HomeMy WebLinkAbout122082360000 Y... Fill No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~.l/ 0- Rd. Soh. Port PUO!FPD ~ l.d....A.l2.:...r..........s.:.e.... --L 7'IJ3...f1L,L ,,,.:I r. ~ f".t; 1..7L /'J J ...2.1... ,'iODll..<; Alf'red Snell h r!.,,f 4J,53 UJr'./iv/lu II. 1,1..1.../1 ,J' aJl.; ~,H.C;75/ v.. /J . .!./:;..LJ.7t IJ.5IJ ..ilL ;("",1/, ,: ;Ao't.J,I-L jl,L, fh,... q/ .2!.~ {' '7! Ii?:t:LJ:f/n./HvkJ~ /J,;,tw::f'" ';IJ~ 5/ t::ft:> ....co.." - -=-=-:..,-.--- - Y..r Oytler Timber 0'.3 .57 __ 0'J- &. ~ ~, M. fL 7L- -1L ~ I "J'd 'tiJ d6- iJ () ~(JXJ It.-;( '-LOT BlK. SEC. MN. f-------'-- ---- -----, ----'---- ------ - NUMBER OF ACRES ~ -. , --_._---~~~=~----~-----~=-------=-----------------~---~ Unimproved Irnprond TOTAL J2. SO 32,50 ';':J .;z;,~ .:7500 .,;?.5: cJ CJ '" .:<~ .1.if/j(!) ~i "-6' 20/.00 dli (j 0 L7ilJo J6'() j'/O /;J!5' 'j.:f20 -2411dj 'f'Et h1 /6t:Y~('j ~~~ ~q.., .e~o /11~gS ,;;27~ /ty/gj;" ---~ ~ Oylter ...w "li:,~ - Ih~~ VALUATIONS Timber UnImproved Intproved /~o /.3~ /30 ~ 1.'>-;<:"' .::I.I,'),c:;' -- "_ 6 '5 - ~ o '~ ROE. if' 'Jl-:;\/)I~~~:~/JlOlolDl . '.' .'~ .', "-"". ... ~,ii,~._. .- - "r-~ Impronmlnb (Bulldlngl) SALE PRICS ~35'SJt tilL] -~"""-- ~ -- ~ B. or E. VALUE /~ 0 /3.4 /.3() ISO / 5/ !/; /~~ -?"~,?) ::'f/. <1h 1"il" 41,(; /~n ///:7'10 1/7'''''5'"''.5' - '(M'I" h,/J/5" ~ ., -~ ,_; ,'"U ....,.... , ._~~~.,.. COilli"llenciilg at tIle cOlicre'.'e fllOiiUh,ell-l se-j-dt -j-,le r~ri corner of S'rj i~~"', 8-22-'1 'vi W~ivj.; Tn S 0041'54" W 330'; th S 88015'15" E 305.72' to an iron pipe & the TPOB of the tr of land here in descr; th conti nue S880 15'15" E 998.79'; th S 0041'54" W 757.18' to the NE corner of a tr of land conveyed to Twanoh Grange No. I I 18 of Mason County, Wa. in deed dated 6/19/63 & recorded under A.F.#199237, th N 88015' 15" W 200'; th Sly along the Wly 1 ine of sd tr conveyed to Twanoh Grange No. I I 18, 210' +- to the Nly rights of way I ine of county rd known as Victor Cut-off Rd; th N 88015'15" W 513' +- at the Nly line of sd co rd to the Ely right of way I ine of State Highway #3 (formerly known as Secondary St. Hgw.#14-A); th NWly along Ely right of way line of sd hgw 830' +- to an iron pipe; th S 88015'15" E 305.72'; th N 0041'54" E 376.16' to the POB; ~XCEPTING rd rights-of-way, ).,Le. /~ q IlL/- ~._~ _1\1\' ~------- ~ ' . .' - "- " *Ex. Tract 1 c,. ,;{ 0/ ~ + ~, .., - - - ----:--^--- _--'c-:4 u_ ,,'~-- ---... ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES i' I VALUATIONS Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. {Buildings} VALUE , - , ~. f , -- I- / , ~ ),1- 2, 1:2 2 I - 3). 0 l-~' 3).0;' - 7'1 ~ir~';5 >; IoP/:20() :3 //".;)~ 1- --- - 1- --- -- ..-- -- -- -- -- -, -- -,- ---- --- ----.-- --- -- I- .--. - - ---~- I- , I A "--<=, ' " ..