HomeMy WebLinkAbout122174100090 DISTRICTS ':'1 . . y,.. f~'ft6 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE -171>4:32 Rd. lloh. Port PUD FPD 1116701 - - - - - - 1/ 61 0am E. Clements et ux J .1? Fotter 1 40 A e.l. _2 1 If .;5000 for b~/ol)<"" ~?n 'J1". ,77~ , - -- /r-.:<!,g - - - - _~~l?O . (,~ IJ1~3'""O 1>>, 1n, fuA . -#; . -~ ----7 fJ7JV ~ - - - - - - ~^ 1603(;1 ro +--- E. -f!/ d. ilL ./... A,;;"J #. ?f,/o'y 9' - 5/,4.s-000 U)n 1 - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - . '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y,.. Oyltlr Tlmblr Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B'OfE~- (BulldlnQ1) VALUE !e.L /. ,5"'0 /. S-O &Y5 5~ ~ Y1'5' ~~s- 960 S'1~ -fL7'CJ lOt.! 5" ~ _17' :/45 6/'" .<1t:o -"- Ir/~ ,t/o /"1/<,,", //~ / ;)~ 0 1 7~5'" ("IS /3(.0 , L/4(" /,?1tJ ~ !iiJ% ,;;;S .5CJ /..;<.;Jt'J 877/) 7,1 ..5/0CJ ,p~o 57~ f!- "_ .<1/ ItJ2tJO Ic.:ftJ J 1;f!80 .5:/ '. 15". - .:Ii- . '-f( ,'-Ie) '] ".,:,.- '1.:<L; '.oj' ,~ _ .I/~ .1L Co 1/0';;'01' ;:;- I 1'"- " - . g) - , 1-/ ,'"I . iJ (J ;';t~,)~~.!.;- /;;;'1',",-',"') 3~(,~~ ~':)- I:; r"A .~ /rJ-l-< .J ;;(~.J'" Itre' , 30 '1.:<:; LOT IEC. BLK. TWN. I! ?? RGE. 1'7' U (J/7. uU L ' L.- tL\2L2/771lO OO:cnq 9 o.f.' Govt, 19.'k.~ 1~~-t:.RJI/:_..~....."..,"< .e.......&'. '" - -.,,//, II.. '''''Ii''',-, .____J.._ 1'r:a.~:jj " "",.,,' -~. ." i'Com at a point on VI line of Govt Lot], N 0015'32" 't{ 287.32' from SW, corner thereof; th S 89031'02" E to Ely Il/W line of Hir;hway 14B and I.F. of tract of land hereby des':dbed; tl-J continue S 89031'02" E to .sly line of Govt Lot 3; th N 1045'10" E along Ely line of Govt Lot 3 85.02' to a point 85' at riO'rt anr>;les to 3bove described line; th U 89031'02" II to Sly R/I'i line of lIia;hway 14B; th Sly o'llong H/V, line to I.P. Also: 13<>. t a point on Vi line of Govt Lot 3 N 0015' ]2" W ' from SVl corner thereo ; 0' 02" E to Wly R 'i' igrway 14B; th Nly along 'lily R/Il line of Hie: ' ' t 59' N at rio;rt anr;les to above described " U 890]1'02" IV to W line 0 Lot 3; th N ~~ . to Ely RjW line of Hia;h~ay 14A; th Sly along Ely RjW line of Pi~hway 14A to a point N 89027'21" W of I.P.; th S 89027'21" E to I.P. -. '---. --