FPD --2L 1104119 Flossie Holbrook Stephens -l --4.; -L 2._ L C - .2!L h54737 " It It ouis L.Olsor -.l I.n' ~ 5- ..L.. .c.- RJi" 55 1159011 Louis L. Olsonetux L Vv3 f} "l c;'" L ~ i::L fd' ~ 59519 Ben B. Cheney Timber Co. fit ,.,..0 k ]J)a./;;,....", ;# /:1370 - - - - - ~ /')9",:,:; U jI ~., / I/. 7A) " fry fr'V(,/ _ F -<;/ U AA . -"'- ,- A- t'~J/ /' ./ ~ - - - - ,.,-,J';?O. , -iLL. ,ro, ,,,;I -f( (7;rh" J j /11 tl~./hA ~(6)) - JL 17,f ()i/.? ~i:GNA'rED ------- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - .. ! I --....-. ...._~~.-.....~..._~--' - -~........... =....-'" ~-=---~--.~----_._-----._--------------_..._.._-- -_......._.-.~.""-~--=-..."" =..:' ~ ---.... . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oylt.r Timber UnimprOVed Improv~ TOTAL Oyttlr Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvlmentl B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .....22. 24.16 24.16 1500 600 2100 --5.1 18.36 18.36 1150 600 1750 --5.li.-. 18.36 18.36 1150 970 2120 --5..i 18.36 18.36 1150 0 1150 fgj" /R,31- Iff. 3{" /x~ 19b -"- 7..< ~ 2::1iJ _? ~/.I ~ ?s .5~ t'J b3.~ 9'5 / Z:?.-; /9,.9d 4R- -< '% /91JJ 5t'1l/J ~u /:,,; :lL - S5'/" ' .c;- <' /''-1 $2... I,t~.u"", l~r'.c ~ ~'<~/) .1A- :#4S~o/&-- :3'15 ~,'- 4~9tJ 1.:3.7~ ZL DE~ .GNA II Fn It! 2t:6' ';?SQ M: -s5 "/4 hOt{, .- 5';.5' ~s 15 I/p 1ft 1~;;2 '7/5 ,7/5 LOT BlK. ~ .,...r-"~ 6-31 ~- (\-:e.; ""'-1 . ',..," ~ 1:~#1D'hl~m"J '- ,/ ~7~/~) I '1'1'" .,. ~ i f' rdo'" , , .f')C....1..J'1J.\.I~Q. 'I SEC. TWN. , L v.'~ - J' That ~rtion of following which lies E of Highway: Beg at SE corner of Lot 2; th W 1320' to I.P.; th W to the meander line th N along meander line to a point 527.9' S of N line of Lot 2; th E to Nand S diyision line between Lot 2 & SE NE; th S 462.1'; th W 1320'; thS 330' to loP. Except S 283.19'. Note: ~ormerly known as, Tr. 2 of lot 2 Ex. l-B & 2-A to 2-G. ~ l-u/LLd 5/3 / ~---.-- -, - ---L- ~ [~ .. u I I . r.+-o."" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS i,c.J"Of-) TImb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst... Timb.r Unimproved Improvld lmprovllnlnh B. of E. - (Buildings) VALUE jt, Icf3(' /%'3(, 7J'5' 73's-' n ~r;::r :?~, ,..., TED 9.4,'; 95.'7 zt / C; 9 {) '/7c' 7; /g,_'3~ ;f,30 93S- 735' t;G If) / cJ /cJ/(J ); j " ~~ ,I /, .:';; / (' /, c;- IOMS- tJ. DBS. 1f.3t. II ;// 17;?S- /7J'/- . ~/b ~ .,-- Iff 9 0 /,? '/d - ~'1 /? 3(, . . , -~ ;1/0 /9/0 --- - '-;) I~ 'J; ..../ / b;() ,1i.7~ ,- ---- - - -r . - I , ~I I ---- -- '- . I i . ,-'0'-','-.,,, '/