HomeMy WebLinkAbout122082100010 // v.... File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS ~ ~5 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE I;? 13486f Thomas H. Matney et ux r X A;Z; lL_ #{. {. 7..r 5'51.:,'l/IJU '-;-/A-4'..//?,~",~./A/'-;/-, .... / ;J.S tl. 3€..t...Cs~v/ltJ" ~ ~7 .c./ IRp c-t.2 t! 0 'II} .d. . J~ 17' ~~...u...3.....Ll,i. L r'.a ~'2'O-:/(C3/? . ~ h i Jr"'>/6~ /-./ /?~~? / 7/J~ . R IV, 'h"/ _ If, 1"" ~~ -!ddd.' ) #? /P 11'4/ J...u. /t=-- / ~ 1M I / ~ 't',,,/ ------ "''''''_ l?Lf3 {;: :(>3ff'7'1/ (/0.d' L.-d. I A /.vv ~.'.' /7;7=- ...., -',",00, :.zo 1Jh7'53f;Uo (JJ1".J.,~.(Pdv. ,;t;LI/l..e.rN . 5/7"'l3b/70 I '1. ,j...() /(L/)/n)~;{jx-G I '.E .ill _ __ I%-,:, j:;Z;Jl(4kY ff~jL;1~dJ< n. .I: de - , ' - 11 h'?jJ'."I #-P.3tJdO $l?~o06/0e. ~ 93iJ.$l.Y 4V _-I. --- (,;,O(il r---. - "-_:_---------------------~-------------------------------~--~~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5Jo ,1. {~ {) :? <3 () .;LtJ / c; 0 /;;zo 5:< ;2.,5 /00 /;;<, b SY -5; 30 .:)..30 , :<.::,- , -f3Cr ~SS- .5~ .", ::(..., s-:,30 .1;0 ,"330 aRo /,,) 5:30 b.-30 60 370 t/.:t 0 1..1.. ...,;~~ ~5 1//1 6> ~ t.7 -0' $~ Idle) $:3{jl J.:J t:7 /.:l.5 o/'t 0 ~/S- ~f? .5Y~ ;(.5~ Y~tJ / dSLJ ?iJ ..~~ /.IJ :? 0 6(1(J ?.;:?tJ ~d 'JIJ 4"~ /Z, ~ ~tJ S~d) -r:_5 /.57!~ 7/ , ~'" cR:;1:<o '/,f;( 7fo,'7 j;..IJQ> 5:~'7 /h~O /.tJd~ ;<t:. ;ro - ~ '80>% ~~iJJ ~Mtl s::l t; () 1~ ~"-fJ 33Cf.OlJ ~Un 70 i 7/l1o 3g'l9Q c~"u,() 4 . - lOT BLK. 't..,.-- ---~' SEC. TWN. RGE. I r11 . 'Tg"'.'" , r , , L/ k .2..10. .:J.:./.Oi 010.1 l(). . ~ ' , '.. - - ~-'-"""'-". -...--.-.....- Beginning at the NW corner of the NE NW of Section 8, Twp. 22 N. Rg. 1 W. WM. and running thence South, along the Nest Boundary line or the above described 40 acres tract, 350 feet; thence East 660 feet;-thence-~6rtllJ50 _. feet to the north Boundary of the said Section 8; thence West 660 feet to the place of beginning. ~ IP'/.n> '1 tV /ChP ' , . --,A",-,.. ~r~~ .._--~ -,~~~----_., .,..,., "'... '~~ . (. '" OC- yO"\....,.f "tj -../) GAs€.' ;:'1'-/"1' .- -lJ - ~,t" NUMSER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS b.cf.? Timber Un1mproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements B, of E. (Buildingl) VAlUe 71 1.</07 I. ~ '"' <07 /1../, 7~ k9 :75'.5 7+730 7'f C"N.f- ( dr, 7/~D .3.?/'f 'I c' f-/. - / I .!; (-> J.::::) 8.L Sofh // {l'J ,t,ff d.75 t,7'15 '3&4$0 45z.1S 2t- ;.!. tJ , ,;S d..'/~ 212:)0 gt/5?tJ 1/lg2o -, ---- - -- -- -- ---- - . -- --, --- - --- 1---- -- - - - . l~ ----