HomeMy WebLinkAbout122063200010 . You J:;~ M.. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .J '/ t;; SALE PRICE' ,~~ , Rd. Ich. Port PUD FPD If) <;2 llu.862 Leip;h Hunt et ux 2 lh5... A l 2 L C -#- 1,'3 19773<:' --;;;; /il / e .A <</7 If- /' f i'L!2. ..t::L ..L .:I.- L L.. .p ";:;>o..z~ ,~ 9 ojik" liY ~. .. . n', - L -' / / ...., './01 f'r b ..-' ;/ /..s~9'- .3 do.. L !1.. r:,~. M Itf773.f,- ~e.;&U ffo/ ?I J 1f.o.l. .&. i ,? I- f.1{ ( fo\l, :'111;.j.tf{)(. #- 1r!.e.& j" J..' /. , . J ?~, ""/lSd',:/. -.;{h~"'/?' I- - - - (-;hs J():2I:l..5 ( il. I. -+- j'?;t!".. i (,7 ..# <) 8'. "7';///7 "<51' f.>:-< 3/78 341251 Frances lascone-Luci I Ie B. Ive son " " " Ir 1156480 #9 ?'/~370c (). J .If C a :.I-tJ 1-,/ (IL ~:. k -IJ~ " h;tg"{l( ~>'C- 4>/(''] ';'031/3 tJ L4-~ n I.. ).,,'!I, .LJ;.I.. ,-) It 'I b"" '" 7 J'~"r . . '. ).~ tA.{/ ~' - - - - ~ ~;2. I>!-of-t/l.'r tJ .7 fl75. A 7!J1: /1..- "'..1 2.?sD D W/J (.., - - - t:I , - - - - - .- - - - - 1- - ----4IIt---~----------------------------~---------------~---'--------~------- ' 1.-" ~~':_...... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yo.. Oylter Tlmb., U~lmproved Improvtd TOTAL Oy,ter Tlmb., UnlmpfOnd I",proved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlnga) VALUE ,~ . 5"0 , .tJ () y,..p .L.Lo' Cf L.,..-) fia(f 50 , "51) $tJ 4t7c1 ,y5c7 I~ d./'/1 "t It, , 7(" , 7tP .50 ;z.~ 00 900 -3.!f5i:' - '>;/1 1,~o 1. ~ ,7(" .7& ..s;;>- d.-6"tJ '1 t7 (J J~o'o 1t.1 J/(,,() i (1 .7t:. .71. .:<,%ho 1/3~ :399:;;- ,~ oj ."'... ;i e.. .Gt1 ..S1J! //j'~ // $5" ::15"95 , , 1/-.4 /d.,/O /.ISS- ;(SL/$' lu 126% /.5"/0 /-Y.:ltJ I .-,q:::>tJ IL1 , /9;Js I<I'#-O ~.J>rIS" 11{j ~7d Sa'5o ::~ ~?fo ~ 1~ 9a",<::' ~d 9'00d '1;1.. 1..t.,t'J. ,A ,)f' . I ~.;:( $?: ~GO 74 , I D1I'7.; ~ 1.l:3$(bQ {~s-a6 77 ~. 10,11 . t; () , /50 I;2.S00 5P.;zo I :?'3c7.. () 119 . ~ /tJC,SOQ t3 "0(, fi'oc LOT BLI<. , -;--:-: .~.'i' ...'" "(. ? ~ --' ,_"'" ..-J,. SEC. TWN. ROE. ., *- ~3icJ~6.L6i 011 \Qj I !-,' . - - . -.. /. ~ . .. - '. ' ,Y.L_ Beginning at the Northeast corner of lot 5 of section six Township 22 North range 1 West WM and run thence South on the east line of said lot 20$ feet; thence running West to the meander line of said lot; thence following said meander line in a n<;>rtheasterly direction to the point of beginning. Containing one half acre more or less. Tax 1249, App 11724 That por. of Vac. St Oy R & Tl of the 2nd c situate in front cof the N 20$' of Lot 5, Sec. 6-22-1, lying between said por. of Lot 5 & the SE lines of Oy tracts & SWly of a line rng N 46045' W from t~e N end of the E line of said Lot 5, to the SE line of said Oy tracts with a frontage of 4.60 lc mil Tr. 2 (formerly known as Tr. 3 of Lot 5) Beg 20$' S of NE corner of Lot 6; run th W to meander line; th S 430 E 135', more or less, to R/w of Navy Yard Hy; th following Nly line of said R/W in a NEly direction to I.r., containing .26 acres. ."",~. '- - ---->...--._.--~~~.- -~." *Ex. Tract I-A & Tax 12497A \ -- T I 1 I I I I I ""'.. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - YUt Oyster Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oy".r Timb., Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nh B. of E. - (Ruildin9il VALUE 77 ;J 'C'.I' .... ' ~ ,.f, ,j , l' 7700Q " ~/ F-: ~'. .- " 11 <J. I, , (.: .. r, .- 'r ,r-t' ~. ,. ''- ..- .- Y:< :( ~!J; , .. ~-' "J r~'J -,/.c7.,...,...., 79_"00 , 12L ,50 ,50 79000 55 S50 /31./ 55'0 ,- I~ ---- --- , , I I -, - .. I ..,_~~I,;.J