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Year File No. 8/87 ~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2. 7 r_ Rd. Sch. Port PU FPD 1 03 A 3 2 L CH 1 SALE PRICE H Brent Anderson ET AL #22867 . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE 8' .29 .29 4380 43540 48020 LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. II 12.12.101",1/ I~ 91_1 :'lId 6 :;2 1 Tr. 3 SE NE .. 2S' - . , ;1..... l"J~:"t 'll, ft,'l..'t of tht.. Ca=.t l7e- -t.:~t 0: t~;?- SXltf; 13'7,':0 fi~"~ (I tll.' Sw..1t".,\'.it Cl.~at.tc,- of tho t.:ore...F.I.>;t OliLlr1,t..'r-, Se>c;li~n 6, I 'J,__,r'-';'lj~. :-.;' t~LJl th, Ri.~l1gi! j :-J......t. ~,I.M.; II :::.tlliltC In M.:l..,clI"l CUllnt" l-:i.H,h.llg~_Jn. I. I "[~T Tn ilnrJ lO::;CTH[F, :>':~Tli Po ,""1on-c};clufiivc. l?':\'::wIT.c.r,t ft.~. ing:-eLs - \ c..l1~_lf'=, ,:I; ~ CJ'.n"'. , L'.r,d.-':'", .:.rod i'cr-o;;-,;;; th." N~:-til:"".~ f.::.zt. of ~~\.-.;..tl, 1::'7,5 f",ei". =~ !:JU? fl)11D.:.:.rg dc>sc:ribcd pal""t:L'l: That ,lO. ...ton Qf the SoullH!d.st 0:"'\<11""\:,,]1" of- till:! No:-thoi1St Quarto.~ of ::.....tl;...J" 6, TDI;niihip == North, R.:-.n:;;e 1 West, 1\'.1'1" w:',iC;h li""5 ea~t c ( th.:o C.:\...:'.,.,-ly right-'of-,'J...y lifis of S~:ate Highway 3; EXCEPTING U-',.'I' ~rD,1l ro,ad right!i"-c)f-w.;.~y I'.ND EYCEPT .:\150 thE' Ea~t 85 f8et of 1 ;,,:~ ,...~'m"i '-ldr.:-r, TC}[THER WITH an e<:lSem-:-I..t fOr" co~ni;lon and reserve dr';:.infield ~_,;...~I..l..;",..; ..z follow!::: -: t,c.t ;.1'-" ti on of U.f) S,-,lIthe.=.st ~I!.:C'rter of the Northaaat Quar-te>r, SP,.tH.:'d .'. fClI..nhlllp :.:~; r/~r"U'" R;lngCt 1 t>Jeal, IlJ.M.. w!'-.tch lie:; east 01 th~. l~.I\..tpt'l yt 1 ghi -c.Jf-\l'':'1Y 1 i ne of State Hi ghWil).' 3; EXCEPTH!G t~.~';.<-'f;';" roi'c r-lghi.:';-t,);:-I~ioY, s':\1d portion c..-scr-it:ed .as follows: j'Oo,lllln1/'U i:\t thti? Southeast co:-nE'l"" o-f s.?id South!?a5t O'..larter of 't.he rJ:J,.th.~.;.\..t tlH<:lrb:.~"'; thc~f1ce ('Jes~:e'rly alrJng thu ~:iQdth~r ly li~~! of '""~I:' d 5, 'f.o.'il<.;t r,\u,:\' tL"- o.f t.h,~ NL'....'U-""'.Hit. Qll"wte~ ~'75, 8 '~E!",t, (!lur'tO' or 1, <" tilf2 Ca ,I. "j,~lLt 'c.f"\~,,\/ L'l...' of Stat.e HlghH~1.,/ 3; t.hl,!.jC:o th .,.lDn~ r:"id ) i91",t-'C-[''''-,. l~n~' to .:.\r. intel'":::.e;:tio:, \~ith U",O 'JG. t..... !~r,e Cl-r the:: '3o.lth 137.5 f~hJt. of ~",id 301.,tthe~5t Cu,)..-te'~ of the ':r' the Qt.;,;.'.tClr-; thr."lre al~)!'9 .:t",e Nrwth linE;- Q-f the SO:.ith 1-:!:.7.5 :.'C'!':' ,.3..d SC...lt.h_,;;c-;; CUilrtar of t~c t'!OI-theilst (lu..rter- 25 fQE't; :', _" "'I,:",'; I F>'" 'i11?1 ,,'r.,: "2:: ;p,:t di f,tanr:(;o "from t'.". ~,;,st~rly ,lr..'.t.-~: ....""; lin.: of ':j'"ilLe H~gt"..I.;,:'" :" b::; feli"t, mo,.e or !:!1'.iS, to ;1,.-. r.~ JJ,.1. t'.~ "h~' "'.;..l'!-.h 1',7.3 ';:~t .:Jf St...;;rJ Sah':::!1C:.>:\~t Q;..:r,-ter ,f :_: t ,_, 1l,~~..\:..L Q..(i'j."l'.~ ";1.])21 ,:,. ;:~-"t€~-~)', r;.:i-a~lp' with t!"loi! SOdth : 1r,- c: ,i": CU~I;'I;'~:\:',,- C'.l,,:,"t:.1 r..lf the :-"o'-the<ist Q:J<.I":C" 60 f",~,::: to . in'" >-'Lli':)f' \Iii 'I I, t:'H- ND:'U 'j,',I;! of ttl:::' South 137.5f;:08t (Jf ,\ CL'. . "'".,,, [':J.:J.l-t, er' U'..J N:I-.~t'(,,\st f'L..\j-t.-=:,r'; i.J,r:>r".c:~ s. ~~ alcnl;! t;;,r;:: r~-::,-ti~ l:.n.! ,;f till-' r;:~_.th ~:,~/.-: .fe.:,- or :;.i.'id SO"U't:ot'l:.t ':'Ll~("'t!!r c~ it">e ;'!c.I"ch.!..i:;'l C!u...r t'd F;O f("9C, i:,ur;:.;> t..:r i.e,:;::., t,) ~I,_ C=-st :inc> u~ t..;;.id Goutht.".l:..t Uttar tu:- o{ t:-'t~ 1~;J~'Ul~.:I$t C..I,u'-; ~'": thfof1~l!' S:Julh 137.5 fec>i: alc'IY G3Id CoOIst li,19 ':::0 th~ pOInt 0'; beglnnir,g. r::"CEPT t:r-'l:'> E..'~l 3:':'J "Poet of th~ S.:.uth 137.5 feEt i:.h~'-'~o'f. .