HomeMy WebLinkAbout122171400010 _ ___.--c:.~:.______~_,..~ -~ -- ---------- --- ----~-. .-, ~,-- --- _ _ -- -- ----- ----- _ -- ~ -- --- --: _ ~ --e.-- -- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Timber unlmo.ro:e6d Improv~ TOT.A:6 Oyster TImber I unlmPl'.O"dO Improved Improvements B. of E. o 0 (BuildIngs) VALUE .86 .86 100 ,ft, ttf(p ,3(., ,gb ,3e. ,gC" Yeer File No. ..2L /,~ :12 ?.s7- j, '7 ~'7-r;, V..r Oyster ~ ...fl4..- Sf- ~ lti. "- IeZ U- n Zf.2. 2L .z2.. .1!L ......".-- 1'1 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Harry A. Wolcott -y r,,~. _,4. A, --II- -.,.,113 " -I"~,I' j /J.V ~v~ /.-#:./. LfhJO / j ~ f.. "'/..1>0 iAJ7 17 !fM, % , I Sf.. ." G, 2 L / 7 I '-/ 00/ (Ie RGE. 1 Tract_l, of ~9ovt J..,......-. l ~? LOT BLK. / / SEC. TWN. i ".''7. .~? DISTRICTS Rd. Sch. Port PUD fFPD I " ,- SALE PRICE 1 IE A ..L...?_ L _ 1 403...A 3 5 L II "=- - _ -=1=- -"'~o/l0"'~ ------ ---~I--- ___1__- --1-- 1-.----- 150 250 260 360 /00 ...::U;'o 3~6 :.>6t? d2 60 YOLD _ S-c"o .RbO f?~ 7do ~~4 /O~4 , '7/1-6 .:) tH3 9 t7,.; P7t; doo- P'7.5'67.5:/0 ::;~;?< /1'.52) ~9,;2C) ~;:"y,() -1".75CJ 5770 j.. .....- '-0- -a- .-<':9-- ~.52Y'" U5frJ ~CJMi.1J .,' /./~C,;' ) .:2'1':;:' 33500 ,;?.;- 7Z''';! -"''1...77',. ~ ~/?:) :~()'f)'()~) " ~~'-t Beg at the NW corner of tract of land hereby described and which is in the Ely shoulder of Sec State Hy #14B on the line between Govt Lots 1 & 2 1)26.97' Sand 216.68' E of the meander corner to Secs 8 & 17; th S 29040' E along the E shoulder of State Hy #l4B 2lQ.40'; th N 68050' E to meancer line; th NWly along the meander line to a point which is N 80045' E from point of beg; th S 80045' W to Point of beg. except Hy. Note: Formerly known as Tr. 24 of Trs. 18 & 20 A.F,#435032 Boundary line adj. Out of Tr 5 G.L. 1 A tr of land in G,L. 1, 17-22-1 W,W.M. daf: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Ely r/o/w line of Secondary St Hwy #14B & the S line of sd G.L. 1; th N 80045' E, along the Nly line of a tr of land heretofore conveyed to Leslie A,Allen & Sigrid A. Allen by deed recorded 4/3/67 under A.F. #225045, to the meander line of Case Inlet; th NWly along sd meander line, 50', + - to a pnt N 68050' E from the POB; th S 68050' W to the POB, excepting rd r/o/w, TOGETHER WITH a tr of T L suitable for the cultivation of oyster, formerly owned by St of Wa. & conveyed to Frank W.Ironside Vol. 8 O.L., pgs 101 & 119, situate in front of, adjacent to, or abutting upon the above descr upland tr & lying Sly of the Nly line extended NEly, \ , ,.........- ..~,.~ - ...:.~:- ~ .'. I-.J -1- 1 I I I .. * NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Order Timblr Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (8uildin95) VALUE -I- .. - [(') gS 00 15{..;z.o --.-- --- '0 n ;;It-{- (;/. 0 .1!L - I ,;L 0 a ,~, ' ;.-~ J ) ,1.::-: .. ~'i <~" ..{ ~ e>;),j ').. ('/.. , (' '- ?'::',')-. 375'/;> 0 7:;;, 5',;; (; --.:.. , . Vj , ) 'J. " - ' , _3'" ?:' ,- - " ---- _., ~- - -. - "'".-.,,"-,- ----- - ---. -- . - -.- - - ---- -.- ---~- ~ ---- 1--- - -- -- I I - , '$.~ , -- I - - - .- - J